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Mary M. Juzwik
(May 2016)
Mary M. Juzwik isa professor in the departments of Teacher Education (TE) and English at Michigan State University (MSU). She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in English education, discourse studies, literacy, and religion. Mary holds degrees in English from the University of Wisconsin, Madison (PhD), Middlebury College (MA), and Wheaton College (BA). She taught middle and high school English in urban Chicago; in Ganado, Arizona (on the Navajo Nation); and in Boulder, Colorado.She now studies issues in English Education, including narrative processes and classroom discourse; dialogue in teaching and teacher education; dialogic writing theory, instruction, and practice; and most recently, religious literacy practices, pedagogies, and traditions.Mary’sinterdisciplinary work on these issues engages with scholarly traditions such as narrative studies, interactional sociolinguistics, rhetorical theory, and religious studies. The work has been recognized byawards such as the AERA Division K Exemplary Research in Teaching and Teacher Education award, the National Council of Teachers of English Promising Researcher Award, andthe MSU College of Education Excellence and Innovation in Teaching Award. Shereceived the Edward B. Fry Book Award from the Literacy Research Association for her book,The Rhetoric of Teaching: Understanding the Dynamics of Holocaust Narratives in an English Classroom (Hampton, 2009). Alongside numerous articles, essays, reviews, and commentaries, she co-authored Inspiring Dialogue: Talking to Learn in the English Classroom (Teachers College Press, 2013), co-edited Narrative Discourse Analysis for Teacher Educators: Managing Cultural Differences in Classrooms(Hampton, 2011) and co-authored Reading and Writing Genre with Purpose in K-8 Classrooms (Heinemann, 2012).She co-editsResearch in the Teaching of English.
Michigan State University1814 Shubel Avenue
308 Erickson HallLansing, MI 48824
East Lansing, MI 48824 USA
517.432.4840 (telephone)
517.432.5092 (fax)
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USAPh.D. 2003
Department of English.
Rhetoric and Composition Program
Minor in Curriculum and Instruction
Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT, USAM.A.1998
Bread Loaf School of English
Department of English
Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, USAB.A. 1993
Department of English
Certification Program in secondary English language arts education
American Educational Research Association Division K Award for Exemplary Research in Teaching and Teacher Education (2014)
Edward B. Fry Book Award, Literacy Research Association (for outstanding contributions to literacy research and practice in The Rhetoric of Teaching: Understanding the Dynamics of Holocaust Narratives in an English Classroom) (2010)
Excellence and Innovation in Teaching Award, College of Education, MSU (2007)
Ghoddousi Mentor Award, College of Education, MSU (2005-2006)
Promising Researcher Award, National Council of Teachers of English (2005)
Preliminary Examination: passed “with distinction,” University of Wisconsin (2001)
Laurence B. Holland Scholarship, Middlebury College (1998)
DeWitt Wallace/Reader’s Digest Fellowship, Middlebury College (1995)
President’s Scholarship, Wheaton College (1989)
Professor, Michigan State University
Department of Teacher Education 2015-present
Department of English2016-present
Associate Professor, Michigan State University2009-2015
Department of Teacher Education, Language and Literacy Program
Assistant Professor, Michigan State University 2004-2009Department of Teacher Education, Language and Literacy Program
Assistant Professor, Northern Arizona University2003-2004
Department of English, English Education Program
Instructor, Pre-college Enrichment Opportunity Program for Learning Excellence 2002
(PEOPLE) Program,University of Wisconsin, Madison
Writing Instructor, Center for Talented Youth, Johns Hopkins University 2000
Curriculum Coordinator, Bridge School, Boulder, CO1998-1999
English Teacher (Grades 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) and Department Chair, Bridge School1996-1999
Language Arts Teacher (Grade 8), Ganado Middle School (Navajo Nation)1994-1996
Elementary Teacher (Grades 5 6), Kinlichee Bureau of Indian Affairs 1993-1994
Boarding School (Navajo Nation)
Student Teacher (Grades 9 & 12), Proviso East High School (Chicago, IL)1993
Juzwik, M. M., DiPalma, M. & Ringer, J. (Eds.). Rearticulating Biblicism: Exploring American Evangelical Christian Literate Practice and Rhetorical Action. Book prospectus in preparation.
Juzwik, M. M., Borsheim-Black, C., Caughlan, C. & Heintz, A.(2013)Inspiring dialogue: Talking to learn in the English classroom.Teachers College Press.
Duke, N.K., Caughlan, S., Juzwik, M. M., Martin, N. (2012). Reading and writing genre with purpose in K-8 classrooms.Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Press.
Rex, L. & Juzwik, M. M. (Eds.). (2011). Narrative discourse analysis for teacher educators: Managing cultural differences in classrooms. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Juzwik, M. M. (2009). The rhetoric of teaching: Understanding the dynamics of Holocaust narratives in an English classroom. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Refereed articles
Juzwik, M. M., VanDerHeide, J., Dunn, M., & Goff, B. Becoming Argumentative Writers in (and Beyond) the English Classroom:Comparing Three Approaches to Teaching Argument Writing. Manuscript submitted to English Journal.
VanDerHeide, J., Juzwik, M. M., & Dunn, M. (2016). Teaching and learning argumentation in English: A dialogic approach.Theory into Practice, 55, 4, pp. 287-293.
Ives, D. & Juzwik, M. (2015). Small stories as performative resources: An emerging framework for studying literacy teacher identity. Linguistics and Education, 31, 74-85.
Juzwik, M. M. & McKenzie, C. (2015). Writing, religious faith, and rooted cosmopolitan dialogue: Portraits of two American Evangelical men in a public school English classroom.Written Communication, 32(2), 122-149.
Juzwik, M. M. (2014). American evangelical Biblicism as literate practice: A critical review.Reading Research Quarterly,39(3), 335-349.
Juzwik, M. M., Whitney, A., Bell, A. B., Smith, A. (2014). Re-thinking personal narrative in the pedagogy of writing teacher preparation. Teaching/Writing: The Journal of Writing Teacher Education, 2(3), 28-36.
Juzwik, M. M. (2013). The Ethics of teaching disturbing pasts: Reader response, historical contextualization, and rhetorical (con)textualization of Holocaust texts in English. English Education, 45(3), 284-308.
Caughlan, S., Juzwik, M., Borsheim-Black, C., Kelly, S., & Fine, J. (2013) English teacher candidates developing dialogically organized instructional practices. Research in the Teaching of English, 47(3), 212-246. [published by the editorial team of Professors Dressman, McCarthey, and Prior]
Curcic, S., Wolbers, K., Juzwik, M. M., & Pu, J. (2012). Second language writing: Theorizing in instructional research P-12. TESOL Quarterly, 46(4), 820-831.
Juzwik, M. M., Sherry, M., Caughlan, S., Heintz, A., & Borsheim-Black, C. (2012). Supporting dialogically organized instruction in an English teacher preparation program: A video-based, Web 2.0-mediated response and revision pedagogy. Teachers College Record, 114(3).
Duke, N. K., Caughlan, S., Juzwik, M. M., & Martin, N. M. (2012). Teaching genre with purpose. Educational Leadership,69(6), 34-39.
Richmond, G., Juzwik, M.M., & Steele, M.D. (2011). Trajectories of teacher identity development
across institutional contexts: Constructing a narrative approach. Teachers College Record, 113(9), 1863-1905.
Juzwik, M. & Ives, D. (2010). Small stories as resources for performing teacher identity: Identity-in-interaction in an urban language arts classroom. Narrative Inquiry, 20(1), 37-61.
Heintz, A., Borsheim, C., Caughlan, S., Juzwik, M. M., & Sherry, M. B. (2010). Video-based response & revision: Dialogic instruction using video and web 2.0 technologies. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 10(2). Retrieved from
Hall, L., Johnson, A., Juzwik, M., Wortham, S., & Mosley, M. (2010). Teacher identity in the context of literacy teaching: Three explorations of classroom positioning and interaction in secondary schools. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(2), 234-243.
Juzwik, M. M., Nystrand, M., Kelly, S., & Sherry, M. B. (2008). Oral narrative genres as dialogic resources for classroom literature study: A contextualized case study of conversational narrative discussion. American Educational Research Journal, 45(4), 1111-1154.
Caughlan, S. C., Juzwik, M. M., & Adler, M. (2008). From research to practice: Recontextualizing the CLASS program across boundaries.English Education, 41(1), 66-86.
Juzwik, M. M. & Sherry, M. B. (2007). Expressive language and the art of English teaching: Theorizing the relationship between literature and oral narrative. English Education, 39(3),226-259.
Juzwik, M. M. (2006). Situating narrative-minded research: A response to Anna Sfard’s and Anna Prusak’s ‘Telling identities.’ Educational Researcher, 25(9), 13-21.
Juzwik, M. M., Curcic, S., Wolbers, K., Moxley, K., Dimling, L., & Shankland, R. (2006). Writing into the twenty- first century: An overview of research on writing, 1999-2004. Written Communication, 23(4), 451-476.
Juzwik, M. M. (2006). Performing curriculum: Building ethos through narrative in pedagogical discourse. Teachers College Record, 108(4), 489-528.
Juzwik, M. M. (2004). What rhetoric can contribute to an ethnopoetics of narrative performance in teaching: The significance of parallelism in one teacher’s narrative. Linguistics and Education, 15(4), 359-386.
Juzwik, M. M. (2004). The dialogization of genres in teaching narrative: Toward a theory of hybridity in the study of classroom discourse. Across the Disciplines: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Language, Learning, and Academic Writing, 1.
Juzwik M. M. (2004). Towards an ethics of answerability: Reconsidering dialogism in sociocultural literacy studies. College Composition and Communication, 55(3), 536-567.
Juzwik, M. M. (2003). Handling curricular resources: An examination of two teachers’ tactical appropriation of first-year composition curricula. The Journal of the Council of Writing Program Administrators, 27(1-2), 40-58.
Juzwik, M. M. (1999). Our Ithacas: A ninth grade reflection. English Journal, 89(2), 87-93.
Juzwik, M. M. (1999). A vision of the possible: How adolescents built a rhetoric about place. Ohio Journal of the English Language Arts,40(1), 46-58.
Book chapters
Juzwik, M. M., Van Der Heide, J., Macaluso, K., Smith, A., Perez, N., Caughlan, S., Macaluso, M., and McKenzie, C. (2016). Constructing literacies in secondary English language arts curriculum: Discourse, history, ethics (pp. 129-147). In Adolescent literacy: A handbook of practice-based research (Eds. K. Hinchman & D. Appleman). New York: Guilford.
Juzwik, M. M. (2015). Rhetorical narrative analysis. In P. Smeyers, D. Bridges, N. Burbules, & M. Griffiths (Eds.), International handbook of interpretation in educational research methods(pp. 135-159). New York: Springer.
Caughlan, S. and Juzwik, M. (2014). Dialogic approaches in English methods courses. In J. Brass & A. Webb (eds.), Reclaiming English language arts methods courses: Critical issues and challenges for teacher educators in top-down times(pp. 83-96). New York: Routledge.
Juzwik, M. M. Spoken narratives. (2012). In J. P. Gee and M. Handford (Eds.), Routledge handbook of discourse analysis(pp. 326-341). New York: Routledge.
Juzwik, M. M. (2011). Exploring cultural complexity in teacher education through interactional and critical study of classroom narratives. In L. Rex & M. M. Juzwik (Eds.), Narrative discourse analysis for teacher educators: Managing cultural differences in classrooms(pp. 105-130). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Juzwik, M. M. & Ferkany, M. (2010). Discourse-oriented research and democratic justice. In Miller, sj & Kirkland, D., Moving social justice from theory to policy: Qualitative research tools(pp. 197-203).New York: Peter Lang.
Juzwik, M., Curcic, S., Wolbers, K., Moxley, K., Dimling, L., & Shankland, R. (2010). Writing into the twenty-first Century: A map of contemporary research on writing, 1999-2004. In M. Cappello and B. Moss, (Eds.), Contemporary readings in literacy education (pp. 265-297). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. (Reprinted)
Juzwik, M. M. (2010). Challenges and possibilities for professional development in writing instruction: Connecting contemporary writing teachers with insights from diverse research on writing. In G. Troia, R. Shankland, & A. Heintz (Eds.),Putting writing research into practice: Applications for teacher professional development (pp. 259-275). New York: Guilford.
Juzwik, M. M. (2010). Negotiating moral stance in classroom discussion about literature: Entextualization and contextualization processes in a narrative spell. In P. Prior & J. Hengst (Eds.), Exploring semiotic remediation as discourse practice (pp. 77-106). London: Palgrave MacMillan.
Pressley, G. M. Juzwik, M. M. (2005). Writing. In Pressley, G. M., Reading instruction that works: A case for balanced teaching (3rd ed., pp. 347-370). New York: Guilford.
Editorials, reviews, & other essays
Juzwik, M. M. (Ed.) (2016). Arthur Applebee: In Memorium. Research in the Teaching of English, 51(2), 241-253.
Juzwik, M. M., Cushman, E., Smith, K. & McKenzie, C. (2016). Editors’ Introduction: Defining and doing the “English Language Arts” in twenty-first century classrooms and teacher education programs. Research in the Teaching of English 51(2), 125-133.
Juzwik, M. M., Cushman, E. & McKenzie, C. (2016). Reading and writing identities in English language arts. Research in the Teaching of English, 51(1), 5-11.
McKenzie, C., Juzwik, M. M., Cushman, E., & Smith, K. (2016). Editor’s Introduction; Reading, writing, and teaching across borders: The nation-state, citizenship, and colonial legacies of linguistic and literate practice. Research in the Teaching of English, 50(4), 373-377.
Juzwik, M. M., Dunn, M. & Johnson, A. (2016). Dialogic teaching: From dialogic tools to dialogic stance. Research Literacy Panel blog. Literacy Today Online. International Literacy Association.
Brindley, S., Juzwik, M. M. & Whitehurst, A. (2016). Diversifying dialogic discourses: Editors’ introduction to special issue on dialogic teaching. L1 - Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 16, 1-10.
Cushman, E., Juzwik, M. M., McKenzie, C., & Smith, K. (2016). Editors’ Introduction: Spatial and material relationships in teaching and learning English. Research in the Teaching of English, 50(3), 257-262.
Cushman, E. & Juzwik, M. M. (2015). Editors’ Introduction: The Teaching of English. Research in the Teaching of English, 50(2), 125-131.
Macaluso, K., Juzwik, M. M., & Cushman, E. (2015), Editors’ Introduction: Storying our research. Research in the Teaching of English, 50(1), 5-10.
Cushman, E., Juzwik, M. M., Macaluso, K., & Milu, E. (2015). Editors’ Introduction: Decolonizing research in the teaching of English(es). Research in the Teaching of English 49(4), 333-339.
Smith, A., Juzwik, M. M., & Cushman, E. (2015). Editors’ Introduction: (Dis)orienting spaces in literacy learning and teaching: Affects, ideologies, and textual objects. Research in the Teaching of English 49(3), 193-199.
Juzwik, M. M. & Cushman, E. (2014). Editors’ introduction: Teacher epistemology and ontology: Emerging perspectives on writing instruction and classroom discourse. Research in the Teaching of English, 49(2), 89-94.
Cushman, E. & Juzwik, M. M. (2014). Editors’ introduction: Developing the international presence of Research in the Teaching of English. Research in the Teaching of English, 49(1), 5-8.
Juzwik, M. M. & Cushman, E. (2014). Editors’ Introduction: Power and the schooling of English: Ideologies, embodiments, and ethical relationships. Research in the Teaching of English 48(4), 381-385.
Juzwik, M. M. & Cushman, E. (2013). Editors’ introduction: Translating, developing, and sponsoring literacies across the lifespan. Research in the Teaching of English, 48(2), 141-147.
Cushman, E. & Juzwik, M. M. (2013). Editors’ introduction: Tracing the movement of literacies
across, within, and around. Research in the Teaching of English, 48(1), 5-12.
Juzwik, M. (2010). Over-stating claims for story and for narrative inquiry: A cautionary note. Narrative Inquiry, 20(2), 375-380.
Juzwik, M. M. & Heintz, A. (2008). Review of Whittaker, R., O’Donnell, M., & McCabe, A. (Eds.). Language and literature: Functional approaches. (Continuum, 2005). Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 30(4),559-560.
Juzwik, M. M. (2008). Review of S. Kucer & C. Silva, Teaching the dimensions of literacy. (Lawrence Erlbaum, 2006). Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 30(1), 108-110.
Juzwik, M. M. (2008). Review of Wortham, S. Learning identity: The joint emergence of social identification and academic learning (Cambridge, 2006). Teachers College Record. (available on-line at
Pu, Jiang & Juzwik, M. M. (2007). Review of G. Demetrion, Conflicting paradigms in adult literacy education (Lawrence Erlbaum, 2005). Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 39(3), 492-494.
Juzwik, M. M. & Pu, Jiang. (2006). Review of R. Holme, Literacy: An introduction (University of Edinburgh Press, 2005). Applied Linguistics, 27, 531-534.
Juzwik, M. M. (2005). Review of V. Zamel & R. Spack, Crossing the curriculum: Multilingual learners in college classrooms (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004). Composition Studies, 33(1). Available on-line at
Juzwik, M. M. (2005). Review of G. Kamberelis & G. Dimitriadis, On qualitative inquiry (Teachers College Press, 2005). Teachers College Record, 107(11), 2502-2507.
Juzwik, M. M. & Sherry, M. (2005). Story makes sense of story: The power of oral narratives in
language arts classrooms. New Horizons for Learning Journal.
Juzwik, M. M. (2004). Review of R. Coe, L. Lingard, & T. Teslenko, The rhetoric and ideology of genre (Hampton, 2002). College Composition and Communication, 55(4), 767-770.
Juzwik, M. M. (2002). Review of C. Hill & E. Larson, Children and reading tests (Ablex, 1999). Teachers College Record, 104(1), pp. 10-12.
Juzwik, M. M. (1999). Weaving ‘countless silken ties of love and thought.’ Review essay about Stories in the land: A place-based environmental education anthology (Orion, 1998). Bread Loaf Rural Teacher Network Magazine (Spring/Summer), pp. 24-25.
Juzwik, M. M. (1997). Running the river. Newsletter of the Assembly of Rural Teachers of English, 7(2), pp. 4-5.
Bad Christian: Essays on Sacramental Spirituality, Literature, and Education. Paper accepted forTrying to Say God: Re-enchanting the Literary Imagination, a literary gathering sponsored by the Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts at Notre Dame University, South Bend, IN, USA. (June 2017)
Juzwik, M. M. Rhetorical practices and mystical connections: Comparing the spiritual legacies of Simone Weil and Evelyn Underhill. InDigital, Apostolic, Mystical, Embodied: Religious Women’s Disarticulating Rhetorics.Paper accepted for presentation incompetitive sponsored panel for the Religious Rhetorics Standing Special Interest Group.Conference of College Composition and Communication. Portland, OR, USA (March 2017). Invitation declined.
VanDerHeide, J. & Juzwik, M. M. (2017, February) The dialogic emergence of argumentative social action in a United States secondary English classroom. In Dialogic studies of writing, instruction, and classroom talk in United States literacy classrooms. Symposium presented at the Writing Research Across Borders Conference. Bogota, Colombia.
Juzwik, M. M. & McKenzie, C.(2014, November). Framing Biblicism as literate practice. In M. M. Juzwik (Chair). Understanding Biblicism as literacy practice. Panel presented at the annual conference of the National Council of Teachers of English. Washington D.C., USA.
Juzwik, M. M. & McKenzie, C. (2014, April). How religious faith complicates literacy education for cosmopolitanism in U.S. schools: A case study of an evangelical Christian student in a secondary English classroom. In J. Brass, Literacies, identities, and religious faith commitments and communities in dialogue. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Juzwik, M. M. (2013, November). How can faith shape teachers’ ethical frameworks and pedagogical practices? Learning from an Evangelical Christian high school English teacher.Talk presented at the Annual Convention of the National Council of Teachers of English. Boston, MA, USA.
Juzwik, M. M. & McKenzie, C. (2013, June). Challenging faith in dialogue: The problem of religion
in a personal belief essay unit in a midwestern secondary US English classroom. Paper presented at
the biannual meeting of the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue
Education, Paris, France.
Caughlan, S. & Juzwik, M. M. (2013, June). English teacher candidates developing dialogically
organized instructional practices.Paper presented at the biannual meeting of the International
Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education, Paris, France.
Ives, D. & Juzwik, M. M. (2013, April). Small stories as performative resources: An emerging framework for studying literacy teacher identity.Poster presentedat the Language and Social Processes Business Meeting(E. Yeager, Chair).Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, CA, USA.
Juzwik, M. M. (2012, November). What literacy practices surround the Bible in America’s evangelical sub-culture(s) and why should literacy scholars care?Roundtable presented at the Annual Conference of the Literacy Research Association. San Diego, CA, USA.
Juzwik, M. M. (2012, November). Evangelical Biblicism as literacy practice: Implications for scholarship and teaching. In V. Kinloch (Chair), From promising research to critical scholarship: Conversations with former promising research award winners. Roundtable talk at the Annual Convention of the National Council of Teachers of English. Las Vegas, NV, USA.
Juzwik, M. M. (2012, November). Rhetorical aspects of ethical reading. Paper presented in Borsheim-Black (Chair), Am I doing more harm than good? An ethical approach to multicultural literary study. Panel presented at the Annual Convention of the National Council of Teachers of English. Las Vegas, NV, USA.
Juzwik, M. M. (2012, April). Sharing and making meaning of experience. In N.K. Duke (Chair), Genre with purpose: Reading and writing narrative, informational, procedural, persuasive, and dramatic genres K – 8.Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Reading Association. Chicago, IL, USA.
Juzwik, M. M. (2011, November). Transacting with Holocaust texts in the English classroom: Ethical problems and rhetorical responses. Paper presented in M. Juzwik (Chair), Beyond reader response: Ethical, sociocultural, and historical issues in critically engaging multicultural literature. Annual Conference of the National Council of Teachers of English. Chicago, IL, USA.
Juzwik, M. M. and Caughlan, S. (2011, October). Dialoguing about dialogue: Using meta-lessons to help students engage and learn from classroom discussions. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Michigan Council of Teachers of English. East Lansing, MI, USA.
Juzwik, M. M. (2011, June). Preparing teachers to teach narrative writing: Implications and future directions. Paper presented in Expanding perspectives on narrative writing pedagogy in English teacher education, Biennial Conference on English Education. Fordham University, New York, USA.