Business Development Committee Meeting
Meeting Notes
January 11, 2018
Jan, Eric, Kim, Kate, Morgan, Vince, Christen
- Welcome and Introductions Review
- Committee chairs, liaison, chairs-Committee charter was review by Kim and Vince, they made some changes and simplified the charter. Kim will have board to review and approve. Copies will be sent your way
- NACE Strategic Plan Overview- Morgan went over Strategic plan, and what the board goals are
- Committee Charter Review
- Updated Charter
- Scope of work for 2018- Integration plans will be part of our strategy. How are we providing value and how do we get people in the door, ROI=ROI
Unbind possibilities, think big, short term to get the wins. People will buy company before their products. We want a long term business partner.
Obj and Scope of work reviewed by Kim
Paths will be defined for you, we are still in development phase
Kate went over her role, she has been chatting with past partners, AFR back in for the year. Feedback was positive about prospectus. She is working on existing and new possible partners. Better technology for our members, it’s what they asked for. Regional partners will also be brought in to be introduced to chapters in their area.
With Technology we want a Tech hub on the website, do feature partners each month. Let members come in and partners will show case their products. Demos, giving the partners a place and purpose. Integrate education for webinars for specific topics.
We want partners to work with our community
We will get references from partners
Educational institutions we could reach out to for partnerships for more student chapters
- 2018 Regular Call Schedule- 2nd Mondays of the month at 3pm est. Please be sure to send us any feedback and recommendations that we can discuss. Dropbox link will be sent to you so you have access to the Business Development committee folder.
- Action Items- Actions items will be assigned at the end of each meeting
Who would be a good long term strategic partner for us
We will send you industry survey data
Prospectus will be sent to review, we would love your feedback
Our people are not always buyers, they are influencers
We need to determine if possible partner is a good fit for us
Send to Vince any companies or ideas that pop in your head, take notes
Kate will put in sales pipeline spreadsheet in DB to share
Staff will work on Rubric for Feb call
If you have any ideas, reach out to Kate, she is our closer!
Industry summary data will be sent along with Charter
Rubric Kate will work on