Struthio camelusOstrich Autruche d'Afrique
camelus; massaicus; australis; molybdophanes
IOC, BL, ZTP, ROB (+SF, SS, RSF) raise Struthio molybdophanes Somali Ostrich (S. camelus becomes Common Ostrich)
Resident, savanna and semi-desert: S Morocco; Senegal - Ethiopia, Somalia - C Tanzania; S Angola, N South Africa - E Zimbabwe,
SW Mozambique; (molybdophanes S Ethiopia, Somalia - N and E Kenya).
DIOMEDEIDAE (SAM subsumes into Procellariidae)
The taxonomy of this family has been subject to several interpretations. Previously Thalassarche and Phoebastria spp were often placed in Diomedea and most of the races noted below have been considered as separate species.
Diomedea exulans Wandering AlbatrossAlbatros hurleur
exulans; dabbenena; (CMT + gibsoni) (HM +amsterdamensis here considered a separate species)
BL, ROB, IOC (+SL, SS) raise Diomedea dabbenena Tristan Albatross Albatros de Tristan
Breeds: Tristan, Gough (dabbenena); Marion, Crozet (exulans (CMT gibsoni)); visitor, sea: off W Cape, Namibia, especially Apr-Aug.
Diomedea amsterdamensis Amsterdam Albatross Albatros d’Amsterdam
HM, CMT, IOC subsume into Diomedea exulans
Breeds: Amsterdam Is (only a few pairs).
Diomedea epomophoraRoyal Albatross Albatros royal
sanfordi; epomophora
BL, ROB, IOC (+SL) raise Diomedea sanfordi Northern Royal Albatross Albatros royal du Nord (D. epomophora becomes
Southern Royal Albatross Albatros royal)
Visitor, sea: records of both subspecies off Cape.
Thalassarche melanophrysBlack-browed AlbatrossAlbatros à sourcils noirs
melanophrys; (ROB implies monotypic)
HM notes often incorrectly spelt melanophris
BoA, DFW, SAM, HBW, BD (+SF) Diomedea melanophrys (or melanophris)
Visitor, sea: commonest albatross off Cape in southern winter, 1 record Kenya.
Thalassarche cautaShy Albatross Albatros à capeblanche
cauta; salvini; eremita; steadi
BoA, DFW, SAM, HBW, ZTP (+SF) Diomedea cauta
CMT, BL, ROB, IOC (+SL, SS) raise Thalassarche salvini Salvin’s Albatross Albators de Salvin, and T. eremita Chatham
Albatross Albatros des Chatham
Breeds: Crozet (4 pairs -- salvini); visitor, sea: off Cape (cauta, steadi, 1 rec of eremita).
Thalassarche chrysostomaGrey-headed Albatross Albatros à tête grise
BoA, DFW, SAM, HBW Diomedea chrysostoma
Breeds: Kerguelen, Crozet, Prince Edward; visitor, sea: off Cape.
Thalassarche chlororhynchosYellow-nosed Albatross Albatros à bec jaune
Albatros à nez jaune
bassi; chlororhynchos; (HM monotypic)
BoA, DFW, SAM, HBW Diomedea chlororhynchos
BL, ROB, IOC (+SL, SS) raise Thalassarchecarteri Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross Albatros de l’océan Indien (race carteri
noted in CMT as incl in bassi (not noted at all by others, and ROB no note of bassi)) (T. chlororhynchos becomes Atlantic
Yellow-nosed Albatross)
Breeds: S Indian Ocean Is (bassi), Tristan group (chlororhynchos); visitor, sea: off Cape.
Thalassarche bulleriBuller’s AlbatrossAlbatros de Buller
SAM, HBW Diomedea bulleri
Vagrant: off Cape (2 recs).
Phoebastria immutabilisLaysan AlbatrossAlbatros de Laysan
SAM, HBW Diomedeaimmutabilis (not in BoA, DFW)
Vagrant: 2 recs (perhaps 1 bird) off South Africa, and between Crozet and Réunion.
Phoebetria fuscaSooty Albatross Albatros brun
Dark-mantled Sooty Albatross
Breeds: Tristan group, Crozet, Prince Edward; visitor, sea: off Cape especially May-Sep.
Phoebetria palpebrataLight-mantled AlbatrossAlbatros fuligineux
Breeds: Kerguelen, Crozet.
Macronectes giganteusSouthern Giant Petrel Pétrel géant
Antarctic Giant Petrel
Breeds: S Indian Ocean Is; visitor, sea: off South Africa and rarer to N.
Macronectes halliNorthern Giant Petrel Pétrel de Hall
Hall’s Giant Petrel
Breeds: S Indian Ocean Is; visitor, sea: off South Africa, rarer to north.
Fulmarus glacialoidesSouthern FulmarFulmar argenté
Antarctic FulmarPétrel argenté
Visitor, sea: off South Africa, July-Jan, especially Sep.
Fulmarus glacialisNorthern FulmarFulmar boréal
glacialis is most likely race
Vagrant: off North Africa, Madeira.
Thalassoica antarcticaAntarctic PetrelPétrel antarctique
Vagrant: off South Africa, July-Jan.
Daption capenseCape PetrelDamier du Cap
Cape Pigeon; **Pintado PetrelPétrel damier
Breeds: S Indian Ocean Is; visitor, sea: commonest petrel in South African waters in southern winter.
Pagodroma niveaSnow PetrelPétrel des neiges
Vagrant: South Africa.
Aphrodroma brevirostrisKerguelen PetrelPétrel de Kerguelen
BoA, DFW, SAM, HBW Pterodroma brevirostris; BL, ROB Lugensa brevirostris; (SL Aphodroma brevirostris)
Breeds: Tristan group, Kerguelen, Crozet, Prince Edward; visitor, sea: off South Africa.
Pterodroma macropteraGreat-winged PetrelPétrel noir
Breeds: Tristan group, S Indian Ocean Is; visitor, sea: north to 10oS in Atlantic Ocean, to 19oS in Indian Ocean, mainly southern summer.
Pterodroma lessoniiWhite-headed PetrelPétrel de Lesson
Breeds: S Indian Ocean Is; vagrant: off South Africa, July-Nov.
Pterodroma incertaAtlantic PetrelPétrel de Schlegel
Breeds: Tristan group; vagrant: off South Africa.
Pterodroma arminjonianaTrindade PetrelPétrel de la Trinité du Sud
Herald Petrel
(IOC raises extralimital Pterodroma heraldica as Herald Petrel)
Resident: Round Is (Mauritius); vagrant: Azores.
Pterodroma barauiBarau’s PetrelPétrel de Barau
Diablotin de Barau
Resident: Réunion, Rodrigues; vagrant E coast of South Africa.
Pterodroma aterrimaMascarene Petrel Pétrel de Bourbon
Réunion Black Petrel; Mascarene Black Petrel
HM, IOC Pseudobulweria aterrima
Resident: Réunion.
(Pterodroma neglectaKermadec PetrelPétrel des Kermadec)
Vagrant: Seychelles.
Pterodroma mollisSoft-plumaged PetrelPétrel soyeux
mollis; dubia; (BoA + feae; madeira here considered as separate species); (HM monotypic)
Breeds: Tristan group (mollis), S Indian Ocean Is (dubia); visitor, sea: off South Africa, Namibia in southern winter.
Pterodroma feaeFea’s PetrelPétrel gongon
Gon-gon; Cape Verde Petrel
BoA subsumes into Pterodroma mollis
Breeds: Cape Verde Is, Desertas (Madeira); visitor, sea: near West Africa coast.
Pterodroma madeiraZino’s Petrel Pétrel de Madère
Madeira Petrel
BoA subsumes into Pterodroma mollis
Breeds: highlands of Madeira; vagrant: off West Africa.
(Pterodroma ultimaMurphy’s PetrelPétrel de Murphy)
Vagrant: St Helena.
(Pterodroma cahowBermuda PetrelPétrel des Bermudes)
Vagrant: Azores (seen in burrow).
Halobaena caeruleaBlue PetrelPrion bleu
Pétrel bleu
Breeds: S Indian Ocean Is; vagrant: off South Africa.
Pachyptila vittataBroad-billed PrionPrion de Forster
(BoA + macgillivrayi; salvini both here considered races of P. salvini)
Breeds: Tristan group; visitor, sea: off South Africa.
Pachyptila salviniSalvin’s Prion Prion de Salvin
Medium-billed Prion
macgillivrayi; salvini
BoA, DFW subume into Pachyptila vittata
Resident: Prince Edward, Crozet (salvini); Amsterdam, St Paul (macgillivrayi).
Pachyptila desolataAntarctic PrionPrion de la Désolation
Dove Prion
desolata; banksi; (HM, ROB monotypic)
Breeds: Kerguelen, Crozet; visitor, sea: off South Africa.
Pachyptila belcheriSlender-billed Prion Prion de Belcher
Thin-billed Prion
Breeds: Crozet, Kerguelen; vagrant: off South Africa.
Pachyptila turturFairy PrionPrion colombe
(HM + subantarctica (the most likely race))
Breeds: Crozet; vagrant: off South Africa, Namibia in southern winter.
(Pachyptila crassirostrisFulmar PrionPrion à bec épais)
Prion fulmar
Vagrant: 1 rec South Africa in 19th Century.
Bulweria bulweriiBulwer's PetrelPétrel de Bulwer
Breeds: Canary Is, Madeira, Azores, Cape Verde Is; visitor, sea: off Morocco - Gulf of Guinea, vagrant further south.
Bulweria fallaxJouanin's PetrelPétrel de Jouanin
Breeds: Socotra; seen Gulf of Aden, off Somalia, Seychelles.
Procellaria aequinoctialisWhite-chinned PetrelPuffin à menton blanc
Puffin brun
aequinoctialis; conspicillata
IOC, BL, ROB (+SL, SS) raise Procellaria conspicillata Spectacled Petrel Pétrel à lunettes
Breeds: Inaccessible Is (conspicillata); S Indian Ocean Is (aequinoctialis); visitor, sea: common to 30oS, less so to 20oS, mainly in southern winter.
Procellaria cinereaGrey PetrelPuffin gris
Breeds: Tristan group, S Indian Ocean Is; visitor, sea: off South Africa.
Calonectris diomedeaCory’s ShearwaterPuffin cendré
diomedea; borealis; edwardsii
CMT, IOC, BL, BD (+ROB has only 2 in Africa) (+SS) raise Calonectris edwardsii Cape Verde Shearwater Puffin du Cap Vert
Breeds: Mediterranean Is (diomedea); NW Africa, N Atlantic Is (borealis); Cape Verde Is (edwardsii); visitor, sea: off Morocco - Mauritania and Namibia - KZ-Natal, rarer in between.
Calonectris leucomelasStreaked ShearwaterPuffin leucomèle
Vagrant: Socotra, probable Djibouti, off South Africa (2 recs).
Puffinus pacificusWedge-tailed ShearwaterPuffin fouquet
Breeds: Seychelles, around Madagascar; visitor, sea: Gulf of Aden - Cape, mainly Sept-Mar.
(Puffinus tenuirostrisShort-tailed ShearwaterPuffin à bec grêle)
Vagrant: Rodrigues.
Puffinus carneipesFlesh-footed ShearwaterPuffin à pieds pâles
Visitor, sea: off Cape - Kenya, mainly southern summer.
Puffinus gravisGreat ShearwaterPuffin majeur
Breeds: Tristan group; visitor, sea: off West Africa, N Atlantic islands Aug-Sept, uncommon to Namibia, South Africa Oct-Jan.
Puffinus griseusSooty ShearwaterPuffin fuligineux
Visitor, sea: off Morocco, N Atlantic islands late northern summer, Liberia - Cape especially in southern winter.
Puffinus puffinusManx ShearwaterPuffin des Anglais
(BoA + mauretanicus; puffinus; yelkouan here considered 3 separate species)
Breeds: Madeira, Azores, Canary Is; visitor, sea: off West Africa and South Africa but not in Gulf of Guinea.
Puffinus yelkouanYelkouan Shearwater Puffin yelkouan
Levantine ShearwaterPuffin de Méditerranée
(HBW + yelkouan; mauretanicus here considered separate species)
BoA subsumes into Puffinus puffinus
Resident: around E Mediterranean Is; vagrant out of Mediterranean.
Puffinus mauretanicusBalearic ShearwaterPuffin des Baléares
BoA subsumes into Puffinus puffinus
SAM, HBW (+DFW by implication) subsume into Puffinus yelkouan (and known as) Mediterranean Shearwater
Resident: around Balearic and other W Mediterranean Is; rare visitor out of Mediterranean.
Puffinus lherminieriAudubon's ShearwaterPuffin d'Audubon
persicus (BoA persica); bailloni; nicolae; temptator; (HM + colstoni)
CMT, IOC raisePuffinus persicus Persian Shearwater (races persicus, temptator)
CMT, ROB, IOC raisePuffinus bailloni Tropical Shearwater [Puffin d’Audubon] (races bailloni, nicolae)
Breeds: Aldabra - Maldives (nicolae); Mohéli (temptator); Mascarene Is (bailloni); (persicus breeds on Kuria Muria Is in Arabian Sea); rare visitor, sea: East Africa - KZ-Natal (South Africa) (presumably all races).
Puffinus assimilisLittle ShearwaterPetit Puffin
Puffin semblable
baroli; tunneyi; elegans; boydi
CMT, IOC raisePuffinus baroli Macaronesian Shearwater (Barolo Shearwater); CMT raises Puffinus boydi Boyd’s Shearwater.
Breeds: Azores, Canary Is, NW Africa (baroli); Tristan group (elegans); Cape Verde Is (boydi); (tunneyi breeds SW Australia); visitor, sea: NW Africa - Sierra Leone and South Africa.
PELECANOIDIDAE (SAM subsumes into Procellariidae)
Pelecanoides georgicusSouth Georgia Diving PetrelPuffinure de Géorgie du Sud
Resident: Crozet, Prince Edward Is.
Pelecanoides urinatrixCommon Diving PetrelPuffinure plongeur
dacunhae; exsul
Resident: Tristan group (dacunhae); Crozet, Kerguelen (exsul).
HYDROBATIDAE (SAM subsumes into Procellariidae)
Oceanites oceanicusWilson’s Storm-petrelOcéanite de Wilson
oceanicus; exasperatus
Breeds: S Indian Ocean Is; visitor, sea: commonest petrel all around continent W Mediterranean to S Red Sea around Cape.
Garrodia nereisGrey-backed Storm-petrelOcéanite néréide
Breeds: Gough, Crozet, Kerguelen; visitor: off South Africa (1 record).
Pelagodroma marinaWhite-faced Storm-petrelOcéanite frégate
hypoleuca; eadesi; dulciae; marina
Breeds: Canary Is, Salvage Is (hypoleuca); Cape Verde Is (eadesi); Tristan group (marina); visitor, sea: Gulf of Aden to equator (dulciae).
Fregetta tropicaBlack-bellied Storm-petrelOcéanite à ventre noir
tropica; melanoleuca
Breeds: Tristan group (melanoleuca); S Indian Ocean Is (tropica); scarce visitor, sea: off South Africa.
Fregetta grallariaWhite-bellied Storm-petrelOcéanite à ventre blanc
Resident: Tristan group, Amsterdam, St Paul; vagrant to north.
Hydrobates pelagicusEuropean Storm-petrel Océanite tempête
**British Storm-petrel
(CMT + pelagicus, militensis)
Breeds: Canary Is (+ Mediterranean Is); visitor, sea: W Mediterranean, off NW Africa - KZ-Natal; off South Africa especially Sept-Feb.
Oceanodroma castroMadeiran Storm-petrel Océanite de Castro
Band-rumped Storm-petrel*
Breeds: Azores, Madeira, Cape Verde Is, mid-Atlantic Is; visitor, sea: off NW Africa to frequent in Gulf of Guinea.
Oceanodroma monteiroiMonteiro's Storm-petrel??
A recently described form (Ibis 2008); CMT, IOC also haveOceanodroma jabejabeCape-Verde Storm-petrel (winter breeding
Cape Verde Is.)
Breeds: Azores (summer breeding).
Oceanodroma monorhisSwinhoe’s Storm-petrelOcéanite de Swinhoe
Visitor, sea: in Red Sea and nearby; vagrant Salvage Is.
Oceanodroma leucorhoaLeach’s Storm-petrelOcéanite culblanc
Breeds: Dyer Is, Cape area (South Africa); visitor, sea: all Atlantic coastal areas.
Oceanodroma matsudairaeMatsudaira’s Storm-petrelOcéanite de Matsudaira
Visitor, sea: equatorial Indian Ocean.
Aptenodytes patagonicusKing PenguinManchot royal
(CMT + halli)
Breeds: S Indian Ocean Is; vagrant South Africa (2 recs).
Eudyptes chrysocomeRockhopper PenguinGorfou sauteur
Western Rockhopper Penguin*
moseleyi; chrysocome; filholi
IOC raises Eupdyptes moseleyi Northern Rockhopper Penguin; Eudyptes filholi Eastern Rockhopper Penguin; (E. chrysocome
becomes Western Rockhopper Penguin)
Breeds: Tristan group, St Paul, Amsterdam (moseleyi); Prince Edward Is, Kerguelen (filholi); vagrant: off South Africa.
Eudyptes chrysolophusMacaroni PenguinGorfou doré
(BoA + chrysolophus)
Breeds: Kerguelen, Crozet; vagrant: off South Africa.
Spheniscus demersusJackass PenguinManchot du Cap
African Penguin
Resident: inshore islands off Namibia, South Africa; rarely disperses to S Angola, S Mozambique.
(Spheniscus magellanicusMagellanic PenguinManchot de Magellan )
Vagrant: S Atlantic islands; South Africa (1 rec probably ship assisted).
Pygoscelis papuaGentoo PenguinManchot papou
Resident: Kerguelen, Crozet.
(Pygoscelis adeliaeAdelie PenguinManchot d’Adelie )
Vagrant, sea: no mainland record.
(Pygoscelis antarcticusChinstrap PenguinManchot à jugulaire)
HM notes often incorrectly spelt P. antarctica
Resident: Prince Edward Is; vagrant, Gough Is.
Gavia stellataRed-throated DiverPlongeon catmarin
Red-throated Loon*
Vagrant, sea: N Morocco, Azores.
Gavia arcticaBlack-throated DiverPlongeon arctique
Arctic Loon; Black-throated Loon*
arctica; (CMT monotypic)
Vagrant, sea: NW Africa, Canary Is.
Gavia immerGreat Northern DiverPlongeon huard
Common Loon; Great Northern Loon*Plongeon imbrin
Vagrant, sea: NW Africa, N Atlantic Is.
Tachybaptus ruficollisLittle GrebeGrèbe castagneux
capensis; ruficollis
Resident, fresh water: Morocco - Tunisia, Egypt (ruficollis); all S of Sahara, N Madagascar (capensis) although patchy in West Africa.
[Tachybaptus rufolavatusAlaotra GrebeGrèbe roussâtre]
Grèbe de Delacour
Probably extinct: was confined to L. Alaotra, Madagascar.
Tachybaptus pelzelniiMadagascar GrebeGrèbe malgache
Madagascar Little Grebe
Resident, fresh water: Madagascar.
(Podilymbus podicepsPied-billed GrebeGrèbe à bec bigarré )
Vagrant: Azores, Tenerife.
Podiceps cristatusGreat Crested GrebeGrèbe huppé
infuscatus; cristatus
Resident, fresh water: Tunisia, disperses to Morocco and vagrant to Senegal (cristatus); discontinuous in highlands of Ethiopia, East Africa and E DRC, Transvaal - Cape (South Africa) (all infuscatus); casual records elsewhere.
Podiceps nigricollisBlack-necked GrebeGrèbe à cou noir
Eared Grebe
nigricollis; gurneyi
(BoA only lists nigricollis but clearly includes gurneyi in this; HBW indicates nigricollis (sens strict.)also occurs)
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, productive waters, including sea in non-breeding season: all over continent but patchy (not recorded in all countries); vagrant Azores, Canary Is, Seychelles.
Podiceps grisegenaRed-necked GrebeGrèbe jougris
Vagrant: NW Africa.
Podiceps auritusHorned GrebeGrèbe esclavon
Slavonian Grebe
Vagrant: NW Africa, Tunisia, Azores, Madeira.
Phaethon aethereusRed-billed TropicbirdPhaéton à bec rouge
Grand Phaéton
indicus; aethereus; mesonauta
Breeds: Cape Verde Is (mesonauta); Ascension Is, St Helena, off Senegal (aethereus); Red Sea islets (indicus); visitor, sea: elsewhere to tropical waters, N Atlantic Is.
Phaethon rubricaudaRed-tailed TropicbirdPhaéton à brins rouges
rubricauda; (BoA no races mentioned)
Breeds: Aldabra, Indian Ocean Is; rare visitor, sea: Indian Ocean coast of Africa.
Phaethon lepturusWhite-tailed TropicbirdPhaéton à bec jaune
Petit Phaéton
lepturus; ascensionis; europae (not in HBW)
Breeds: Ascension Is, Gulf of Guinea Is (ascensionis); Aldabra, Seychelles (lepturus); Europa Is (europae) visitor, sea: tropical areas.
Morus bassanusNorthern GannetFou de Bassan
BoA, DFW, HBW Sula bassana
Visitor, sea: Mediterranean east to Libya, Atlantic south to Sierra Leone, incl islands.
Morus capensisCape GannetFou du Cap
BoA, DFW, HBW Sulacapensis
Breeds: islets off South Africa, Namibia; visitor, sea: north to Gulf of Guinea, Kenya.
Morus serratorAustralasian GannetFou austral
Australian Gannet
BoA, DFW, HBW Sula serrator
Vagrant: seen in colonies of M. capensis and on Indian Ocean islands.
Sula dactylatraMasked BoobyFou masqué
melanops; dactylatra
Breeds: islands in Red Sea south to Zanzibar, Indian Ocean Is, dispersing rarely south of Tanzania (melanops); vagrant Gulf of Guinea (dactylatra).
Sula sulaRed-footed BoobyFou à pieds rouges
rubripes; sula
Breeds: some Indian Ocean Is (rubripes); (rubripes also in W and C Pacific, sula in SW Atlantic and Caribbean); visitor, sea: Port Sudan; vagrant to E and W coasts.
Sula leucogasterBrown BoobyFou brun
plotus; leucogaster
Breeds: Gulf of Guinea Is, Ascension Is, Cape Verde Is, dispersing Senegal - Congo (leucogaster); Red Sea and Indian Ocean Is dispersing south to Tanzania (plotus).
Phalacrocorax carboGreat CormorantGrand Cormoran
White-breasted Cormorant
lucidus; sinensis; maroccanus; carbo; (HM + lugubris)
IOC, ROB (+SL, SS) raise Phalacrocorax lucidus White-breasted Cormorant Cormoran à poitrine blanche
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor (carbo), coastal and inland water: coastal Morocco - Egypt and up Nile R. (sinensis, maroccanus); west coast Mauritania south to Guinea-Bissau and Angola - Cape; inland N and E Sudan, Ethiopia - Namibia, South Africa (all lucidus); carbo winters to NW Africa.
Phalacrocorax nigrogularisSocotra CormorantCormoran de Socotra
IOC Leucocarbo nigrogularis
Breeds: Socotra; visitor, sea: Gulf of Aden.
Phalacrocorax capensisCape CormorantCormoran du Cap
IOC Leucocarbo capensis
Resident, coasts and offshore: Congo R. - KZ-Natal.
Phalacrocorax neglectusBank CormorantCormoran des bancs
Resident, coasts: S Angola, Namibia - Cape.
Phalacrocorax aristotelisEuropean ShagCormoran huppé
desmarestii; riggenbachi
IOC Leucocarbo aristotelis
Resident, coasts: Morocco - Egypt, less common in east.
Phalacrocorax pygmaeusPygmy CormorantCormoran pygmée
IOC Microcarbo pygmaeus
Vagrant: records in Tunisia; formerly bred Algeria.
Phalacrocorax africanusReed Cormorant Cormoran africain
Long-tailed Cormorant
africanus; pictilis
IOC Microcarbo africanus
Resident, mainly fresh water: all S of Sahara except NE Somalia (africanus); Madagascar (pictilis); vagrant: Seychelles.
Phalacrocorax coronatusCrowned CormorantCormoran couronné
IOC Microcarbo coronatus
Resident, coasts: Namibia - Cape.
Phalacrocorax melanogenisCrozet ShagCormorant de Crozet
HM subsumes into Phalacrocorax (IOC Leucocarbo) albiventer King CormorantCormoran à ventre blanc
SAM subsumes into Phalacrocorax atriceps Imperial Shag Cormoran impériale (CMT, HBW include albiventer as race of this,
but keep melanogenis separate)
IOC, BL presumed to subsume into either P. (L.) albiventer or P. atriceps
Resident: Crozet, Prince Edward, Marion.