World Trade


title of the event / WTO Trade and Environment Workshop
venue and dates / Geneva
24-25September 2009
Course description / This Trade and Environment Workshop will focus on two key topics of particular relevance to the work of the Committee on Trade and Environment in Regular and Special Session, namely Environmental Goods and Services and the interlinkages between trade and climate change mitigation.
Objectives / The objectives of this workshop are:
- to create an opportunity for delegations to deepen their understanding of some of the categories of environmental goods and services identified in the context of CTESS discussions in view of the next phase of work under the July 2008 Work Program, without prejudice to the position of Members in the negotiations; and
- to provide a forum for a constructive exchange between delegations and experts from international organizations and the private sector on issues relating to trade and climate change mitigation.
Programme / A draft programme for the two parts of the workshop (Environmental Goods and Services, Climate Change) is attached.
Organizing institution/body / WTO
The participation of one representative from the following developing country Members will be funded: Argentina, Bangladesh, Barbados, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Fiji, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam.
As part of the WTO procedures, a letter of invitation will be addressed to the relevant authorities, through established channels. Only candidates officially nominated by their authorities will be considered for selection by the WTO.

WTO Workshop on Trade and Environment

Draft Programme

(as at 18 May 09)

Part I - Environmental Goods and Services

The objective of this workshop is to create an opportunity for delegations to deepen their understanding of some of the environmental categories identified in the context of CTESS discussions in view of the next phase of work under the July Work Program.[1] It is aims at The workshop will provide a forum for a constructive exchange between delegations and experts from international organizations and the private sector in an informal setting, without prejudice to the position of Members in the negotiations.

Session 1: National Experiences

This first session will present national experiences in developing markets for environmental goods and services. Presentations will address, inter alia, the following questions: What particular goods are key to meeting environmental challenges and how are the relevant technologies evolving? What is the role of trade liberalization in disseminating these goods and technologies? Do tariffs have an impact on trade flows? What are the market drivers at the country level and at international level? What is the export potential for developing countries? What has been the role of supportive policy measures in promoting market deployment, production and exports in selected EGS sectors? What are the main trade barriers faced by exporters (certification, testing requirements, standards, local content requirements, tax incentives and subsidies) and how to overcome them?

  • China(Air Pollution Control) [Presentation by Climate Group]
  • India (Renewable energy: Wind energy sector) [Presentation by Suzlon]
  • Brazil (Renewable energy: Biofuels)
  • Argentina or Colombia (Waste water management)
  • ASEAN (Waste Management)
  • Bangladesh or Kenya (EPPs such as jute, sisal agave)

Session 2: Crosscutting issues

This session will address technical and crosscutting issues relating to the identification of Environmental Goods. Each presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.

  • Practical considerations relating to the identification of Environmental Goods at the border [Presentation by I. Wind/ WCO/OECD]
  • The transfer of environmentallyfriendly technologies [Presentation by Copenhagen Economics; J.Barton; L. Mytelka]

Session 3: Lessons learned

This final session will attempt to draw lessons from earlier presentations with respect to capacitybuilding needs and how they can be further addressed.

  • Roundtable discussion with representatives from [developing country Members, WCO, , IEA]

Part II – Trade and Climate Change

Session 1: Setting the scene

  • State of knowledge on Science of Climate Change [Presentation by UNEP Risoe Center, Denmark]
  • International Response [Presentation by UNFCC Secretariat; Henning Wuester]

Session II: Impact of trade on climate change

  • Trade and transport [Presentation by World Maritime Organization]
  • Carbon footprint of international trade [Presentation by ITC; Alexander Kasterine, New Zealand delegation]

Session II1: National climate change policies and trade implications

  • Labelling and certification requirement and their effectiveness [Presentation by International Energy Agency; Richard Bradley, WTO; L.Tamiotti]
  • Carbon leakage and competitvenss concerns
  • Overview of literature and outstanding questions [Carbon coalition; Julia Renaud: Joost Pauwelyn]

Session IV: Concluding remarks

  • Panel from developed and developing WTO Members

[1] The environmental categories identified in the July Work Programme are: Air Pollution Control; Renewable Energy; Waste Management; Environmental Technologies (forconservation, monitoring, analysis and assessment); and all Others (TN/TE/18).