András László PAP

Associate Professor, Eötvös University (ELTE) Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media and Communication

Address: H-1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 4/A

Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Department of Constitutional Law, International Law and Legal Theory, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Social Sciences Institute for Legal Studies

Address: MTA JTI, Országház u. 30., H-1014 Budapest

Recurrent Visiting Professor, Central European University, Nationalism Studies Program

Tel.: +36-20-9717-886

E-mail:, ,


Dr. Habil., University of Pécs, Faculty of Law (Hungary) (2009)

Ph.D.,EötvösLorándUniversity Faculty of Law (Hungary) (2005)

M.Phil. in Comparative Constitutional Law, CentralEuropeanUniversity(Hungary) (2005)

MA in Nationalism Studies,CentralEuropeanUniversity(Hungary) (1999)

Juris Doctor, EötvösLorándUniversity Faculty of Law,(Hungary) (1998)


Associate Professor, Eötvös University (ELTE) Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media and Communication (2010-)

Research Chair, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Social Sciences Institute for Legal Studies (2013) (Senior Research Fellow 2008-2013, Research Fellow 2006-2008), Head of the Department for the Study of Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law (2013-) (Head of Department for Constitutional Law, International Law and Legal Theory and Human Rights (2011-2013)

Department Recurrent Visiting Professor, Central European University, Nationalism Studies Program, Hobart and William Smith Program, Bard Program (2003-)


Recurrent Visiting Professor, Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary (2008-2012)

Lecturer, Népszabadság School of Journalism – Center for Independent Journalism (2003-2012)

Visiting Professor, Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law, Hungary (1996–2000, 2010)

Visiting Professor, Károli Gáspár Calvinist University Faculty of Law, Doctoral School, Hungary (2010)

Professor of Law, Kodolányi János College, Hungary (full professor, 2006-2010, associate professor, 2004-2006)

Visiting Professor, Széchenyi University Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law, Department of Constitutional Law, Győr, Hungary (2009)

Visiting Professor, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) Faculty of Law, (1995–1996, 1999–2000, 2002–2007)

Associate Professor, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) Faculty of Law, Hungarian Legal History Department (2006)

Research Librarian, Parliamentary Library Research Services, Hungarian Parliament, Budapest (2004)

Visiting Professor, Budapest College of Management (AIESEC College of Entrepreneurial Studies Budapest),International Relations Program(2002)

Research assistant,Central European University, Nationalism Studies Department (1999–2001)

Research Assistant, New York University School of Law, Global Law Program, New York (2001–2002)

Regional Correspondent, East European ConstitutionalReview, (2000–2003)

Legal intern in Criminal Law, American Bar Association Central and East European Law Initiative (ABA CEELI) (1997–1998)

Researcher, Budapest Labor Court (1996)

Tutor in history for University applications (1995–996)

English teacher (privately and in various language schools: AMEROPA, SZTÁV) (1990–1996)


Bolyai János Research Fellowship of the HungarianAcademy of Sciences (2011-2013)

Bolyai János Research Fellowship of the HungarianAcademy of Sciences (2007-2011)

New YorkUniversityLawSchool, Global Law Program, visiting scholar (2000–2002)

Institute for Political History, Hungary, Research Fellowship (2004)

Central European University, Hungary, Legal Studies Department Comparative Constitutional Law SJD Program(1999–2005), Nationalism Studies MA Program (1998-1999)

EötvösLorándUniversity Faculty of Law, Hungary, Department of Constitutional Law Ph.D. Program (1998–2001)

World Bank-Transparency International, Research Fellowship (1998)

RichmondCollege (London, UK), Visiting Student (1992)

West Virginia State College (USA), Visiting Student (1991)


Bolyai János Award and Medal of the HungarianAcademy of Sciences (2011)

Recognition by the Minister of Interior(2005)


OTKA, Hungarian National Scientific Research Grant, „Integrational and desintegrational provesses in Hungarian Society”, expert (2013-2015)

Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Social „Incubator” Grant „Identity-political responses to social conflicts in European, national and local context”

Hungarian Academy of Sciences-Istituto di Studi Giuridici Internazionali Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome, Mobility Grant (2012)

University College Dublin, Faculty of Law, Erasmus visiting professor (2012)

UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, National Consultant (2012)

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), senior expert of the Hungarian Focal Point for the FRANET(2011-2015)

Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Division of Social Sciences, peer reviewer (2011)

Hungarian National Scientific Research Grant peer reviewer (2011-)

RED Network combating racism, xenophobia and intolerance (2011-2013), project leader, senior expert (founded by the EU)

Possible developments of Community legislation in the field of electoral matters including possible modification of Directive 93/109/EC” (Instituto Europeo de Derecho – Barcelona, Contract No.: European Commission JLS/2008/FRAC/PR/1033.) (2010), co-author

City of Westminster Magistrates’ Court, expert witness (2010, 2012)

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), Project Manager of the Hungarian RAXEN Focal Point (2007-2011)

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Legal expert in the FRALEX project (2007-2011)

Hungarian Accreditation Committee, expert (2009-)

Hungarian Foreign Ministry, Universal Periodic Review, expert, (2009)

Hungarian Central Statistical Office, Conference on the 2011 census ethnic statistics, expert, (2009)

18th International Congress on Comparative Law (Washington D.C. 2010), national reporter, family law (2009-2010)

European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), „Living in Surveillance Societies” (LiSS) (2009–2012), partner (Working group 3: The business of surveillance)

Bilateral relations between the EU and Canada in the field of Justice and Home Affairs, expert (2008)

Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)- Directorate-General Internal Policies, Policy Department C, Citizens Rights and Constitutional Affairs, European Parliament, Brussels, rapporteur, (Ethnicity- and race-based profiling in counter-terrorism, law enforcement and border control) (2008)

International Centre for Democratic Transition, „Strengthening Rule of Law Institutions in Moldova: The Constitutional Court and the Ombudsman Service”, leading expert (2008)

Council of Europe – International Centre for Democratic Transition, „Monitoring NationalHumanRights Structures”, leading researcher (2008)

Parliamentary Commissioner for Ethnic and National Minorities (Hungary), Police monitoring report, expert (2008)

Hungarian Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement, Monitoring the Roma anti-discrimination Service Network, expert (2007-2008)

Hungarian Prime Minister’s Office, Government Strategy on Aging, rule of law chapter, expert (2008)

International Centre for Democratic Transition, „Strengthening Democratic Institutions in the Balkans: Ombudsman Service Reform In Kosovo And Montenegro”, leading expert (2007)

OTKA, Hungarian National Scientific Research Grant, „Rule of law and policing”, leading expert (2007-2011)

European Union Monitoring Commission for Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC), National Focal Point, Hungary, legal expert (2004-2007)

Internal and external challenges – Challenge: The changing landscape of the European Liberty and Security, Sixth EU Framework Programme, expert, (2005–2009)

Open Society Justice InitiativeEthnic Profiling by Police in Bulgaria, Spain and Hungary Project, Regional project leader (together with Bori Simonovits) (2005-2006)

Hungarian Helsinki Committee, trainer in anti-discrimination trainings (2005, 2007–2008)

Hungarian Civil Liberties Union, research consultant (1999)

National administrator,International Law Students Association (ILSA)–Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition (1998)

Open Society Institute Constitutional and Legislative Policy Institute,(COLPI, ) – Hungarian Helsinki Committee – Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Law, legal clinic in refugee law, participant (1997)


Editorial board member, Állam- és Jogtudomány (Journal of the Institute for Legal Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), (2013–)

Editorial board member, Fundamentum, Hungary (2012-)

Chair of the Editorial board, Föld-Rész: Nemzetközi- és európai Jogi Szemle (International and European Public Law Review, Hungary) (2008-2013)

Editorial board member, Föld-Rész Book Series, L’Harmattan, Budapest (2008-2013)

Editorial board member, Scientific Journals International (2007-)

Staff editor, Belügyi Szemle (Internal Affairs Review, Hungary) (2002–2012)

Editor–in–chief (1996–1997), editor (1997–1998), “Parlamenti Levelek” (Parliamentary

Journal) a Hungarian quarterly focusing on constitutional and parliamentary law


Hate crimes-monitoring civil working group, memberm (2012-)

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Legal Committee, Law Enforcement Sub-Committee, founding member (2012–)

European Academic Network on Romani Studies (a European Union / Council of Europe Joint Programme (June 2011 - May 2013)

Minority Research Network, ambassador (2009–)

Network on Rights Equality & Diversity (RED network), member, (2009-)

International Law Association – Hungarian Chapter, member (2009–2011)

Association for the Study of Nationalities, member (2008–)

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Young Researchers Board (MTA Fiatal Kutatók Testülete), member (2008–)

Hungarian Political Science Association, member (2004–2011)

Gulliver Connect Network, member (1998-)

Association of Hungarian Journalists, member (1997–)

Szemere Bertalan Law Enforcement History Association, tag (1995–2010)


Hungarian Helsinki Committee, member (2007–)

Hungarian Europe Society, member (2003–)


Róbert Győri-Szabó (habilitation committee member) (Széchenyi István University, Győr, Faculty of Law, 2011)

Lídia Balogh (supervisor) (ELTE University of Budapest, Faculty of Humanities, 2010)

Gábor Pál (ELTE University of Budapest, Faculty of Law, 2010)

Balázs Dobos (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2009),

Károly Kisteleki (ELTE University of Budapest, Faculty of Law, 2009),

Balázs Tóth (external supervisor) (University of Miskolc Faculty of Law, 2009),

Gábor Attila Tóth (University of Miskolc Faculty of Law, 2009),

Katalin Szajbély (University of Szeged Faculty of Law 2009),

Ernő Kállai (University of Miskolc Faculty of Law, 2008),

Andrea Nagy (University of Miskolc Faculty of Law 2007),

Péter Smuk (Széchenyi István University, Győr, Faculty of Law, 2007)


  • Case Study: Citizenship in an Ethnic Jewish State”, The Politics of Citizenship,Central European University (2012)
  • Identity Politics, Nationalism, Human Rights, Minority Rights: A Comparative Introduction to History and Culture in Central Eastern Europe, Central European University Bard Program (2011–)
  • Nationalism and Ethnicity: Theoretical and Institutional Approaches, Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law, Budapest,-University of San Francisco, USA, (together with Szabolcs Pogonyi, 2010)
  • Legal and Institutional Approaches to Minority Protection, Central European University Nationalism Studies Department (2010-)
  • Law and Ethnicity, CentralEuropeanUniversity, Nationalism Studies Program (2010)
  • Religious, Sexual and Other Minorities Legal and Institutional Approaches to Minority Rights, Claims and Protection”, CentralEuropeanUniversity, Nationalism Studies Program (2009)
  • Human Rights, NGOs and Public Affairs, CentralEuropeanUniversity-BardCollege Professional Internship Program Core Seminar (2008-2010)
  • Central Europe in Comparative Perspective. Ethnic Relations in Multicultural Societies: The Hungarian Case, CentralEuropeanUniversityHobart Program (2006-)
  • Introduction to the Classics of Nationalism, CentralEuropeanUniversity Nationalism Studies Program (2003-)
  • Legal research on the Internet”, Central European University Legal Studies Department (2000)
  • Law and Ethnicity: Legal and Institutional Approaches to Minority Protection, EötvösLorándUniversity(Hungary) Faculty of Humanities (2011)
  • „Médiaetika” (Media ethics), Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary) Faculty of Humanities, (in Hungarian) (2013)
  • Kiszolgáltatott helyzetű csoportok médiaábrázolása” (The media reprsentation of marginalized communities), Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary) Faculty of Humanities, (in Hungarian) (2013)
  • Bevezetés az alkotmányjogba I-II (Introduction to Constitutional Law), EötvösLorándUniversity(Hungary) Faculty of Humanities, (in Hungarian) (2010-)
  • Kommunikációs esettanulmányok (Case studies in communication), EötvösLorándUniversity(Hungary) Faculty of Humanities, (in Hungarian) (2010-)
  • Kultúra- és politikaelmélet (Cultural and political theory), Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary) Faculty of Humanities Doctoral School (in Hungarian) (2011)
  • „Surveillance Studies” Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary) Faculty of Humanities Mérei Szakkollégium (2012-)
  • „Társtudományok: Bevezetés a jogtudományba” (Introduction to Jurisprudence) Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary) Faculty of Humanities, (in Hungarian) (2011-)
  • „Közéleti vitasorozat” I-II, (Public debaters series) Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary) Faculty of Humanities, (in Hungarian) (2012)
  • Demokratikus kultúra (Democratic culture), EötvösLorándUniversity(Hungary) Faculty of Humanities, (in Hungarian), (2010-)
  • Szakszeminárium (Ethnicity and rule of law: from the dilemmas of ethnic identity to the morphology of minority rights), EötvösLorándUniversity(Hungary), Faculty of Humanities, (in Hungarian) (2010-)
  • A hátrányos megkülönböztetés a nemzetközi és a közösségi jogban (The Principle of Non-Discrimination in International and community Law), CorvinusUniversity, Budapest (in Hungarian) (2009-)
  • Emberi jogok (Human Rights), Széchenyi University Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law, Győr, Hungary (in Hungarian) (2009)
  • A nacionalizmus klasszikusai (The Classics of Nationalism), Kodolányi János College, Hungary (2005) (in Hungarian)
  • EU jog (EU Law), KodolányiJánosCollege (in Hungarian) (2008-2010)
  • Emberi jogok (Human Rights), ELTE Faculty of Law, Kodolányi János College, Budapest College of Management (AIESEC College of Entrepreneurial Studies Budapest), International Relations Program (2003-2010) (in Hungarian)
  • Alkotmánytörténet (History of Constitutional Law), EötvösLorándUniversity, Faculty of Law, Hungary(in Hungarian) (2006)
  • Szeminárium (Incompatibility, filibuster and public corruption: Chapters from 19th century Hungarian Parliamentary History), EötvösLorándUniversity, Faculty of Law, Hungary(in Hungarian) (2005-2006)
  • Szeminárium (The constitutional history of the 1989 political transition), EötvösLorándUniversity, Faculty of Law, Hungary(in Hungarian) (2005-2007)
  • Alkotmányjog (Constitutional Law), KodolányiJánosCollege (2004-2010) (in Hungarian)
  • Közigazgatási és alkotmányjog (Constitutional and Administrative Law), Kodolányi János College, Hungary (in Hungarian) (2004-2010)
  • Alapjogok (Human Rights), EötvösLorándUniversity, Faculty of Law, Hungary(in Hungarian) (2003)
  • Jogalkotás a gyakorlatban (Legislation in Practice), EötvösLorándUniversity, Faculty of Law, Hungary, Hungary (in Hungarian) (2003)
  • Jogi adatbáziskelzelés (Internet based Legal Research) KodolányiJánosCollege (2005-2007)
  • Bevezetés a köz- és magánjogba (Introduction to Private and Public Law), KodolányiJánosCollege (in Hungarian) (2004-2010)
  • Nemzetközi jog (International Law), KodolányiJánosCollege(in Hungarian) (2007-2010)
  • Nemzetközi jog a gyakorlatban (International Law in Practice), KodolányiJánosCollege (in Hungarian) (2006)
  • Nemzetközi magánjog (Private International Law, Conflict of Laws) (in Hungarian) (2004-2010)
  • Politológia (Politics), NépszabadságSchool of Journalism -- Center for Independent Journalism (in Hungarian) (2003-)
  • Parlamenti esetjáték: jogalkotás a gyakorlatban (Parliamentary Law: Legislation in Practice), EötvösLorándUniversity, Faculty of Law, Hungary(in Hungarian) (1999-2000)
  • Jogtörténet a filmek tükrében (Legal History as Seen in Documentary and Art Films), Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law, Hungary (in Hungarian) (1995-2000)



1) A megfigyelés társadalmának proliferációjától az etnikai profilalkotáson át az állami felelősség kiszervezéséig: Alkotmányjogi és rendészettudományi megközelítések az emberi méltóság, a társadalmi biztonság és az adatvédelem értelmezésekor, (From the proliferation of surveillance societies through ethnic profiling to the outsourcing of state reposnsibilites. Constititional and law enforcement perspectives), Budapest, 2012, L’Harmattan, (311 pages) (in Hungarian)

2)A hatékonyság mítosza. Az etnikai profilalkotás alkotmányos és rendészeti kérdőjelei (The myth of efficiency. Constitutional questions concerning ethnic profiling) (co-authored with Balázs Tóth) Budapest, L’Harmattan, 2012., (282 pages) (In Hungarian).

3)Mozgásszabadság. Alkotmányjogi és emberi jogi alapok (Freedom of movement -- Foundations in constitutional and international law), Budapest, L’Harmattan, 2009 (in Hungarian) 206 pages.

4)A hátrányos megkülönböztetés tilalma Magyarországon (The prohibition of discrimination in Hungary) (co-authored with Lídia Balogh, András Kristóf Kádár and Balázs Majtényi) Budapest, Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem (National Univeristy of Public Service) 2012, (50 pages), (in Hungarian).

5)Antidiszkriminációs alapismeretek, (Introduction to anti-discrimination law) (co-authored with Lídia Balogh, András Kristóf Kádár and Balázs Majtényi) Budapest, L’Harmattan 2009, (124 pages), (in Hungarian).

6)Antidiszkriminációs alapismeretek, (Introduction to anti-discrimination law) (co-authored with Lídia Balogh, András Kristóf Kádár and Balázs Majtényi) Budapest, L’Harmattan 2009, (124 pages), (in Hungarian).

7)I can stop and search whoever I want’: Police stops of ethnic minorities in Bulgaria, Hungary and Spain, Open Society Justice Initiative, New York, 2007 (co-authored with Joel Miller, Philip Gounev, Dan Wagman, Anikó Bernát, Blanka Dencső, Bengona Pernas and Bori Simonovits) ISBN 978-1-891385-67-4[1]

8)Identitás és reprezentácó. Az etnikai hovatartozás meghatározásától a politikai képvisletig (Identity and Representation. From defining ethnic identity to political representation) Budapest, Gondolat, 2007 (in Hungarian) 316 pages.

9)Rendvédelem, terrorizmus, emberi jogok (Law enforcement, terrorism, human rights), Székesfehérvár, Kodolányi János Főiskola, 2007 (in Hungarian) 116 pages.

10)Jogszabálygyűjtemény és vázlatok az alkotmányjog, valamint a köz-és magánjog tantárgyakhoz, Vizi László Tamással közösen, szerkesztőként, (Notes and documents for introductory and constitutional law courses, co-editor), Székesfehérvár, Kodolányi János Főiskola, 2006 (in Hungarian) 491 pages.


1) A jogtudoményi életút (A career in legal acadenia), In: Jakab András (ed.), forthcoming (in Hungarian)

2)Nemzet, nemzetiség, etnicitás: retorika és fogalomalkotás (Nation, nationality, ethnicity: rhetorics and conceptualizing) In: Ferdinec Csilla – Illyés Zoltán – Simon Attila – Vizi Balázs (eds.), A közép-európaiság dícsérete és kritikája (The appraisal and critcism of east-europeanness), Kalligram, Bratislava, 2013, pp. 15-28 (in Hungarian)

3)Észrevételek a nemzetiségek parlamenti képviseletének szabályozásához az alaptörvényben, a választójogi törvényben és a nemzetiségek jogairól szóló térvényben, (Notes on minority representation under the new Hungarian constitution and adjacent legislation) In Drinóczi Tímea --Jakab András (esd.), Alkotmányozás Magyarországon 2010-2011 (Constitution-making in Hungary 2010-2011), Pázmány Press, Budapest-Pécs, 2013, pp. 419-438 (in Hungarian)

4)Pallosjog újratöltve? (Feudal blood court reloeaded?) In: Máthé Gábor – Révéz T. Mihály –Gosztonyi Gergely (eds.): Jogtörténeti parerga (Parerga in legal history), Eötvös kiadó, Budapest, 2013, pp. 285-293. (in Hungarian)

5)Kiberflanőrök a megfigyelés társadalamában (Cyberflanuers in surveillance societies)In: Boóc Ádám – Fekete Balázs (eds.): Il Me Semblait Que J'Étais Moi-Meme Ce Dont Parlait L'Ouvrage: Liber Amicorum Endre Ferenczy. Patrocinium, Budapest, pp. 2012., 225-234. (in Hungarian)

6) Biztonság és hatékonyság: a rendészeti (állam)hatalom alkotmányos és társadalmi felfogásának átalakulása a digitális társadalomban (Security and efficiency: The transformation of the constititonal and social perception of law enforcement and state powers in the digital age) in: Gaál Gyula – Hautzinger Zoltán (eds.), Tanulmányok „A biztonság rendészettudományi dimenziói – változások és hatások” című tudományos konferenciáról (Essays from the conference „Transformations and effects: Law enforcement aspects of security”) Pécsi Határőr Tudományos közlemények, Magyar Hadtudományi Társaság Határőr Szakosztály Pécsi Szakcsoport, 2012. pp. 29-40.(in Hungarian)

7)Overruling Murphy’s law on the free choice of identity and the racial-ethnic-national terminology-triad: Notes on how the legal and political conceptualization of minority communities and membership boundaries is induced by the groups’ claims, in: Kristin Henrard (ed.): The interrelation between the right to identity of Minorities and their Socio-economic Participation, Brill, 2012, pp. 115-155.

8)Dogmatsm, Hypocrisy and the Inadequacy of Legal andSocial Responses Combating Hate Crimes and Extremism: The CEEExperience. In Stewart, Michael (ed.) The Gypsy 'Menace'. Populismand the New Anti-Gypsy Politics. London: Hurst & Co. / Columbia University Press, 2012. pp.295--311

9)Constitutional Exceptionalism: Efficacy, Proportionality and the Attenuation of Balancing Standards, In: Synnøve Ugelvik and Barbara Hudson (Eds) ”Justice and Security in the 21st Century: Liberty, Risks, Rights and the Rule of Law”, Routledge, London and New York, 2012. 157-178

10)Socio-legal Notes on the Liberty vs. Security Dilemma, In: Thomas Würtenberger-Christoph Gusy-Hans-Jürgen Lange (Hg.): Innrere Sicherheit im europaischen Vergleich. Sicherheitsdenken, Sicherheitskonzepte und Sicherheitsarchitektur im Wandel, Lit Verlag, Berlin, 2012, pp. 295-316

11)Minority regimes at work – Hungarian experiences on the interrelated complexities of data protection and minority protection (co-authored with Balázs Majtényi), In. István Horváth – Márton Hornok (ed.s) Minority politics within the Europe of regions, Scientia, Cluj-Napoca, 2011, pp. 351-366

12)A homofób és transzfób indíttatású gyűlölet-bűncselekmények előfordulása, valamint a jogi fellépés keretei Magyarországon (Homophobic and transphobic incidents in Hungary, co-authored with Lídia Balogh) In: Takács Judit (ed.). Homofóbia Magyarországon. (Homophobia in Hungary) Budapest, L’Harmattan, 2011 128-139. o.

13) A bírósági eljárások nyilvánosságának amerikai modellje (The American model of judicial transparency), in: Mezey Barna – Máthé Gábor Máthé (eds.) Ünnepi kötet Révész T. Mihály számára , Budapest, 2011, Gondolat, pp.336–357. (in Hungarian)

14) Határok és szabad mozgás (Borders and free movement), in: Mezey Barna (ed.) Szimbólumok üzenete (The message of symbols) Budapest, 2011, Eötvös Kiadó, pp. 393–428. (in Hungarian)

15)The Role of NGOs in the Access to Public Information: Extraordinary Renditions and the Absence of Transparency (co-authored with Márton Sulyok In: Mark B. Salter (ed..) Mapping Transatlantic Security Relations. The EU, Canada and the war on terror, Routledge, London and New York, 2010 (ISBN 10:0-415-57861-2) pp. 162-197.

16)Le profilage sur la base de l’appartenance ethnique et de la race dans la lutte contre le terrorisme, la répression et le contrôle aux frontières, In.: Tamás Nótári –Gábor Török (eds.): Prudentia Iuris Gentium PotestateÜnnepi tanulmányok Lamm Vanda tiszteletére (Festschrift for Vanda Lamm) Budapest, 2010, MTA Jogtudományi Intézete pp. 329-340.

17)Security, Law Enforcement and Human Rights: Risks and Caveats – The Case of Ethnic Profiling, In: Vesselin Petrov (ed.) The philosophy of security in an insecure world, Proceedings of the XXV Varna International Philosophical School, June, 1-3, 2008, Institute for Philosophical Research Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 2010, pp. 47-52.

18)A vallási és etnikai hovatartozás összefüggései a kisebbségi jogvédelem rendszerében. (The correlation of religious and ethnic identity in the protection of minority rights) In. Köbel Szilvia (ed.): „A vallási diszkrimináció ellen – az esélyegyenlőség megteremtéséért” (Combating discrminiation based on religion – in order to reach equality)Közigazgatási és Igazságügyi Minisztérium (Ministry of Justice and Public Administration), Budapest, 2010. pp.13-162.

19)58 §. A mozgásszabadság. (Freedom of movement) In: Jakab András (ed.) Az Alkotmány kommentárja, (Commentary to the Hungarian Constitution) 2nd ed.,Budapest, Osiris, 2009, pp. 2167–2206, (in Hungarian).

20)Profiling, Data Mining and Law Enforcement: Definitions, ANNALES, Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestiensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae, Sectio Iuridica Tomus XLX, Budapest pp. 277-301

21)Határok és szabad mozgás. (Borders and free movement) In: Mezey Barna (ed.) Szimbólumok üzenete (A jogi kultúra jelképei: eljárások, szokások, formák és tárgyak), (The message of symbols. The Symbols of legal culture: procedures, traditions, shapes and objects) Budapest, Eötvös Kiadó, 211 pp. 393-428 (in Hungarian).

22)„Hungary” (co-authored with Balázs Horváthy). In: Juliet Lodge (ed.) The 2009 Elections to the European Parliament. Houndmills and New York, Palgrave McMillan, 2009 pp. pp. 143-151

23)Law Enforcement Ethno-Racial Profiling: Concepts and Recommendations. In: Wolfgang Benedek – Wolfram Karl – Anja Mihr – Manfred Nowak (eds.) European Yearbook on Human Rights 2009, Vienna,Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2009,pp. 285–296.

24)58 §. A mozgásszabadság. (Freedom of movement) In: Jakab András (ed.) Az Alkotmány kommentárja, (Commentary to the Hungarian Constitution).,Budapest, Osiris, 2009, pp. 2175–2214 (in Hungarian).

25)Should ethnic data be standardized? Different situations of processing ethnic data (co-authored with Balázs Majtényi). In: Máté Dániel Szabó (ed.) Privacy protection and Minority Rights. Budapest, Eötvös Károly Policy Institute, 2009, pp. 63–88.

26)Uniformizáltak-e az etnikai adatok? Jogszabályi keretek az etnikai adatok, információk kezelésénél (Are ethnic data uniform? Legal options for ethnic data processing, co-authored with Balázs Majtényi) In: Balázs Majtényi (ed.) Lejtős pálya – Az antidiszkriminációs és esélyegyenlőségi szabályozásról (Slippery slope – Antidiscrimination and equality policies) (2nd revised ed.), Föld-Rész Könyvek. Budapest, L’Harmattan, 2009, pp. 89–110 (in Hungarian).

27)Etnikai profilalkotás a magyar rendőrség igazoltatási gyakorlatában (Ethnic profiling int he stop and search practices of the Hungarian police, co-authored with Balázs M.). In: Balázs Majtényi (ed.) Lejtős pálya – Az antidiszkriminációs és esélyegyenlőségi szabályozásról (Slippery slope – Antidiscrimination and equality policies) (2nd revised ed.), Föld-Rész Könyvek. Budapest, L’Harmattan, 2009, pp. 111–134 (in Hungarian).