Access to Oral Health Committee
November 9, 2012
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Access to Oral Health Committee
Conference Call
November 9, 2012
PresentStaff/Guests Present
Dr. Gary Davis (5), ChairDr. Maria Tacelosky (4)
Dr. Theresa Devine (2)Kathleen Kennedy, Government
Dr. Scott Little (7) Relations Coordinator
Dr. Craig Eisenhart (7)
Dr. Joseph Kohler (9)
Dr. Joseph Greenberg (2), Consultant
Dr. Ronald Heier (2), Trustee Liaison
Dr. Mark Goldstein (1)
Dr. Richard Vermillion (3)
Dr. David Schwartz (4)
Dr. Craig Pate (5)
Dr. Alicia Risner-Bauman (6)
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 10:08 a.m. by Dr. Gary Davis, chair.
Update on HOD Head Start Resolution
HD 12-20:That the Pennsylvania Dental Association encourages all Pennsylvania
Dentists to participate with Head Start programs in their respective communities.
The committee discussed the next steps to implementing HD 12-20, a resolution from the 2012 PDA House of Delegates, including how to share Head Start information with PDA members and encourage participation. Committee members would like to encourage members to volunteer to provide Head Start oral health screenings, even if they are not able to provide follow-up care.
The committee discussed forming committees within each local dental society to communicate with Head Start administrators in their area, as well as identify and communicate with dentists who are already MA providers, to see what services they would be willing to provide (follow-up care, screenings, etc.)
Dr. Davis will send a letter to each PDA local society president asking them to form a committee to assist with the Head Start initiative by communicating with Head Start administrators in the area, as well as local dentists, encouraging their participation with Head Start. (11/12AOHCDA1)
Dr. Devine will create a one page “how to” guide on how to organize a local Head Start initiative committee to be included with Dr. Davis’ letter, and staff will create a list of Head Start administrators for each local society. (11/12AOHC02)
ADA’s “Avenues to Access” Project
The committee decided to include information about the ADA “Avenues to Access” project in the letter that Dr. Davis will send to each local society president concerning the Head Start initiative.
Department of Public Welfare
Dr. Eisenhart wrote a letter to Governor Corbett addressing his concerns over the MA dental carve out. There are currently 5 providers that participants can participate with; Dr. Eisenhart supports a single payer model.
Committee members expressed concern over the fact that there is so much confusion over the set-up of the dental carve out, and that dental providers are not receiving timely information about changes to MA. Dr. Westerberg informed Dr. Eisenhart that there are advocates from the Department of Public Welfare (DPW) who can intercede on behalf of dental providers having issues with MA provider companies.
Dr. Eisenhart was directed to contact Dr. Paul Westerberg to obtain more information about the MA dental carve out and theissue of dental providers not receiving timely information about changes to MA. (11/12AOHC03) Dr. Eisenhart was also directed to inquire with Dr. Westerberg concerning advocates who can assist dental providers with MA issues. (11/12AOHC04)
PDA’s Virtual Dental Van
The Virtual Dental Van, which is currently available on PDA’s website,is a resource for members who are having trouble navigating the MA system, however members may not be aware of it. Staff was directed to send an email blast to the membership directing them to the Virtual Dental Van, located on the PDA website. (11/12AOHC05)
The committee discussed distributing information to PDA members on the importance of early childhood oral healthcare. Dr. Tacelosky mentioned that articles on access to care and seeing children prior to age one are currently planned for future issues of the Pennsylvania Dental Journal. Committee members requested that any information be included with the Virtual Dental Van on the PDA website for easy reference.
Staff was directed to include descriptive literature on lap exams, early childhood fluoride varnish and early childhood oral healthcare on the PDA website with the Virtual Dental Van. (11/12AOHC06)
Affordable Care Act
The committee discussed oral benefits that should be included in the essential benefits package that will be offered to pediatric patients in an insurance exchange. The committee agreed that emergency benefits, as well as general anesthesia for young children and special needs, should be included.
After discussion, the committee decided that more information needs to be gathered before offering a recommendation on the essential benefits that should be included. Dr. Greenberg was directed to talk with PDA leaders on specific dental topics and gather information regarding what benefits they feel should be included and relay the information back to the committee. (11/12AOHC07)
Update on Oral Health Messaging
Dr. Greenberg provided an update on the progress of oral health messaging. Senator Anthony Williams (District 8) has agreed to participate in the messages; Dr. Greenberg still needs to contact radio station WURD (Philadelphia) to see if itwill be willing to air the messages.
MOM Event
Dr. Davis provided an update on the MOM n’ PA project. The committee is currently working on recruiting dental team volunteers for the event, as well as fundraising.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:52 a.m.