Meeting date: July 7th, 2013
Call to order: The annual meeting of the North Echo Summit Water Association was held at Echo Summit near Cabin #25 on July 7th, 2013. The meeting convened at 10:15 AM.
Officers in Attendance:
Mark Abrahams, President
Steve Smith, Vice President, Absent
Dan Gardner, Secretary
Kai Gobel, Treasurer
Carol Frank, Officer at large
Approval of minutes: Motion was made to approve the minutes of the July 8th, 2012 meeting as presented. Motion carried.
Officers' reports:
Introduction of new cabin owners:
Fred and Carolyn Sharp; #14 – old Moore Cabin.
Kathy and Craig Squires; #19- 2nd time owners of this cabin.
Introduction of Bob Casper and Brad Potts.
Motion: Let the minutes to reflect the immense and sincere gratitude of NESWA for Bob King and his years of service to our association and its members. THANK YOU BOB!
Motion carried.
Treasurers Report:
See the website for a copy of the report: www.neswa.org
Regarding the capital improvement fund, we will have a balance of about $50,000 after the pump house and tank are installed this summer. Cabin owners that have paid the 4th or 5th assessment can have these funds returned to them upon request. Further capital improvement projects may be warranted in the future, and at that point further assessments could be made at the approval of the membership.
Water system status: Bob Kasper, consultant;
It has taken over 4 years, but we have a permit issued for the water system upgrade. Plans have been issued and stamped. The system will now have a tank and pump installed just south of Johnson Pass Road, across from the electric power transformers. The system will change from gravity pressure to pump pressure. All meter boxes have been installed and are in proper working order. It is important for the membership realize that the division between the NESWA water system and the cabin owner’s plumbing is where the pipe leaves the valve box. Do not disturb the plumbing inside the box as it is an integral part of the system and its design is one of the factors that has allowed us to do a partial system upgrade instead of a full one.
Also, this is the point in which repairs become the cabin owner’s responsibility and not the responsibility of NESWA.
Repair issues or leaks in the system should be brought to the attention of one of the board members.
The new system should be finished by fall, but may not be functional until it is time to shut down the system.
With the new pump and tank system we will still have to monitor storage and plan for a shutdown date for the system before the system is depleted of water. We will need to develop a system management plan that covers all aspects of system operation as part of getting a system permit.
The system will run in the event of a power outage. It will revert to a gravity pressured system if this were to occur.
Be sure to check the website for updates to the system status in the fall before heading up to your cabin.
Election of Officers: New nominations from the floor for the board; none given.
Mark presented a new slate of officers for the board to the body of the association.
Anthony Gugino, President
Carol Frank, Vice President
Kai Goebel, Treasurer
Shelley Wiley, Secretary
Fred Sharp, Officer at large
Motion: A motion was made to accept the slate of officers recommended by the President.
Motion carried.
Remarks by the incoming President Anthony Gugino: “I have been working in the background with Mark and Bob for many years on the current capital improvement plan and feel very comfortable in working with both to see the project to its finish.”
“Mark has done a great job in getting the project off the ground and getting the association to a point where it is easy to manage. Thank you both Mark Abrahams on behalf of the entire membership for all of the time and energy you have put into leading NESWA.”
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 AM after a group picture was taken in front of the old wooden water tank at the meeting site.
Dan Gardner
Secretary Date of approval 7/12/13