Parish Who’s Who

The Reverend Richard Morrison

The Vicarage, 1 Broadgate, Whaplode Drove, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE12 OTN 01406 330392

Reader Sally Clifton,

9 Broadgate Sutton St James PE12 0EL 01945 440168

Authorised Lay Ministers

Jane Spriggs 01945 700004 Jane Sivers 01406 331330


Sutton St Edmund

Jane Spriggs ‘The Acorns’ Broadgate 01945 700004

Meg Norman 8 Cross Road 01945 700798

Sutton St James

Pauline Stebbings, Willow Farm Jarvisgate 01945 440285

Sally Clifton 9 Broadgate 01945 440168

Gedney Hill

Roy Houldershaw 70 North Road 01406 330981

Dave Ingle 36 North Road 01406 330732

Whaplode Drove

Morris Stancer Morvista Avenue Farm, Dowsdale Crowland

01406 330544

Jane Sivers 10 Chapel gate 01406 331330

Village Reporters

St Edmund - Jane Spriggs

St James - Pauline Stebbings

Whaplode Drove - Jane Sivers

Gedney Hill – Janet Coles & Marilyn Collishaw

Magazine Editors

Jane Spriggs 01945 700004

Sally Clifton 01945 440168

The Elloe Fen Churches Magazine

April 2015

God of glory,
by the raising of your Son
you have broken the chains of death and hell:
fill your Church with faith and hope;
for a new day has dawned
and the way to life stands open
in our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Good Friday Hour of Devotion

2.00pm and 3.00pm

At St John the Baptist in Whaplode Drove

and at Sutton St James

Easter Sunday Services

Holy Communion

9.30am at Sutton St James

Holly Communion

11.00am at St John The Baptist in Whaplode Drove


Was held on Thursday 12th March in the VILLAGE HALL AT Sutton

St James. The organisers Cherril Collins and Sylvia Spinks would

like to thank everyone who supported the

event by donating raffle prizes and buying

products. They are delighted to announce

that they raised an amazing amount of money. Congratulations.

TRANSPORTED ran a trio of three drawing sessions with artist Rosie

Redzia in Sutton St James Parish Church during March and finishing

on the first on April. A small group of budding artists were given

lessons on various techniques which they then were able to practise.



8th and 9th May



In Aid of Papworth Hospital

in Memory of Henry Fowler

Tickets £5.00 available from June Dily

01406 330623

From your editors

Hi Everyone

If you are reading this on your computer then read no further! This is a little reminder about subscriptions for

the paper version of the parish magazine. Ink costs have

proven to be a little more expensive than last year so, if

you are able to could you manage a donation of around

6.50 for the full year? If you can’t anything would be very

gratefully received. Have a lovely Easter.

From the Bishop

In Christian tradition the Five Holy Wounds, or Five Sacred Wounds, are the five piercing wounds which Jesus suffered during the Crucifixion. We can see the way in which they have been a particular focus for devotion by the way in which they have often been depicted in art – most famously in depictions of Doubting Thomas, or in music, like Bach’s St Matthew Passion, or Handel’s Messiah, as well as some of our well-known Passiontide hymns.

In these first days of Easter, when we experience the joy of the resurrection afresh in our lives, the image of our risen Lord walking the earth yet still carrying the wounds of the crucifixion is powerful and poignant.

I was struck recently by the text of a contemporary hymn whose first line speaks of the risen Christ ‘walking with wounded feet’. That image, of Jesus walking with wounded feet, reminds us that, through the life, death and resurrection of our Lord, God knows what it is to carry pain in this human life.

Through Jesus, God has experienced the reality of searing physical pain, as well as the anguish that comes from rejection and betrayal. And yet, God does not allow it to contain or define Jesus, nor does it crush his spirit. Instead, the experience of it becomes part of who he is and shapes him for the work he has to do. So, too, our experiences as human beings and children of God shape us and become part of who we are; but they need not contain or define us.

The work of resurrection is ours to share, and God calls each one of us, wounded as we are, to play our part in proclaiming the wonder of the resurrection to our broken world.

Bishop Christopher

St Edmund’s News & Events for April 2015

Church Services and Rota

Sunday 12th April Holy Communion 9.15am

Sides person Jane Reader Jane Organist June

Sunday 19th April Morning Prayer @ 9.15am

Sides person Meg Reader Roy Organist June

Sunday 26th April Holy Communion @ 9.15am

Sides person Jane Reader Henry Organist June

Sunday 3rd May Holy Communion @ 9.15am

Sides person Meg Reader Roy Organist June


Monday 20th April in the Parish Church at 2pm

Everyone Welcome

The Benefice Palm Sunday Service on 29th March was blessed with light rain which was better than what was threatened! The Reverend Richard Morrison led the liturgy of the palms in the Village Hall car park and then the congregation processed behind ‘Jedi and his owner Debs Rogers to the Parish Church for the service of Holy Communion. En route everyone sang ‘All Glory, Laud and Honour’ with the music provided by Henry on the Ghetto blaster. In Church the readings were given by Henry Neale and Faye Riley, Jane led the intercessions and June Neale played the organ. After the service the congregation enjoyed coffee and Simnel cake. Thank you to everyone who contributed towards this service

St Edmund’s Agricultural Discussion Group final meeting of the winter 2014/15 season was on Monday 9th March in the Village Hall and the speaker was a representative from AGRIFAX. We will keep our farmers in our prayers as they work to steward God’s great creation throughout the summer and the harvest.

Sutton Edmund’s Village Hall Tombola

Wednesday 15th April 2015

Doors Open 6.45pm for Eyes Down at 7.30pm

Good prizes and refreshments available

The snowball is up and running

The Sutton St Edmund Open Guild March meeting was the annual Lent Service in the parish church on Tuesday 17th March. The next meeting will be on Tuesday 22nd April at 2.30pm in the Village Hall and Maureen

Sutton St Edmund Short Mat Bowlers

meet Tuesdays & Thursdays 7pm to 10pm in the Village Hall.

New members always welcome

St James News & Events for April 2015

Church Services and Rota

Sunday 12th April Holy Communion @ 10.30am

Sides persons Sall & Kirsty Readers Kirsty & Peter

Organist Tony Prayers Sall Chalice Pauline

Sunday 19th April Morning Prayer @ 10.30am

Sides persons Val & Ivan Readers Kirsty & Judith

Beat Box Gwen Prayers Valerie

Sunday 26th April Holy Communion @ 10.30am

Sides persons Val & Ivan Readers Peter & Cherril

Organist Tony Prayers Valerie Chalice Pauline

Sunday 3rd May Morning Prayer @ 10.30am

Will be led by Jane Sivers from Whaplode Drove

Sides persons Val & Ivan Readers Fred & Judith

Organist Tony Prayers Valerie

Sutton St James Parish Church Coffee Morning

Saturday11th April

Hot drinks homemade cake raffle & stalls

SUTTON ST JAMES WOMENS GROUP had a really enjoyable meeting

on Wednesday 25th March in the company of Avril Hayter-Smith the Ely

Town Crier, she was a very interesting and funny speaker who talked

about the many different task a town crier might be called upon to

do. The next meeting will be on the Wednesday 29th April and that

will be the annual art afternoon led by Debbie Mitchell. For more

information ring Cherril on 01945 440319.

Sutton St James held its APM & PCC AGM on Thursday 26th March 2015.

Sally Clifton and Pauline Stebbings were returned as the Church Wardens,

Judith Nash as Secretary, Cherril Collins as the Treasurer and the PCC as

follows, Chris Stebbings, Fred Rose, Anthony Rose, Gwen Bowker and

Valerie Moore. The PCC were delighted to welcome Gail Simpson as a new

member but were very sorry to accept Ivan Waters resignation as verger

and from the PCC due to ill health.

The church ran a very successful sausage supper on Saturday 26th April

with around sixty people attending to enjoy Sausage, Mash and mixed

vegetables and gravy followed by a terrific variety of delicious puddings.

After the meal Bradley Stebbings gave a very interesting talk and slide

show about his school trip and voluntary service in Cambodia. Thank you

to everyone who supplied the food, did the setting up and clearing up or

brought a prize for the raffle. Special thanks to Bradley for giving his


What’s Going On at Sutton St James Village Hall?

BINGO Doors open 6.30pm for Eyes Down 7.30pm

Sutton St James Walking Group meet every Thursday in the Village Hall

Car park for a healthy stroll followed by refreshments when you get back

Please telephone Carol Griggs on 440599 for more info.

Sutton St James Reading Group meets on the 1st Thursday of alternating

months at 7.45pm. For information call Mike & Ann Milchard on 440391

Good Companions (Over 55s Club) meet every Wednesday at 2pm

Monday Evening Term Time Thursday Evening Term Time

Rainbows for girls aged from 5-7 Brownies for girls aged from 7-10

from 5.00pm to 6.15pm from 6.30pm to 7.30pm

Call Jenny Rose on 440685 Call Jeanette Campling on 440509



11.00am TO 4.00pm FREE ENTRY

Wide selection of gift & craft stalls including jewellery art and crafts vintage gifts

wooden items bags confectionery cakes and food Refreshments and Prize Draw


Sutton St James Toddler Group

Mondays from 10.30am to 11.45am Thursdays from 1.45pm to 3pm

Children from babies to school age welcome

Contact Jenny Rose on 01945 440685

Sutton St James Church Hall Bells Drove Available for hire

Tel. Jenny Rose on 01945 440685 for more details & to book



Dancing to BIG D



Tickets £6.00 to include a light supper

In the Church Hall Bells Drove Sutton St James

Come and sing and dance the night away to the music of

your youth. Bring your own alcohol. Raffle

Please put your name and party size on the list on the font.

From the Registers

Holy Trinity Gedney Hill

Funeral Mrs Valerie Redden 28th January 2015

Funeral Mrs Emily Mary Jealous 27th February 2015

Funeral Mrs Joan Cooper 3rd March 2015


Riley Ray Coupe 8th March 2015

Sutton St James

Funeral Mr Gordon Campling 2nd March 2015

Funeral Mrs Jane Rose 24th March 2015

Parents Supporting Parents


Understanding the trials and tribulations of being

a parent enables you to support others. If you have

proven parenting experience then why not become

a home-visiting volunteer today? All you need is –

the ability to listen, commitment, time, an understanding of confidentiality,

a caring, friendly and flexible nature to support a family 2-3 hours per week.

Join our organisation and make a difference to families in South Holland

Our next Preparation Course (10 weeks) starts

Wednesday 15 April 2015.

All sessions are term time within school hours.

Courses held throughout the year.

Contact us today for an information pack

tel: 01406 701720 e-mail:

Safer recruitment checks undertaken Reg. Charity No. 1118898

Goings On In Gedney Hill

April Church Services at Holy Trinity and St Polycarp’s

Sunday 12th Holy Trinity Evensong 4.00pm

Sunday 19th Holy Trinity Holy Communion 9.30am

Sunday 26th Holy Trinity BCP Matins 9.30am

Sunday 3rd MaySt Polycarp’s Holy Communion 9.30am

If you have worries or concerns for a friend or family member

and you would like them to be included in the parish prayers

please tell your church wardens. Janet Coles on

(01406 330441) has agreed to take the names

of those in especial need of our prayers in Gedney

Hill and Holbeach Drove

Gedney Hill W.I.had their AGMthis monthin which we re-elect our committee and president, nobody wanted to change jobs so we all

stay as we are. We had a quiz on Cockney Rhyming slang after tea,

not fair really, as we have a real Londoner in our midst! The AGM

is a good opportunity to reflect on the past year and this has been

one of the best, we've worked hard but the rewards are a healthy

W I financially and membership wise, long may we continue.

Next Meeting 22nd April 7.15pm Stories from the Fens and Marshes

by Mr Lamb and everyone is welcome.


1st Tuesday of the Month Budgerigar Society 7 – 10pm

1st Wednesday of the month Golden Link 2-4pm

2nd Wednesday of the Month Bingo

Doors open 6.45pm Eyes down 7.30 Refreshments athalf time.

Gedney Hill WI meets every fourth Wednesday of the Month at 7pm

Gedney Hill Play Group Tuesday, Wednesday & Fridays in school term

Leader Sam Clover07507 658 813

Little Tots Parent & Toddler group Thursday in term time 10.30-12pm Crafts & refreshments; have an enjoyable morning & meet new friends