Nomination Guidelines
1. Nominationswill be accepted from Rotary Clubs in District 9700.
2. Nominees may be Rotarians but where a Rotarian and a non-Rotarian are ranked equal by the selection
panel, priority will be given to the non-Rotarian.
3. A nominee must be either an Australian citizen or a permanent resident of Australia.
4. Nominees should preferably reside and/or carry out their vocation within the boundaries of District 9700
5. It needs to be shown that a nominee has a commitment to high ethical standards and a record of outstanding direct achievement in their chosen vocation which has been to the advancement of that vocation and the nation.
6. Excellence in Community Service does not come under the conditions of this Award. The Vocational
Excellence must be evident in the direct activity and /or contribution by the individual or individuals
nominated and not merely occur within an organisation managed by the individual.
7. The Committee, may at its discretion, determine not to make an award in a year if it feels that the standard
of the nominees would lower the prestige of the Award.
Please adhere to the following criteria to enable your nominee to be assessed by the Committee on an equal footing with other candidates.
- Nominations are to be completed on the prescribed formby31st October.Only the material on the form will be considered in the selection process
Email or post a copyof the completed form to the Committee Chair.
- Each nomination is to contain a statement of the qualifications and the achievements of the nominee.
- It is critical that as many details as possible are made available on the form in support of the nomination to enable the committee to fairly complete its deliberations. Do not send press cuttings or photocopies of publications.
- List ALLachievements of the nominee in chronological order or order of significance..
- The magnitude of the achievements should be noted in relation to their local, regional, national and international significance.
- It is helpful to the Committee if the nominating Club can include the names of no more than three persons in the same vocation who may be willing to act as referees. If required, the Committee may seek additional information from these persons.
It is imperative that nominees are NOT informed of their nomination until the Awards Committee has considered all nominations and has invited the successful candidates to accept the Award. The nominating Club will be informed as to the outcome of their nomination.
It is intended that the identity of the Awardees will not be revealed until the Awards Presentation Ceremony at the District Conference.
The awardee will receive an engravedmedallion with the design bearing a symbolic hand reaching for the Star of Excellence. A framed Citation Certificate is also presented to the awardees.
Nominating club arranges for their nominee to attend the District Conference.
All costs in connection with the medallion and citation certificate will be paid from District funds. Any cost of attendance at the District Conference of the successful nominee and video production may be met by the nominating Club.
District Chair
Murray Paterson
8 Illamatta Way, ORANGE 2800
P: 63612222 M: 0418206485