FICPI Australia Annual Meeting 2017

Friday 28 July 2017 – Monday 31 July 2017, Noosa Queensland

Registration Form

Please send this registration form by Friday 30 June 2016to Mr Bill McFarlane, Secretary, FICPI Australia, please preferably scan and email to but you may also use facsimile to(08) 8311 8300 THEN post this signed form with your cheque to FICPI C/MADDERNS GPO Box 2752, ADELAIDE, SA 5001 Funds transfers can also be made to the FICPI Bank Account (details below)

FICPI now has electronic banking so if that suits your needs please have the indicated funds transferred to:

BSB: 012172

Account no.: 007742074

Account name: Australian Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys


Delegate Information

Title /  Mr  Ms Other ( ) / Preferred
Name for Badge
First Name / Last Name
Firm / Position
Street/PO Box / City
Country / Phone
Fax / Email
Dietary Req.

Accompanying Person(s)

1. / Title /  Mr  Ms Other ( ) / Preferred
Name for Badge
First Name / Last Name
2. / Title /  Mr  Ms Other ( ) / Preferred
Name for Badge
First Name / Last Name
3. / Title /  Mr  Ms Other ( ) / Preferred
Name for Badge
First Name / Last Name
Dietary Req.


Category / StdFee / Sub Total
 Delegate excluding Excursion Monday 1 August / $1200
 Accompanying Person (s) excluding Excursion Monday 1 August / $500
 Delegate including Excursion Monday 1 August / $1600
 Accompanying Person (s) including Excursion Monday 1 August / $900
First time non-member attorney excluding AGM and Excursion Monday 1 August / $900
 First time non-member attorney excluding AGM but including Excursion Monday 1 August / $1300



1.In-house managersand CEO’s are invited to register and can attend all sessions and events but not the Annual General Meeting. Please pass a copy of this registration form to others if you wish them to attend.

2.Non-member patent and trade marks attorneys who are eligible to apply to become a FICPI member (see Note 5 for eligibility criteria) are invited on a one-time only basis to register at the specially discounted non-member rate (see above) and can attend all sessions and events, but not the Annual General Meeting. Please pass a copy of this registration form to any non-member attorneys who you believe may wish to attend on this basis.

3, Booking of and payment for accommodation is your responsibility and the Accommodation Booking should be made via their web site or telephone07 53416399. Mention you are booking with FICPI Australia and if you are an RACV (or other like motoring organisation member) ask for their discount as well. Note that breakfast for two is included in the rate.

Delegates and attendees should note the resorts’ cancellation policy and transaction fee. Please complete this step as soon as possible noting that rooms or roomsat the preferred rate may not be available after July 7 2017.

4.The Conference registration fees do not include transport to and from your home city, accommodation, transport to or from venues, nor any personal room expenses. A tax invoice from FICPI Australia will be issued following registration.

5.Eligibility to becoming an ordinary member of FICPI Australia under Article 5 of the Articles of Association is briefly summarised below, please speak to the Secretary or a Council member if you wish to explore this step further, however a prospective member is a person:

  • in independent practice as a Patent Attorney in Australia or as a Trade Marks Attorney in Australia
  • have their primary endeavour as a patent attorney or as a trade marks attorney
  • have at least 5 years experience as a patent attorney or trade marks attorney since registrations as such in Australia or overseas
  • not practise only on behalf of one client, or an affiliated group of clients, to the exclusion of other clients
  • Please note that under the amendments made to our Articles of Association last year (see Note 5 below), all patent attorneys in private practice for at least 5 years and trade marks attorneys for a similar period of time, subject to the additional conditions as specified, whether partners/principals or not, are eligible to become members of FICPI.


If you have any requirements not listed that you wish the organisers to be aware of please provide them below, email or call the Secretary Bill McFarlane +618 8311 8311.


FICPI Australia Banking Details

BSB: 012172

Accnt no.: 007742074

Accnt name: Australian Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys

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