ITT Technical InstituteWinter Quarter
Student Syllabus Mrs. Charisse Cole
Strategies for the Technical Professional
TB 132: 3 Credit Hours / 40 Clock Hours
The course reviews characteristics and trends of the global information society. The student will become familiar with basic information processing, research, and computer skills required of the technical professional.
Basic Computer Skills
Skills for Program of Study
Implications of Rapid Changes in Technology
Strategies as Technology Lifelong Learner
Strategies as Technology Professional
- Using the information in the text, write a paper entitled: “Responsibilities of a Technical Professional.”
- Demonstrate the ability to produce a document in Microsoft Word.
- Demonstrate the ability to set up a spreadsheet in Microsoft EXCEL.
- Demonstrate the ability to create a PowerPoint presentation using graphics, WordArt, and slide transitions.
- Demonstrate the ability to use selected software related to program of choice.
Information Technology Microsoft Access and ATRIX
Computer Drafting and Design AutoCAD
Computer and Electronic Engineering Electronic Workbench
- Allocate time and energy in completing projects in a timely manner.
- Exert a high level of effort and persevere toward goal attainment.
- Assess personal study skills and develop a strategy to improve weaknesses.
- Demonstrate the ability to use ITT Virtual Library to locate, evaluate, summarize, and synthesize information from traditional, electronic, and personal sources.
Drexler, Kateria. Strategies for the Technical Professional. Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing, 2002. (Includes #-Gems CD and Prentice Hall Assessment Library CD)
Floppy Disk to store documents
Each student is required to complete outside assignments, quizzes, and exams according to the scheduled due dates.
- Attendance and Participation. Attendance is an important part of your grade to ensure that you learn the concepts and can apply them. If you will not be in class, you need to call and leave a note with the receptionist, or email me to let me know you will not be here. By doing this you will be able to find out what you missed. If you miss several classes, it will affect your participation grade as well as other assignments done in class that you may miss.
- Assignments. Class assignments are communicated to students in advance so that adequate time is given for their completion. Any assignment turned in late will automatically be docked 50% and unacceptable after the Friday of the first week the assignment is due. If an assignment is done in class and you have not made prior arrangements with me, you will be unable to make the assignment up.
If you know in advance that you will not be in, you should hand your assignment in early. Otherwise, if you will not be in, you may fax your work to my attention at the school 801-263-3497, send it via email to or , or have someone drop it in my box (it is your responsibility to make sure it is put in my box). Call to ensure I received it.
I will allow two assignments to be turned in no later than one week without penalty to account for any problems that may arise during the quarter (excluding any portion of major projects). If you miss class, it is your responsibility to find out from another class member, or myself, what preparation is needed for the next class. “I was absent, so I didn’t know” is not an excuse!
- Team Participation. You are responsible for participating in team assignments and for completing the delegated task. You will honestly evaluate the contribution made by all members, including yourself, of the team.
The evaluation of subject achievement is conducted objectively. Assignments and final projects are constructed from and directly related to lesson objectives. The assignment of grades is based on the following suggested grading criteria:
Lab Assignments: 20%
Theory Assignments: 20%
Quizzes/ Participation: 10%
Projects: 50%
There will be a total of seven different projects given throughout the quarter. These projects apply the concepts we have learned in class to assess your knowledge of the subject. Each project is due on the date assigned and will not be accepted after the Friday of the week the assignment is due. If you miss class on the date assigned and have not made prior arrangements with me, it will be docked 50%.
To ensure optimal learning in the classroom, letting you know what I expect is essential. Please
- No food or drink in the classroom.
- No foul language is permitted (you will have to bring candy, or your participation grade will be affected).
- No tobacco (including chew).
- No facetious remarks regarding any class members or myself since respect is demanded.
- No off-handed comments or jokes (especially those regarding a person’s or group of people’s race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, or sexual orientation).
- No leaning back in chairs, feet up on desks, or sitting on tables.
- Clean up after yourselves.
- No long term guests (more than 15 minutes)
This class is designed to help prepare you for the quarters ahead as well as on the job. You have taken the first step to obtaining your college degree, now commit to the quarter. If you come to class prepared, with a good attitude, and participate, this class will be a success! If you have any questions, suggestions or comments please let me know. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you at the end!
ITT Technical Institute Charisse Cole
Student Syllabus Winter Quarter 2003
Sept. 10 / Introduce Syllabus
Ch. 1: Technology Affects You
Microsoft Word / Introduce Project 1
Sept. 17
/ Ch. 2: Technology & WorkplaceCh. 3: Knowing Yourself
Microsoft Word / Introduce Project 4
Sept. 24
/ Ch. 4: Developing Learning SkillsInternet
ITT Virtual Library / Introduce Project 2
Introduce Project 3 / Project 2
Oct. 1
/ Ch. 5: Problem SolvingExcel / Introduce Project 5
Oct. 8
/ Ch. 6: Self-ManagementExcel / Project 4
Project 5
Oct. 15
/ Ch. 7: Working in TeamsPowerPoint / Project 6 / Project 1, Part A
Project 3
Oct. 22 / Ch. 7 cont.
Software Related Program
Oct. 29 / Ch. 8: Analyzing Curriculum
Software Related Program / Project 7
Nov. 5 / Ch. 9: Creating a Portfolio
Software Related Program
Nov. 12 / Work on Team Project
Software Related Program / Project 2, Part B
Project 7
Nov. 19 / Team Presentation / Project 6
Project 1 / Journal AssignmentProject 2 / ITT Virtual Library Questions
Project 3 / Article Summaries
Project 4 / Skills Assessment & Improvement
Project 5 / Problem Solving, Case Study
Project 6 / Team Project
Project 7 / Program of Study Analysis