Ministers: Every Disciple

Pastors: Steven A. Bruer

James M. Hallaway

Parish Website:

Worship Assistants

Organist: Mary Hanninen

Ushers: Roger & Marie Henstorf

Greeters: Larry & Marlene Salo

Reader: Tammy Yrjo

Acolyte: Gracie Makela

PRAYER UPON ENTERING CHURCH: “In anticipation of being with You I respond to Your call to enter to worship today. Lord Jesus, by Your Spirit have your way in me today. I am Yours by baptism. Amen.”




When you are called to leave your current geographical residence, job, or familiar daily life, you are faced with a decision. Do you accept the call or reject it? A call from God can come in direct fashion, through leaders of churches, organizations, businesses, or in any creative way God chooses. Accepting a call will inevitably disrupt the normal routines of life and will also normally affect family and other relationships. In today’s Gospel account, Jesus calls James and John and without hesitation, they immediately follow Jesus. Their lives were changed forever. Perhaps we do not have all the information in relation to the dialogue, actions, and emotions involved, yet we know they accepted the call. God may not call us to be missionaries to Africa but he may call you to another ministry or lead a Bible study. The list is endless. The bottom line is this: God is calling you to do something for the Kingdom because God has given you unique gifts and God wants you to be a steward of those gifts to impact lives. God is calling you to discipleship today!


Pastor: Let us praise God, our Father, the Creator of the heavens and

the earth.

People: We give thanks to God who sent the light of Christ into the

darkness of this world and calls us to follow Him.

Pastor: The power of the Holy Spirit makes known this great news and

God yearns for us to accept the call to follow Jesus and use the

gifts given to us.

All: Let us worship today in faith and reach out to others with

God’s amazing message.


Gracious and loving God, You have called us to a life filled with purpose. You have given us inspiration and the wisdom of your Word to convict us, soften our hearts, and prepare us for living each day. Through your son, Jesus Christ, you have given us not only a savior, but an example for living, bringing us peace and fulfillment unlike anything else. Many in our world live in darkness and need the light of Christ. He proclaimed the life-giving message when he said, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” Open our hearts and minds now to receive this promise and then share it with others.And together we respond as one saying: Amen.

* OPENING HYMN RED # 425 Immortal, Invisible


Pastor: Almighty God, you constantly speak to us through your Word, yet we find ourselves floundering and trying to live life our way. We know that we are in bondage to sin and cannot free ourselves from its grips on our own. You sent Jesus to proclaim the truth and fulfill your promises and when he returned to heaven, he left us with His Spirit, that power that can release us from sin’s hold on us. Help us to look within right now and take inventory of ourselves.

(A time of personal reflection and confession)

All: Father, we confess to you that we live at times with hard hearts and cluttered minds. We have been self-centered and comfortable with who we are. We search for fulfillment and find ourselves letting the world tell us how to be fulfilled and content. Our values and belief system often become compromised. We ask for your forgiveness. Bring wisdom to our minds and speak to our hearts so that we can embrace the life-giving and life-saving promise of Christ.

Pastor: Brothers and sisters in Christ, the Word is clear. When we confess our sins and ask for forgiveness, the Lord keeps His promises and reconciles through the blood of Jesus Christ. We are washed clean and made new. The Lord loves you and has adopted you. Know that you are set free from your sins. You are truly forgiven! Thanks and praise to God! Amen

* HYMN OF PRAISE RED # 340 I Lay My Sins on Jesus

* PRAYER OF THE DAY (unison)

Lord God, your lovingkindness always goes before us and follows after us. Summon us into your light, and direct our steps in the ways of goodness that come through the cross of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

FIRST LESSON Isaiah 9:1-4 Pew Bible page 729

SECOND LESSON 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 Pew Bible page 1210

* GOSPEL Matthew4:12-25 Pew Bible page 1028

SERMON Fans or Followers?

SERMON HYMN RED # 277 The Church’s One Foundation


We believe in God, the Father, the author and giver of life. As we look at nature and the beauty around us and gaze at the world around us, we cannot help but stand in awe of what God has done. As we see the sun, the moon, stars, and the vast expanse of the universe, we are amazed. As we view the mountains, plains, dessert, and sea, we see the incredible display of God’s power. We praise you Oh God!

We believe in Jesus, the light of the world, who came into this dark world in the form of human life to be with us and teach us who God, the Father is, and provide the means for salvation. This bright light has come into our world to bring a message of promise for wholeness and fulfillment in life. We praise you Jesus!

We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit which has no boundaries -- a power that lives everywhere. The Holy Spirit gives us the words to speak as we proclaim the mighty promises of God. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that guides us and counsels us along life’s journey. We believe the power can change us so that we can be the whole person God created us to be. We praise you, Holy Spirit!Amen


*OFFERTORY WOV # 732 Create In Me A Clean Heart



As you continue life’s journey, may the light of Christ illumine your life and shine through you. May others see fulfillment and peace in you because of Christ. As you go, may God the Father bless you and keep you; may He make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; may He lift His countenance upon you and give you peace. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


* CLOSING HYMN RED # 279 Faith of Our Fathers



Leader: Renewed in God’s Word, filled with God’s Spirit; gonow in

His peace and serve the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God!



* Please stand for these portions of the service if able.

Today’s Announcements

  • The First English Annual Meeting is today following worship.
  • The First English Women of the Word are collecting Baby Care KitsKits. Please see your Women’s Booklet or the Epistle for the list of items to be included. Kits & Donations will be accepted until the end of January.
  • Cinnamon Rolls will be served at First English on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Free-will donations will be received. Donations will be put towards the cost of new large entry rugs.
  • Please listen to these radio stations for winter weather church related cancellations, postponements, or announcements: KRCQ DL 102.3 FM, KWAD Wadena 920 AM, KDKK Park Rapids 97.5 FM.