KEY AMAL INDICATOR / OPERATIONAL DEFINITION / KAI OWNER1 / S1.1 / % of graduates employed locally within 6 months / Percentage of graduates being employed -survey done by Academic Management Unit. / Main: Faculty
Support: BPA
2 / S1.2 / No. of students receiving awards at national and international level / No. of student receive awards on academic, research or sporting events / Faculty
3 / S2.1 / No. of Life-Long Learning programmes / No. of executive programmes / short courses organized by UTMSPACE. / Main: UTMSPACE
PG Schools
4 / S2.2 / No. of FTE student enrolled for executive programmes (target equally divided) from the total enrolment / No. of full time equivalent (FTE) student who attended executive programmes before graduating / Main: UTMSPACE
PG Schools
5 / S3.1 / Amount of funding allocated for entrepreneurial driven initiatives / Amount of funding for
Microcredit to -
Student- RM1m(RM3000/loan per person)
Staff - RM1m(RM10k-RM30k/loan per person)
2) Job Creation for students- RM1m(maximum per project worth RM30,000)divided by no. of student
3) Excellent Track Program(ETP) -* Entrepreneurial Excellent Thrust RM5000 per person per year. / Main: Bursary
Support: HEMA
6 / S3.2 / No. of students involved in entrepreneurial projects during their studies / No. of students being involved in entrepreneurial projects such as “Job Creation” or generating income through their own enterprise during their studies / Main: HEMA
Support: Faculty
7 / S3.3 / No. of staff involved in entrepreneurial projects / No. of academic / non academic being involved in entrepreneurial projects such as “Job Creation” / Spin-of company or generating income through their own enterprise / Main: Faculty & Schools
Support: All PTJ
8 / S3.4 / a)No. of staff with entrepreneurial exposure / Percentage of academic staff who have attended related entrepreneurial programme or activity / Across university
(Data Collector:HEK)
b) b) No. of students receiving exposure through structured entrepreneurial activity / programme / No. of student attended training or being exposed to structured entrepreneurial projects during their studies / Main: HEMA
Support: Faculty & Schools
9 / S3.5 / No. of new job creation projects / No. of new jobs created for student and staff in applying their skills and knowledge / Main: TNCAA
Support: CGCC
10 / S4.1 / Total no. of staff appointed to chairmanship/committee position in the professional bodies/associations at international level / No. of staff appointed to chairmanship/committee position in the professional bodies/associations at INTERNATIONAL level / Main: Faculty and Schools
Support: Registrar Office
11 / S4.2 / No. of staff appointed as field expert/advisor at national & international level / No. of staff appointed as field expert at national & international level / Main: Faculty & Schools
Support: RA
12 / S5.1 / QS-World University Ranking (in Engineering & Technology) / The QS World University Rankings is a ranking of the world’s top 700 universities by Quacquarelli Symonds using a method that has published annually since 2004. / Main: OIA
13 / S5.2 / Eduniversal International Business School Ranking / Eduniversal is a global ranking and rating agency specialized in higher education.
Offering the annual ranking of the Best 1000 Business Schools in 154 countries and ranking of the best 4000 Masters and MBA programs in 30 specializations worldwide. Eduniversal transform a platform of information for students that enables them to make the right decision regarding the choice of their future studies anywhere in the world. / Main: IBS
14 / S6.1 / No. of high-impact community projects / No. of high-impact community projects organized by PTJ which involved student and staff of UTM.
High impact: / Across University
15 / P1.1 / No. of external experts participating in teaching and learning activities / No. of external experts from other institution or industry involved in teaching and learning activity such as curriculum development, talk ,etc / Main: Faculty & Schools
Support: Registrar Office
16 / P2.1 / No. of high value-added programmes / High value added programmes offered exclusively for corporate trainings for high profile corporations (local & international). It will be customized to company needs and specialized industry. / Main: TNCAA Office
Support: SPS and Faculty & Schools
17 / P2.2 / No. of hybrid programmes / Hybrid programme is a unique programme with the following criteria;
- It is adapted from other high class institution such as Harvard Business School Case Study (Harvard University), Harvard Summer School Programme / Denmark Tenchnical University (DTU) Summer School Programme, Open Coursewares (adapt from MIT) and 5 excellent Track Programme and etc.
- Comprises multidisciplinary cross faculty expert
- Faculty act as catalyst in the programme implementation
Support: SPS and Faculty & Schools
18 / P3.1 / No. of transformation and leadership programmes for Students Development / No. of programmes conducted to enhance leadership among the students at resident colleges, faculties and sport teams level. / Main: HEMA
Support: Faculty&Schools
19 / P3.2 / No. of Students Participating in transformation and leadership programmes / No. of students attended programmes conducted to enhance leadership skill at residents colleges, faculties and sport teams level. / Main: HEMA
Support: Faculty&Schools
20 / P3.3 / No. of students holding leadership position at university level / No. of students holding leadership position at residents colleges, faculties and sport teams level. eg. Chairman, Secretary, Treasury and committee members. / Main: HEMA
Support: FacultySchools
21 / P3.4 / No. of students involved in community engagement activities at national and international level / No. of students involved in community engagement activities organized across university / Main: HEMA
Support: Faculty & Schools
22 / P4.1 / No. of active Post-Doctoral Fellow / Number of active Post-doctoral Fellow which categorized as active if;
- Appointed in the present year or;
- Appointed year before, but still active in the present year.
Support: RA
23 / P4.2 / Total number of publications in citation-indexed journals including refereed proceedings / Number of publication in Impact Factor Journal (SCOPUS/ISI/SSCI/AI) including Refereed Proceedings published by institution (have institution name as affiliation of the publication) / Main:RMC
Support: RPC
24 / P4.3 / Cumulative impact factor of publication / Cumulative impact factor for all publication in citation-indexed journals (ISI) for that particular year. Information on the Impact Factor can be obtain from / Main:RMC
Support: RPC
25 / P4.4 / No. of spin-off companies / Number of independent company being set-up for the commercialisation of UTM research product or invention. / Main:RMC
Support: ICC
26 / P4.5 / No. of Intellectual Property (IP) / Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce / Main:RMC
Support: ICC
27 / P4.6 / Research Grant received (million) / Amount of research grants received from national and international sources.
28 / P5.1 / Percentage of postgraduate to total students / Percentage of postgraduate over total UTM student including undergraduate and post graduate (not including part time undergraduate student) / Main: SPS
29 / P5.2 / Percentage of PhD students to PG total students / Percentage of PhD student over total postgraduate UTM student / Main: SPS
30 / P5.3 / Percentage of GOT for Postgraduate students / Percentage of Graduate on Time for Postgraduate Student referring to maximum requirement for PG student to complete their studies / Main: SPS
31 / P6.1 / No. of active national / international MoU/MoA/Lol/LoA and collaboration with the industry / No. of active national/international MoU/MoA/LoI/LoA and collaboration with the industry in the recent years / Main: Faculty and Schools
Support: OIA
32 / P6.2 / Total no. of National awards/ stewardships conferred by learned and professional bodies / Total number of national award or stewardship received from learned and professional bodies for the UTM academic staff in conjunction with their contribution in the area of their expertise / Main: RMC
33 / P6.3 / Total no. of International awards/ stewardships conferred by learned and professional bodies / Total number of international award or stewardship received from learned and professional bodies for the UTM academic staff in conjunction with their contribution in the area of their expertise / Main: RMC
34 / P7.1 / No. of staff participating in community engagement activities / No. of staffs involved in community engagement activities organized by university and outside body at national and international level / Across university
35 / P7.2 / No. of new Service Learning Programmes / No. of new service learning programmes such as community related programme with credit hour / CGCC
36 / P7.3 / Total amount of community engagement funding received / Total amount of community engagement funding, for example Knowledge Transfer Programmes from Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) and fund received from private organization and NGO. / Main: Bursary
Support: HEK
37 / P8.1 / Customer Satisfaction Index / Customer Satisfaction across university using standard questionnaire / Across university
38 / L1.1 / a. Percentage of staff with PhD/DSc, D.Eng. / Percentage of staff with PhD / DSc., and D.Eng. over total number of academic staff, not included tutor and below / Main: Faculty and Schools
Support: Registrar Office
39 / b. Percentage of staff with Professional Qualifications (such as medical, engineers, architects, accountants etc) / Percentage of staff with Professional Qualification over total number of academic staff, not included tutor and below. Faculties such as Faculty of Education and Faculty of Islamic Civilisation not included in the / Main: Faculty and Schools
Support: Registrar Office
40 / L1.2 / Competency Index for Non Academic Staff (1-5 scale) / Competency Index for Non-Academic Staff base on study on Staff Competency instrument / Main: Registrar Office
41 / L1.3 / No. of non-academic staff enrolled in Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Programmes / No. of non-academic from grade 17-54 staff enrolled in Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Programmes for their career path / Main: Registrar Office
42 / L2.1 / Percentage increase of library digital content / All digital content from online database including e-journals, e-standard, e-books, e- thesis and e-video / PSZ
43 / L3.1 / Percentage of campus community satisfaction index on conducive campus / Campus community satisfaction across university using standard instrument / PHB
44 / R1.1 / Percentage reduction of operational expenditure / Reduction on operational expenditure including salary, emolument, utilities, medical, over-time and etc. / Bursary
45 / R1.2 / Percentage of uncollectable receivable / Percentage of debt collection from space rental and activities / Bursary
46 / R1.3 / Percentage reduction of Energy Consumption (kWh) / Reduce energy consumption through increased efficient energy use / PHB
47 / R1.4 / Percentage Reduction of Waste (Tonnage) / waste management approach conserve resources for future generations and contributes to a cleaner environment / PHB
48 / R2.1 / Income generated from training courses (RM mil) / Income generated from training courses across the university / UTMSPACE ,Faculty and Schools
49 / R2.2 / Income generated from rentals, Eco-Tourism Packages and properties (RM mil) / Income generated from rentals, Eco-Tourism Packages and properties of UTM / Main: Bursary
Support: PHB
50 / R2.3 / Endowment (RM mil) – cumulative / A financial endowment is a transfer of fund or donation in a monetary terms to support vibrant knowledge culture and fertile intellectual ecosystem at the university. / Bursary
51 / R3.1 / Percentage of Reforestation project completed / Percentage of reforestation project completed in year 2013 in UTM JB / PHB
52 / R3.2 / Percentage River beautification project completed / Percentage of river beautification project completed in year 2013 in UTM JB area for the eco-tourism activity / PHB