This Association shall be known as the “Georgia Academy Power Softball Club”, “Georgia Academy” and “GAP Softball Club”, and referred to as the Program, and shall retain the rights of ownership of the name and logos of the association regardless of changes made in PROGRAM personnel.
(A)This program is organized and shall operate as a not for profit organization. The principal purpose is to promotelearning,social welfare, charitable civic improvement activities, mission trips, educational opportunities, experiences to empower women and other similar non-profit purposes. Any income received shall be applied only to the non-profit purposes and objectives of the organization and no part of the income shall insure to the personal benefit of any officers or members.
(B)A related purpose shall be to teach and coach the game of girls’ fastpitch softball. By doing so will allow the Program to identify, develop and enhance players individual skills in a structured and competitive environment and allow them to play at the national or international amateur sports level.
The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE will be comprised of a staff member representing each age group in the program. The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE will be made up of a maximum of 65 members (8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, 18U). Each member of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE will retain the right to vote on issues related to the operation of the Program. At least one half of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE must be present for a quorum. The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE shall have the authority to establish and amend the by-laws of the Program with a “majority” vote of its members. A majority vote is defined as a minimum of 51% by its EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE members. Approved amendments to the by-laws must be distributed throughout the Program.
Each member of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE will serve a 1 year term, with the exception of the Chairman who serves a two year term that runs concurrent with their Advisory Board/ Officer role. As a member of the Executive Committee the Chairman will also serve as the representative for their respective age group.
Following the conclusion of the season and prior to September 1, each age group is responsible for nominating a staff member to the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.Upon the recommendations of the Advisory Board, the current Executive Committee will vote on the new slate of representatives for the upcoming season.
Any coach that has previously been vetted through the probationary period (New Team) may be eligible to serve on the Executive Committee or Advisory Board.
The OFFICERS shall be responsible for the day to day operation of the program. Duties and responsibilities shall be as follows:
- CHAIRMAN: The CHAIRMAN shall be responsible for carrying out the directives of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The CHAIRMAN is also responsible for presiding over the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE and other program related business. The CHAIRMAN does not have voting privileges unless the vote ends in a tie, in which case, the CHAIRMAN will cast the deciding vote.
- VICE CHAIRMAN: The VICE CHAIRMAN will be “named to act” as the CHAIRMAN in the event the CHAIRMAN is not available to preside over a meeting. The VICE CHAIRMAN can be any member of the ADVISORY BOARD and they will not have voting privileges during the meeting in which they preside over for the CHAIRMAN.
- TREASURER: The TREASURER shall maintain records of all financial transactions and report such to the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE at each regularly scheduled meeting. The TREASURER shall have fiduciary responsibility and maintain a PROGRAM checking account. The TREASURER will be responsible for communications with the PROGRAM ACCOUNTING agency to ensure compliance with 501C (3) regulations. The TREASURER does not have voting privileges.
- SECRETARY: The SECRETARY shall record the minutes at each regularly scheduled meeting of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, maintain a current version of the By-laws, maintain the archives documents and provide information to the members and others from this resource.
- CONSULTANT: The CONSULTANT shall serve as an ex-officio member (non-voting member) that provides advice to the program. The CONSULTANT shall be appointed by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.
Each Officer and the Consultant will serve a 2 year term. Following the conclusion of the second season and prior to September 1, the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE will conduct an election for the positions of CHAIRMAN, TREASURER, SECRETARY and CONSULTANT. The season is defined as September 1 to August 31 each year. All officers can seek reelection.
The ADVISORY BOARD shall be comprised of the OFFICERS, CONSULTANT plus two (2) individuals elected by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE to serve a 2 year term. The major function of the ADVISORY BOARD will be to serve as a consulting body to the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The members of the ADVISORY BOARD will not have voting rights if they are selected to represent their respective age group. (Removed section) “The only exception will be the CHAIRMAN, TREASURER and CONSULTANT who will not have a vote.Only the Chairman may serve on the Advisory Board and the Executive Committee during concurrent terms as described.
Each ADVISORY BOARD member will serve a 2 year term. Following the conclusion of the second season and prior to September 1, the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE will vote on new ADVISORY BOARD members.
The ADVISORY BOARD shall appoint PROGRAM COMMITTEE positions that will serve 2 year terms that will be co-terminus with the CHAIRMAN. The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE reserves the right by majority vote to replace PROGRAM COMMITTEE positions. Listed below will be the committees:
- Documents – This COMMITTEE will be chaired by the SECRETARY
- Visibility
- Events
- Membership
- Training
- College Recruiting
- Spirit Wear
- Program Purpose Compliance
(A)Removal From Office
The CHAIRMAN and/or members of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE can be removed from office through a “majority” vote of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.
(B)Elastic Power
The CHAIRMAN shall have “elastic power” to make decisions concerning the Program, in the event that an EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE meeting cannot be called.
Members of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE are required to attend regularly scheduled monthly meetings. The CHAIRMAN will prepare a meeting agenda and oversee the meetings in accordance with “Robert’s Rule of Order”. Failure to have an authorized TEAM representative at scheduled meetings will result in a $50.00 fine. All teams need to be represented at monthly meeting. Any Executive Committee Member or Advisory Board Member thatis unable to attend from two consecutive meetings ORmisses 50% of the called meetings in the same competitive season/ year may be removed from their elected position.(PROPOSED 7-10-16)
(B)Open Program Meetings
Any member to the Program (coaches, players, parents, guests) may attend “Open Program Meetings”, but will be required to submit an agenda request to the CHAIRMAN of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE to attend the meeting. Only members of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE and ADVISORY BOARD will be present during voting activities. A proxy vote is mandatory if members of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE are not physically present at the monthly meetings. The member of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE will need to communicate their proxy assignment prior to the beginning of the meeting to the CHAIRMAN. Failure to assign a proxy will result in a $50 fine.
(C)Emergency Tele-meetings
In the event that it is virtually impossible to conduct a meeting of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, the CHAIRMAN has the “elastic power” to act on an issue of urgency by obtaining a majority vote from the members of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE electronically.
(D)If the CHAIRMAN is unable to attend the meeting, the VICE CHAIRMAN will preside over the meeting. If the VICE CHAIRMAN is not present at the meeting, the CHAIRMAN shall brief and appoint another member of the ADVISORY BOARD to lead the meeting.
(A)Annual Dues
Each TEAM in the Program shall pay an annual fee of $400 per team, player on their roster, due no later than November 1 each year. All program funds will be utilized for the advancement of the PROGRAM, including but not limited to facility rentals utilized in organizational functions, coaches training, accounting fees, insurance, administrative costs, website management dues, etc.
Coaches ejected from contest due to unsporting acts shall be fined $50.00 for the 1st offense, $75.00 for a 2nd offense, and board review for a 3rd offense. Any fines assessed by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE shall be paid within (72) hours of the assessment or face additional fines or suspension assessed by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.
(C)Operating Budget
Each TEAM is required to submit an “initial” operating budget to the TREASURER no later than October 1 each year, and be prepared to submit an “end of season” operating budget if requested by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.
Each TEAM is required to submit a copy of their bank statement to the TREASURER on a monthly basis for review.
(A)Team Forms
Each team will distribute, and keep a current file of, the following forms: Parent/Player Agreement, Emergency Medical Form, Consent/Liability Waiver Form, Team Insurance Form, Governing Body (ASA, PGF, USSSA, USFA, etc.) Forms.
These forms are to be completed and returned to each respective manager no later than February 1 each year.
(B) Additional forms may be required as needed.
ARTICLE VIII:SPECIAL EVENTS– (Participation in these events is Mandatory)
(A)Program Tryouts
(B)Meet the Teams Night
(C)Christmas Dinner
(D)Spring Training
(E)End of Season Awards Event
(F)Team Sponsored Tournaments, Camps, Clinics
When a team(s) within the Program sponsors or operates an event that serves as a skill enhancement or fund raising opportunity, the entire Program is encouraged to participate and support the event.
Fundraising activities by teams, or the Program, shall be subject to approval of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. An outline of fund raiser shall be submitted prior to the execution of the activity.
(A)Public Service
Each team will participate in a mandatory 100 hours of public service in one (1) or any combination of the three (3) main disciplines listed in Table 1(a).
Organization Type / NTEE Code / SubcategoriesCommunity Service / Public Societal / S
Environmental Service / C
Recreation & Sports / N
Youth Development / O
Human Services / P
Religion Related / X
Table – 1(a)
(B)Hour diversification
- Each team must participate in TEAM based events for public service.
- A minimum of 50% of a given team must be in attendance for an event volunteered.
- Hour completion may be achieved in any combination or time slot/manner chosen by the head coach.
- Only hours completed by players will be counted towards 100 hours of public service.
(C)Service usage
Time used in service may be used on ALL collegiate applications as independent time served towards extracurricular credit.
(D)Visibility Committee
Hours are to be catalogued and submitted to the Visibility Committee within (72) hours of completion of volunteered service.
Coaches and Players will wear Program approved apparel to all events volunteered including:
- Practice Jerseys
- Spirit Wear
- Jersey
(F)Each team will assign a sponsor to coordinate events with the Program Purpose Compliance Committee to govern each teams’ responsibility to meet this commitment.
(A)Regular Season
Each team will attempt to compete at a level relative to the ability of their respective players.
(B)Post Season Qualification
Each team will have a top priority of qualifying for anUSA/ASA (Amateur Softball Association), PGF (Premier Girls Fastpitch) or USSSA/USA Elite SelectNational Tournament. Failure to qualify for the ASA or PGF National Tournament will result in qualifying for a national/regional/world series tournament in another sanctioning organization (USSSA, USFA, etc.). Teams that fail to qualify for an USA/ASA, PGF or USSSA/USA Elite Select National Tournament, and/or teams playing 10U and younger must participate in a National/ Regional/ World Series in another sanctioned body (USSSA, USFA, etc.).
ALL Coaches are required to attend an annual Training Clinic (to be determined by the EXECUTIVECOMMITTEE) and sign the Program’s “Managers/Coaches Agreement”. NOTE: Current, and/or ex, spouses are not permitted to coach on the same team.
(B)Spring Training
Every team is required to participate in the annual Program Spring Training event. The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE will determine the dates and sites of the event no later than September 15 each year. Teams shall not participate in any tournaments prior to Spring Training, with the exception of national qualifying or college exposure opportunities.
The coaches should provide information concerning instructional camps and clinics to the players on an on-going basis.
(D)New Teams
The process for admitting new teams into the PROGRAM shall be; (1) Prospective new team manager is interviewed by the Membership Committee. (2) The Membership Committee will present the prospective team to the ADVISORY BOARD for considerationprior to the next EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE meeting (3). If the ADVISORY BOARD determines the team to be a good fit for the PROGRAM, the Team Manager will be invited to the next EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE meeting for a formal interview. A motion to approve or deny the new team into the PROGRAM will be presented for a vote to the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.
(E)All Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches will be required to complete the ASA ACE (Achieve, Certify, and Educate) Coaching Certification Program prior to the commencement of the season. For coaches returning teams to the program, the ACE certification must be completed prior September 30 each season.
(F)PROBATIONARY PERIOD: All new teams added to the program after September 1, 2015 will have a 1 year probationary period. The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE will review the team’s participation in the PROGRAM during the July EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE meeting. The evaluation will consist of a total review of the participation in PROGRAM COMMITTEES, participation in SPECIAL EVENTS, community service projects, and on field performance.
(G)All softball teams must register with USA Softball at the start of each competitive season/ year. (effective 9/1/16)
The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE will develop a Program-wide “Uniform Policy” for coaches and players. Uniforms will be consistent in style, color and design as prescribe in the “Uniform Policy”. The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE will circulate the “Uniform Policy” to each manager in the Program. Failure to comply with the Program Uniform Policy may result in penalties/ fines to the guilty TEAM(s).
The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE will negotiate pricing and purchasing of equipment in an effort to obtain the best pricing possible for the entire Program. Once a pricing program has been established with a vendor, that information will be kept confidential within the Program.
(C)Retaining of Uniforms/Equipment
It is the responsibility of each manager to collect uniforms and equipment following the conclusion of each season, as stated in the “Parent/Player Agreement”. In the event that a manager leaves the Program, the Program will retain the uniforms and equipment for said team. In the event that a team dissolves, or separates due to age issues, the disbursement of uniforms and equipment will be based on the placement of the majority of the players retained within the Program.
- Within Each Team
It is the responsibility of each respective manager to expect and maintain a high degree of acceptable behavior from coaches, players, parents and fans. It is the responsibility of each manager to correct unacceptable behavior within his/her respective team. Overly emotional and disrespectable behavior is UNACCEPTABLE, period! Criticism of coaches, umpires, opponents, is unacceptable whether conducted verbally or electronically on web sites/blogs.
- Within the Program
Actions that cast a negative view of the Program will not be tolerated. The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE will deal with violators, including managers and coaches. Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to, monetary fines or dismissal from the Program.
- The Appeal Process
Any disciplinary action taken by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE may be appealed through “due process”. 1. Meeting with the Program CHAIRMAN 2. Appeal to the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
(A)Amendments to the By-Laws
The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE shall have the authority to establish and amend the by-laws of the Program with a “majority” vote of its EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEmembers. Approved amendments to the by-laws must be distributed throughout the Program.
(A)This Association shall create and retain the rights of ownership to "Georgia Academy Power Baseball Club" and “GAP Baseball Club", and referred to as the Program, regardless of changes made to the Program or its Program Personnel.
(B)The "GAP Baseball Club" is subject to all Program requirements, but may be amended to gender specific needs or requirements in the sport of baseball.