Open Spaces, Recreation & Allotments Committee Meeting

Monday 16th December 2013

At 7.30 pm in the Village Hall


Present: Cllr D Whyberd, Cllr A Jennings, Cllr N Doré, Cllr T Cook, Cllr R Thomas

Members of the public: Two

Clerk: Rebecca Luckin

1. To consider accepting apologies
All Councillors present.

2. To record declarations of interest from members in any item to be discussed and agree dispensations

There were none.
3. To approve the minutes of the last Open Spaces, Recreation and Allotments meeting
The minutes of the meeting of 18th November 2013 were agreed as being a correct record of the meeting and duly signed by the Chairman.

4. Allotments
The holder of Plot 8 asked to place a poly tunnel on his plot. Councillors agreed to the proposal.
FH has planted blackthorn bare root stock and sprayed the alagae on the children’s play tarmac. The Clerk will check that they have not been removed by children.

A nurseryman has viewed what remains of the Washington Scarlet apple tree and confirmed that there are enough shoots to provide for 25 graftings. Apple trees should be ready for sale by July 2014. Councillors could have a plant stall at the Village Day event. Since the original plan was to produce 50 new apple trees Cllr. Milner Gulland has agreed to provide up to 25 further scions from his specimen of the Washington Scarlet. The nursery will be informed of the extra potential grafting material.
5. First Extension Graveyard

The Clerk will order one Holly tree with berries and variegated leaves, at a maximum cost of £25. Councillors have offered to plant the sapling.

6. Recreation Ground


D Flynn had been asked to provide a quote for clearing of the ditch on the western boundary of Recreation ground to allow water to flow into the stream to the west of the allotments and removal of mare’s tail from an allotment plot. He has offered to weedkill the end of the allotments while he is on site, but this may be a wildlife area. Danny Flynn agreed to trim the hedge between allotment field and ‘Dingley Dell’ (pavement side only) for £45.00. This was accepted by Councillors.

Information was provided that some of the newly planted hawthorn saplings had already been uprooted by children. Frank H would be informed and they would be replanted. The school would be told of the activity in the hope that the plants would not be uprooted again.
Improvements to rear of village hall – The Clerk provided quotes from last year as a guide. Councillors will meet on site in the New Year to discuss and identify areas for improvements, in order that quotes can be sought.

Cllr Whyberd reported that a group of community members had offered to help with maintenance of borders, improve the village hall inside and out and generate publicity. A planting scheme was circulated. The VHMC have agreed in principal to provide funds, subject to confirmation at their next meeting. Community members will maintain shrubs and the grass around. Access to the muga light meter will be maintained. Councillors agreed that formal hedge cutting would not be appropriate in a rural area. The Clerk will contact the National Trust to ask if they are in agreement to the hedge being trimmed.

7. Any other Open Space, Recreation and Allotment issues that may arise

The Clerk has ordered a brass plaque for the Jubilee tree and will ask FH to make a plinth to fix it to.
Councillors discussed the memorial plaque to Cllr Wilkinson and will look for a space on the outside of the hall where it can be fixed.
A bench in memory of Nurse Sparkes has been ordered. Her nephew could be invited to a ceremony if one takes place.

Cllr Whyberd advised that a Community Asset Register will need to be drawn up and added to the Neighbourhood Plan. A list of assets will need to be identified and could include the proposed Country Park, allotments, recreation ground, village hall, pub, school, the Triangle etc. The Clerk will obtain information on responsibilities, maintenance costs etc. Councillors were urged to consider possible Community Assets to be added to the list.

Cllr Dore advised that she would be giving up the role of Bookings Secretary for the Village Hall.

Cllr Jennings will ask her mother to hold Muga light meter cards.

The meeting closed at 20.20pm

Signed: ...... Date: ......
