The Anglican Cycle of Prayer
for use in the Diocese of Rupert’s Land
May 2018
Church Year BYear 1 Daily Office RCL/BCP
For each Sunday there are intentions for specific dioceses/synods/groups in The Anglican Communion Worldwide,The Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) as well the Diocese of Rupert’s Land. One of the characteristics of the Christian community throughout the ages has been our commitment to pray for the whole world but especially for our Christian sisters and brothers in churches closely linked to our own.
Prayer cycles can be overwhelming and ‘crowded’ pieces of liturgies. Care needs to be exercised in setting a context.
National and Local Leadership
•our Primate, FredHiltz and National ELCIC Bishop, Susan Johnson
•our Diocesan Bishop, Donald Phillips and MNO Synodical Bishop, Elaine Sauer and their new Bishop-elect.
•the National Indigenous Bishop, Mark MacDonald
•our Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert’s Land, Greg Kerr-Wilson
•the Council of the North
•the Bishop of our Companion Diocese, Michael Lubowa
WEEK OF MAY 6 6th of Easter/Easter 6
National and Local Leadership (see page one)
Anglican Communion worldwide,
The Anglican Church of Kenya, The Most Rev. Jackson Ole Sapit, Primate and Archbishop of All Kenya.
ACC Assisting Bishop Thomas A. Corston, the people and clergy of the Missionary Area of Moosonee
ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Winnipeg South Area of the Manitoba Northwestern Ontario Synod
Diocese of Rupert’s Land
our congregations and communities
•the People of the Parishes of St. John:
•St. John's Cathedral; The Very Rev. Paul Johnson, Incumbent & Dean, and their companion parish of St. John's Cathedral, Kasaka Parish in Central Buganda, The Very Rev. Canon KezlonKiwanukaSemanda - Dean of the Cathedral.
•St. John's College Chapel
•Grace/St. John, Carman - The Rev. Trudy Thorarinson, Incumbent
•St. John Fisherton
•St. John, Pilot Mound – The Rev. Carol Guilford, The Rev. Bill Blackburn, The Rev. Deacon Mona Blackburn, The Rev. Al Thorleifson, The Rev. Martin Allen, The Rev. Chris Lea and the Ministry Support Team.
•St. John, Lac due Bonnet - The Rev. Deacon Marline Wruck
•St. John, Wabigoon
•All indigenous Peoples working towards ordination and for those helping and teaching them.
WEEK OF MAY 13 7th of Easter/Easter 7
National and Local Leadership(see page one)
Anglican Communion worldwide,
The work of the Anglican Centre in Rome. And pray for Christchurch, (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia) the Rt. Rev. Victoria Matthews
ACC Bishop Michael Bird, the people and clergy of the Diocese of Niagara
ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Winnipeg Central and North Areas of the Manitoba Northwestern Ontario Synod
Diocese of Rupert’s Land
our congregations and communities
•The people of the Parish Church of the Ascension, Stonewall, The Rev. Canon James Bardsley, Incumbent and their companion parish of St. ApoloKivebulaayaKiwawu, The Rev. Stephen Ssekamatte, Rector
•For those being confirmed today at Church of the Ascension in Stonewall
•The mothers and grandmothers who suffered through the absence of their children away at residential schools.
WEEK OF MAY 20Day of Pentecost
National and Local Leadership (see page one)
Anglican Communion worldwide,
Pray for Colorado - (VI-The Episcopal Church) The Rt. Rev. Robert O'Neill
ACC Bishop Michael Oulton, the people and clergy of the Diocese of Ontario
ELCICBishop Syd Haugen, people, and rostered ministers of the Saskatchewan Synod
Diocese of Rupert’s Land
our congregations and communities
•the people of the Parish of St. Stephen/St. Bede, The Rev. Canon Dr. Murray Still, Incumbent, and their companion parish of St. Paul, Galatiya, The Rev. Paul Nangagala
•the members of Diocesan Council as they meet on May 26.
WEEK OF May 27 Trinity Sunday
National and Local Leadership (see page one)
Anglican Communion worldwide,
The Anglican Church of Korea, The Most Rev. OnesimusDongsin Park, Primate and Bishop of Busan.
ACCBishop John Chapman, the people and clergy of the Diocese of Ottawa
ELCICThe staff of the Saskatchewan Synod
Diocese of Rupert’s Land
our congregations and communities, especially:
•the people and the Parishes of Holy Trinity
•Holy Trinity, Winnipeg - The Rev. Enid Pow, Incumbent, The Rev. Henry Falconer, Priest Missioner and the Rev. Fitz Griffith, Honorary Assistant.
•Holy Trinity, Headingly
•Holy Trinity, Minnitaki
•For those being confirmed today at Grace St. John in Carman.