CV Prof. dr. Ruerd Ruben

Wageningen University, The Netherlands


1997 PhD degree Free University Amsterdam

1980 MSc degree Free University – cum laude

2000 Supervisor of 40 PhD theses


2014-present Research coordinator LEI Wageningen University &

Special Chair Impact Analysis for Food Security, Wageningen University

2010-2014 Director Policy & Operations Evaluation Division, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2006-2014 Professor Development Effectiveness & Director Centre for International Development Issues, Radboud University Nijmegen

1993-2006 Associate professor Development Economics, Wageningen University

1988-1992 Director Foundation of Rural Development Studies, Costa Rica

1982-1988 Staff advisor Rural Development Nicaragua, assignment by Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Key Achievements

Academic leadership in policy research programs on food security, sustainable land use, rural poverty alleviation and agricultural value chains. Wide experience in interdisciplinary research programs and robust impact evaluation. Field expertise in >25 countries (in Latin America, sub-Sahara Africa, Southeast Asia) with staff training and policy advice. Key expertise areas: land reform, cooperative development, farm household models, mixed farming systems, fair & responsible trade, rural finance & insurance, labour markets & migration, aid architecture & aid effectiveness, value chain simulation.

Selected research projects

2015-2018 Advisor to value chain gaming of local food commodities - 2Scale-IFDS (€250k)

2010-2014 Commissioner and Supervision on impact analysis studies in the fields of food security, finance, education, heath, water and sanitation, energy and infrastructure (€750k/year)

2011-2014 Lead researcher Fair Trade Impact Studies, East Africa (€250k, funded by Solidaridad)

2007-2012 Main applicant and Coordinator of NWO-WOTRO integrated program on reproductive health care in Tanzania, funded by Hewlett Foundation (3 PhDs, 2 Postdocs).

2008-2012 Coordinator NWO-WOTRO research program on Cooperatives and Chains on farmers’ organization and supply chain integration in Ethiopia, South Africa, China and Brazil.

2006-2012 Program leader Participatory Impact assessment; impact analysis NGO programs for health care, water and sanitation, and microfinance in India, Peru, Ghana (2 PhDs)

2003-2006 Coordinator NWO research program Sustainable International Commodity Chains (WOTRO grant €600k); 3 PhDs & 2 Postdocs

2000-2003 Co-leader research program Impact of Climate Change on Water Availability, Agriculture and Food Security in semi-arid Regions (funding by NOP II; 3 PhDs).

KEY Publications (total publications: 275; peer reviewed articles: 95; H-index=24)

·  Rijsbergen, B., W Elbers, R Ruben, SN Njuguna (2016). The Ambivalent Impact of Coffee Certification on Farmers’ Welfare: A Matched Panel Approach for Cooperatives in Central Kenya, World Development 77, 277-292.

·  Lenjiso, BM, J Smits, R Ruben (2015). Smallholder Milk Market Participation and Intra-household Time Allocation in Ethiopia, European Journal of Development Research 1-18.

·  Ramirez, E and R Ruben (2014). Gender Systems and Women’s Labor Force Participation in the Salmon Industry in Chiloé, Chile. World Development 73: 96-104.

·  Francesconi, G. N. & R. Ruben (2014). Fair Trade’s theory of change: an evaluation based on the cooperative life cycle framework and mixed methods. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 6(3): 268-283.

·  Ruben, R and R Fort (2012). The Impact of Fair Trade Certification for Coffee Farmers in Peru. World Development 40 (3): 570-582.

·  Ruben, R and G Zuniga (2011). How Standards Compete: Comparative impact of coffee certification in Northern Nicaragua. Supply Chain Management,16(2), 98-109.

·  Qin Tu, APJ. Mol, L Zhang and R Ruben (2011). How do trust and property security influence household contributions to public goods? The case of the sloping land conversion program in China. China Economic Review 22 (4): 499-511.


Verina Ingram