Efis No.03/2015

January 2015

Range: Children Act

C(PRA1)-Parental Responsibility Agreement (Section 4 (1)(b))

C(PRA2)-Step-Parent Parental Responsibility Agreement (Section 4(1)(a))

C(PRA3)-Parental Responsibility Agreement (Section 4ZA)

C2-Application; Permission to Start Proceedings; For an Order or Directions in Existing Proceedings; To be Joined as

or Cease to be a Party in Existing Family Proceedings under the Children Act 1989

C2_Flexi-Application; Permission to Start Proceedings; For an Order or Directions in Existing Proceedings; To be Joined as

or Cease to be a Party in Existing Family Proceedings under the Children Act 1989 – (V10 Only)

C5-Application Concerning the Registration of a Child-Minder or Provider of Day Care

C19-Application for a Warrant of Assistance

C51-Application for a Parental Order

C63-Application for a Declaration of Parentage under Section 55A of the Family Law Act 1986

C64-Application for a Declaration of Legitimacy or Legitimation under Section 56(1)(b) and (2) of the Family Law Act 1986

C65-Application for Declaration as to Adoption Effected Overseas under Section 57 of the Family Law Act 1986

C66-Application for Inherent Jurisdiction Order in Relation to Children

C67-Application under the Child Abduction and Custody Act 1985 or Article 11 of Council Regulation (EC) 2201/2203)

C68-Application for International Transfer of Jurisdiction To or From England or Wales

C69-Application for Registration, Recognition or Non Recognition of a Judgment under Council Regulation (EC) 2201/2003 or the

1996 Hague Convention

C78-Application for Attachment of a Warning Notice to a Child Arrangements Order

C79-Application related to Enforcement of a Child Arrangements Order

C100-Application under Section 8 of the Children Act 1989 for a Child Arrangements, Prohibited Steps, Specific Issue Order or to

Vary or Discharge or ask Permission to make a Section 8 Order

C110-Application under the Children Act 1989 for a Care or Supervision Order

C110A-Application for a Care or Supervision Order and Application for Other Orders under Part 4 of the Children Act 1989 or an

Emergency Protection Order under Section 44 of the Children Act 1989

C120-Witness Statement Template [New Form]

C1_Flexi - Application for an Order (V10 Only)

Subscribers to this range are requested to use the latest versions of these Children Act forms after the Ministry of Justice made minor amendments to them in November.

C120 is a new form which has been added to this range.

C1_Flexi has received enhancement amendments.

All forms should be used immediately.


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Case Management Notice

The recommended method for merging data with OyezForms is via 'Field Label' identities, rather than 'Field Numbers'. TOOLS>PRINT ID LABELS will print a list for each form.


OyezForms V10.02H

OyezForms now supports Word Forms, Collection Forms Feature, Multiple Practice Details, an Undo feature to restore deleted text, an editor to maintain Local Authority databases, Improved library searching, option to add Watermark to forms. To obtain an upgrade, visit:


Technical Section:

Importing Forms

1.Start the OyezForms software (if you are running a networked copy of the software only one user should have the

software open at this point).

2.Insert the CD-ROM into your CD drive.

3.Select Admin and then Import new forms

4.When the dialogue box appears, click BROWSE

5.Double-click on the CD-ROM drive labelled ‘OyezForms’ and select the EFIS folder which this document refers to. Click OK

6.The forms listed within this EFIS will appear in the dialogue box

7.Click Select All

8.Click Import

9.Click Done.

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