Ireland Chapter of PMI ‘Making Project Management Indispensable for Business Results’

©2017 Ireland Chapter of PMI. All rights reserved

All nominations for consideration for the 2017 SME Project of the Year Award must use the nominationform as a template and must address each of the criteria listed below. Please review the award specific guidelines at contact ithany questions.

Please send completed nomination form to

Nomination deadline is Friday 1stSeptember 2017.

Full name:
Phone: / Mobile:
Email: / Other contact:
Relationship to the nominee:
Full name:
Phone: / Mobile:
Email: / Other contact:
Organisation type.
  • SME (250 employees or less)

Please indicate the project category
< Tick as required >
  • IT Technology
  • Transformation: - Organisation and cultural change projects
  • Engineering, Construction and Infrastructure
  • Other (Please describe)

Q1. Introduction/Summary:
This section provides the project background as the basis for evaluating the answers to the following sections: : <Maximum 500 words>
a)Provide a brief overview of the project.
b)Describe the organisational need addressed by the project.
c)Briefly describe the solution that was implemented.
d)Describe the outcomes of this project on the project stakeholders and on community/organisation in general.
Q2. Governance
Show how governance was tailored to your project: <Maximum 500 words>
a)Describe the governance approach.
b)How did the project ensure alignment with the organisation’s governance?
c)How did the Governance/Methodology assist successful delivery?
Q3. Benefits/Value
Show that the benefits/value of your project were realised by answering the following: <Maximum 500 words>
a)Identify the expected positive benefits/value of the project on the organisation/community.
b)Describe what processes/tools were used to verify if the expected project benefits were achieved.
c)Describe what benefits-related complexities had to be overcome.
Q4. Stakeholders
Show that stakeholder expectations and communications were effectively managed by answering the following: <Maximum 500 words>
a) Identify the key stakeholders and why they were key to your project.
b) Describe the Stakeholder communication strategies and the challenges.
Q5. Scope
Show that the project scope was effectively developed and managed by answering the following: <Maximum 500 words>
a)Describe what processes/tools were used to document the project scope.
b)Describe how these processes/tools were used to manage the scope.
c)Describe how effective management of scope contributed to the project’s success.
d)Describe what scope-related complexities had to be overcome.
Q6. Cost
Show that the project cost was effectively developed and managed by answering the following: <Maximum 500 words>
a)Describe what processes/tools were used to determine the project cost.
b)Describe how these processes/tools were used to effectively manage the project costs.
c)Describe how effective management of cost contributed to the project’s success.
d)Describe what cost-related complexities had to be overcome.
Q7. Schedule
Show that the project schedule was effectively developed and managed by answering the following:<Maximum 500 words>
a)Describe what processes/tools were used to develop and manage the schedule.
b)Describe how these processes/tools were used to effectively manage the schedule’s critical path.
c)Describe how effective management of schedule contributed to the project’s success.
d)Describe what schedule-related complexities had to be overcome.
<Maximum 500 words>
How did you hear about the Ireland Chapter of PMIAwards (tick as many as required)?
Ireland Chapter of PMI website Word of mouth
PMI member meeting Other – Please specify: ______
Do you have any suggestions for improvement for the Ireland Chapter of PMI Awards programme in the future?
Please read the guideline submission and judging process documents (available on for complete information and requirements about your application.
Submit completed application form and supporting material to or email to
The judging panel may contact the nominator or nominee for additional information to support the application.

©2017 Ireland Chapter of PMI. All rights reserved