Pupil Premium Spending Plan
The Pupil Premium is an amount of money the government allocates to each school, to support all pupils to reach their potential. It is particularly aimed at pupils who may qualify of free school meals (FSM) because parents or carers are in receipt of one of the following:
• Income Support
• Job Seekers Allowance
• Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
• Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
• Grant Element of State Pension Credit
• Child Tax Credit.
It also includes pupils who have been eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years (known as the Ever 6 FSM measure - FSM6), pupils who are or have been in care and pupils who have parents in the armed forces.
The level of funding for Pupil Premium 2017-18 is as follows:
Free School Meals (FSM)
To specifically address the inequalities between pupils eligible for FSM and their wealthier peers the PPG was set at £1320 and is allocated to any pupils who have been eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years.
Pupil Premium Plus (PP+)
£1900 is allocated to Looked After Children and children adopted from care.
Service Children
£300 is allocated to pupils recorded as having parents in the regular armed services at any point in the last six years or in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence.
Nationally, Pupil Premium pupils underachieve compared to Non-Pupil Premium pupils. The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current inequalities by ensuring that funding reaches the pupils who need it most.
It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, as they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils at their school.
At Parklands, we are committed to ensuring that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all pupils, in particular those of vulnerable or disadvantaged pupils. Our key aim in using the PPG is to narrow the gap between pupil groups and Pupil Premium children and all pupils nationally, including higher ability children.
Pupil Premium money is used to ensure all children are supported in making at least good academic progress. The progress of all pupils is carefully and regularly tracked and there is an expectation that over their Key Stage, the majority of pupils will make at least expected progress in Reading, Writing and Maths.
High Expectations for All
We will achieve this by:
- Ensuring we adopt a ‘learning without limits’ culture
- Overcoming barriers to learning
- Building children’s confidence and self-esteem
- Setting challenging learning opportunities for all pupils
Identification of Pupils
We will ensure that:
- All teaching staff are involved in the analysis of data and identification of pupils
- All staff are aware of who the pupils premium children are
- Underachievement at all levels is targeted – not just those of lower attaining pupils
- Children’s individual needs are considered carefully
We will continue to ensure:
- all children across the school receive good teaching, with increasing percentages of outstanding teaching
- consistent implementation of the non-negotiables, e.g. feedback, guided reading, handwriting
- that we sharing good practice within the school and draw on external expertise
- provide high quality CPD
- Improve assessment through joint moderation
FUNDING 2017 -18
Total Number of pupils on roll: 406
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG: 61
Parklands received £35,640.00 FSM (27pupils), £31,680.00Ever 6 (24 pupils), £2,400.00 Service (8 pupils), £3,800.00 LAC/Adopted (2pupils) = £73,520.00 Total(61 pupils)
At Parklands, the following areas have been identified as barriers to education for some of the pupils currently in receipt of Pupil Premium:
- Challenging family circumstances
- Attendance
- Individual learning difficulties and gaps in understanding
- Parental engagement with school - especially regarding confidence in and understanding of the curriculum
- Behaviour – pupils with specific social and emotional needs which affect their learning
- Access to extra-curricular activities - educational experiences such as trips, music lessons and participation in physical activities
Financial Commitment 2017-18
Area of Spend / Link to SDP / Contribution from Pupil Premium / Description of Interventions / Intended Outcomes / Impact of Interventions 2017-18
Improving the attendance of PP pupils / Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare
Teaching, Learning and Assessment / £2,500.00 / Accurate and robust monitoring of pupils’ attendance.
Reporting termly to parents to keep them informed of their child’s attendance.
Behaviour and pastoral support.
Further develop incentives to encourage pupils to want to be at school including a broad and balanced curriculum that engages and interests pupils.
Training and lessons for pupilsto learn how they are kept safe, healthy and confident in the school environment ensuring that they are happy when at school.
HT/PP leader to meet with parents of persistent absentees. / Reduce the gap between PP attendance and attendance of non-PP pupils.
All pupils have at least 96% attendance.
Increasing the parental engagement of parents with pupils in receipt of the PPG / Early Years
Teaching, Learning and Assessment / £7,500.00 / PP leader to meet with parents and discuss any barriers to learning or school life that they might be experiencing – Autumn and Summer term.
Parent workshops offered to engage parents with child’s learning e.g. phonics, early reading, maths (reasoning), growthmindset.
Adult education sessions offered in partnership with Aspire Learning.
SENCo to provide focus groups for parents.
Open afternoons where parents can work with their children and share their learning.
Early Years ‘Stay and Play’ sessions. / Parents have a greater understanding of the expectations and requirements of the national curriculum.
Levels of adult education have increased.
Parents feel confident to help with their children’s learning.
Parents feel involved with school life.
To raise the attainment in maths and English across all year groups including the more able through improved quality first teaching / Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Outcomes for Pupils / £38,000.00 / ‘Spelling Surgery’ for Year 2
Continue to develop effective feedback including peer assessment.
Reading and spelling interventions.
Motor skills and social skills groups.
Additional teacher to focus on improving the attainment of Y5 and Y6 pupils in receipt of the PPG (23 pupils).
Every Child Counts teacher.
Writing - inset sessions for staff to develop a greater understanding of expectations for individual pupils.
Reading – additional digital technology to enhance and support whole class reading and comprehension strategies.
Maths – subject leaders to deliver training to staff that builds upon our current foundation of mastery. Digital technology to enhance mental strategies and times tables.
Jump Ahead programme to enhance fine and gross motor skills. / Self-esteem and self-confidence has increased.
Increased knowledge of appropriate targets for next steps for learning improving quality of Pupil Learning Plans.
Pupil progress and attainment is in line with non-PP pupils.
Best practice shared across school team, enhanced strategies for securing improvements during interventions (for example, precision teaching interventions).
Children’s reading age to reach or exceed their chronological age.
TA support in classes and for focused interventions / Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Outcomes for Pupils / £19,020 / Precision teaching.
Learning Mentor (Identified key adult support) supporting the children’s social and emotional needs.
Phonics groups.
Reading interventions.
Targets within Personal Learning Plans.
Handwriting/Fine motor skills groups.
One to one support for targeted pupils in addition to classroom support will address identified gaps in learning. / For all children to enjoy a fully inclusive curriculum.
To enable all children to access classroom based learning.
To allow individual pupils to make accelerated progress.
Remove barriers to learning and focus on enrichment beyond the curriculum for pupils in receipt of the PPG / Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare / £3,000 / Subsidies for residential visits, day visits and broader curriculum experiences e.g. swimming, music lessons, higher priority attendance for clubs. / Pupils and parents to indicate through feedback and questionnaires that extracurricular opportunities are having a positive impact.
Supporting the development of the leadership and management of pupil premium within the school / Effectiveness of Leadership & Management / £3,500.00 / Training for Assessment Leaders.
Training for leaders, teachers and TAs in Attachment and Trauma.
PP Leader to research the impact of Visible Learning and the value of metacognition (John Hattie) and continue to reinforce the strategies across the school of Growth Mindset (Carol Dweck).
Interventions and extracurricular activities tracked, monitored and identified based on need. Appropriate costing applied.
Regular meetings with class teachers/ teaching assistants/ SLT/ Governors/ Parents/ support agencies.
Termly meetings with governor responsible for evaluating the impact of the spending of the PPG. / Continue to increase the profile of children in receipt of Pupil Premium.
Evidence based research enhances the attitudes, behaviour and learning of pupils.
Funding Children in receipt of pupil premium attainment and progress effectively monitored and analysed.
Total Spend / £73,520.00
Total Allocation / £73,520.00
The spending plan will be reviewed throughout the year and evaluated in July 2018.
The school will measure the impact by:
- calculating the amount of progress made by the children in their end of year assessments
- tracking attendance generally as well as in the extra-curricular activities and on school trips
- ensuring that each intervention includes a baseline and a review to evidence impact
- identifying other data, such as pupil and parent surveys, teacher evaluation and wider school monitoring