Knights of Columbus

Fr. Jeremiah Murphy Council # 6435 July 2013

Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish

“A place where the men of our parish can come together to support our priests, families, and school through Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.”

NEXT MEETING AUGUST 14, 2013 @ 7:30pm

Pray for…

Joyce Lohbeck, Tammy Franz, Paul McDonnell, Vince Rocchio, Carl Grimwood, Cliff Brandt, Paul & Alice Boeger, Andy and Jackie Nappier, Dan Smentkowski, Bob and Mary Lou Guidines, John Nahlik, Mary Ann Barnett, Tim Lodes, Ray Wieschhaus, Rob Stahlin, Pam Szolga, Ann Mattingly, Fr. Wesloh, Fr. Don Molitor, Leroy Silver, Jack Sorrentino, Dale Anderson, Margret Bottchen, Greg, and Leonard Hirtz, Lou Bartoloni, Donna Heller, Charlie Bacher, Mary Schmitt, Jane and Dee Walters, Ronald Sheets, Jim Clark, Scott Beck, Ralph Schultheiss, Glenda Clayton, Bill Mikko, Dan Mangan, Bill Hrdlicka and Pope Francis I

Knight’s at the Ballpark

September 8th

Cardinals vs. Pirates

Tickets are $22

$5 from each ticket goes to the

Knights of Columbus Developmental Center Contact Tom Broadbent

Knight’s Night at the Races

August 17th

$40 per person

Includes racing form, dinner and bus there and back and a really good time.

This is first come – first served

When the bus is full reservations will be closed


Make reservations with Arnie Lohbeck 636-274-4072

First Sunday Breakfast

August 4th

Cardinal Glennon will meet Festus, Sunday, August 19th picnic 1 pm.

July 10, 2013

From Your New Grand Knight,

I look forward to working and being the new Grand Knight of this Council. I have a few concerns that I feel need to be addressed. My foremost concern is the first monthly breakfast. We need help. We have three teams: Team 1, Tom Lakin, Team 2, myself and Team 3, Dave Mills. We need 4 to 5 people on each team if not more. This way each team would work every third month. My next concern is Friday night Bingo where we are also short staffed and could use some extra help. If you are available you can contact me at either 636-253-8007, 314-971-6670, or email me at .

On a more personal note, I would like to see more Knights participating in the meetings to give fresh new ideas, and to meet old & new friends.

God Bless,

Tom Broadbent


For what good it does, I’d just like to remind the membership that we can always use help. Whether it’s bingo, the picnic beer booth, mouse races, etc. I think we do a pretty decent job of letting everyone know what is coming up. I for one can’t understand why more people don’t step up. It was obvious that the Church picnic beer booth and our chuck-a-luck booth were in real need. Quite a few worked extra shifts and others were forced to work the entire day. I’m sure those weren’t the only booths, but those were our booths.

What happened to the Charity, Unity and Fraternity?



We were playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died.
When I was crossing the border into Canada, they asked if I had any firearms with me. I said, "Well, what do you need?"
I watched the Indy 500, and I was thinking that if they left earlier they wouldn't have to go so fast.
If you saw a heat wave, would you wave back?
If you were going to shoot a mime, would you use a silencer?
I broke a mirror and got seven years bad luck, but my lawyer thinks he can get it reduced to five.
Do you think that when they asked George Washington for ID that he just whipped out a quarter?
I had some eyeglasses and I was walking down the street when suddenly the prescription ran out. I couldn’t see a thing.
I just got out of the hospital. I was in a speed reading accident. I hit a book mark and flew across the room.
I installed a skylight in my apartment.... The people who live above me are furious!
They say I had amnesia once, but I don’t remember.

Comments from the Peanut Gallery

Did you ever stop and look around and try to figure out how the human being can possibly be the smartest species on the planet?

We humans do dumb things, bizarre things, creepy things, destructive things, careless things, hurtful things and the list goes on and on. All the years I’ve spent roaming the woods, I’ve never seen an intoxicated squirrel, a drug addicted rabbit, a chain-smoking chipmunk or an obese deer. Our species just has a way of screwing up a lot. And yes, I’m just as screwed up as anyone else.

God gave us a really nice planet and it seems that none of our countries can co-exist. We are so much more civilized now than in centuries past, but we are still fighting and killing each other just as much now as then, and due to our intelligence, more effectively.

We burn the rain forests that produce our oxygen. We put up shopping mall after shopping mall on top of some of the most productive farmland knowing full well that they will be abandoned in a dozen years or so for another, newer mall down the road.

Humans with road rage, humans gunning down humans in the streets at the slightest insult or perceived wrong. Humans crashing their cars while texting and driving. Humans playing the “Victim” card.

We have politicians (not sure if they’re human) that don’t have a clue and/or really don’t care about the little guy that elected them. They have cost American jobs, lots of jobs, and the prosperity that goes along with them.

Sometimes I wish I lived in a simpler time, (I guess because I’m simple) maybe 250 years ago or so. The forests, plains and mountains were pretty much unspoiled by man then. The thought of seeing the way this country looked in that time period has always intrigued me. I’m sure humans in that time still did dumb things, hurtful things, creepy things etc., but there were a lot less of them and I think they probably possessed a lot more common sense or at least enough sense to be able to survive with very few luxuries.

Anyway, I guess God decided to mix it up just to make it interesting. If all of us humans were extremely intelligent and loaded with common sense it would be a pretty boring world.

God Bless,

Kevin Duff


First degree started at 7:30 pm, concluded at 8:06 pm.

General meeting called to order at 8:06 pm

Prayer offered by Tom Broadbent

3 new Knights introduction

Grand Knight Report

July 20 (1) and July 27 (2) bartenders needed

Treasurer's Report

Report handed out, pending bills read aloud, motion raised to pay the bills raised, seconded, carried.

Financial Secretary's report

7 members delinquent and will be dismissed

Community directorTrash pickup last Saturday of July at 8 am

Family director

Decent turnout for the Christmas parade, like to see more involvement come December

Pro-life director

Motion raised to donate $100 to the Hope Builders, seconded, and carried

Council director

Looking for volunteers to help out with the car show we're planning. September 29 is the planned day. Blue Mass also scheduled for that day. A portion of the proceeds will also go to Backstoppers.

Fall meat shoot will be going on this year, sometime before youth deer season. Mouse races – motion made to request $300 for the purchase of a BBQ grill for the grand prize raffle. Seconded and carried.

Old Business

Ray Brune Fishing Clinic / Tournament – June 21, 2014 at Camp Solidarity in Pacific

Knight at the Races – scheduled for August 17th - $40 a person – includes racing forms, dinner, and bus ride there and back. Contact Arnie or Kevin.

New Officer Installation July 21 at 2 pm, officers need to be here by 1:30 pm

New Business

Saturday July 20th, Bluegrass fundraiser, silent auction for Sharon Daniels

Report of the 4th Degree

Cardinal Glennon – July 15 in Festus

Bishop Schierhoff - 3rd Wednesday at St. Anthony's hall (old Poco Loco)

DD Report

Clown Club - interested parties should contact Joe Moses

Wheelchair Brigade – purchased 82 thus far for those who are in need

Special Olympics – looking for volunteers, contact the DD

2013 Dodge Challenger raffle, donated to the Special Olympics, requesting that each council purchase books of tickets to sell. Raffle tickets due 11/1.

“Knight” at the Ballpark, September 8th, 1:15 pm game, left field loge, $22 per ticket, contact DD

Try to recruit 1 new person a month

Anyone involved in a blood drive, contact the DD so that our council can get credit

State Ladies' Aux is formulating a cookbook. Those interested in getting one or getting a recipe into the book, contact the DD.