Wethersfield Parish Magazine


Parish Church of

St. Mary Magdalene

United Benefice of Finchingfield with Cornish Hall End, Wethersfield and Shalford


The Revd. Colin Wilson BTh., The Vicarage Finchingfield

Tel 01371

Associate Minister
The Reverend Janet NichollsBEd
Park House, Braintree Road, Shalford, Braintree CM7 5HQ (Tel. 01371 851317)


Mrs Sarah Pilgrim, Fieldside, Lombard Street, Finchingfield

Tel 01371 850781


Mrs Eve Newell, Hillfoot Cottage, Wethersfield

Tel 01371 850957

Mr Ben Walmsley, Wethersfield Hall, Wethersfield

Tel. 07939 030833


Hon. Sec.

Mrs Camilla Jarvis, Quinces, Shalford

Tel 01371

Hon Treasurer

Mr Roy Threadgold, Plumley, Braintree Road Wethersfield

Tel 01371 850481

Ringing Master

Mr Roy Threadgold, Plumley, Braintree Road Wethersfield

Tel 01371 850481


Please contact the Vicar for Baptisms, Marriages and when you are in need of help.

He is very happy to bring Communion to the homes of the sick and housebound.

Would newcomers please make us aware of their presence?



Sunday 3rd December

(Advent Sunday)

8.00am Holy Communion, Wethersfield

9.30am Morning Prayer, Cornish Hall End

9.30am Family Service, Shalford

11.00am Sung Eucharist, Finchingfield

Sunday 10th December

(The Second Sunday of Advent)

8.00am Holy Communion, Cornish Hall End

9.30am Sung Eucharist, Shalford

11.00am Charity Toy Service, Wethersfield

4.00pm Carol Service, Blackmore End Village Hall

Sunday 17th December

(The Third Sunday of Advent)

9.30am Morning Prayer, Shalford

4.00pm Carol Service, Cornish Hall End

4.00pm Carol Service, Wethersfield

6.30pm Carol Service, Finchingfield

Sunday 24th December – Christmas Eve

3.00pm Children's Crib Service, Finchingfield

5.00pm Carol Service, Shalford

11.00pm Midnight Mass, Wethersfield

Monday 25th December – Christmas Day

9.30am Christmas Communion, Shalford

9.30am Christmas Communion, Cornish Hall End

10.30am Family Service, Wethersfield

11.00am Christmas Communion, Finchingfield

Sunday 31st December

(The First Sunday of Christmas)

11.00am United Benefice Service, Cornish Hall End

2.30pm Carol Service, Boydells Farm, Wethersfield

Sunday 7th January

(The First Sunday after Epiphany/Baptism of our Lord)

8.00am Holy Communion, Wethersfield

9.30am Family Service, Shalford

9.30am Morning Prayer, Cornish Hall End

11.00am Sung Eucharist & Holy Baptism, Finchingfield

Sunday 14th January

(The Second Sunday of Epiphany)

8.00am Holy Communion, Cornish Hall End

9.30am Sung Eucharist, Shalford

11.00am Family Service, Wethersfield

Sunday 21st January

(The Third Sunday of Epiphany)

8.00am Holy Communion, Finchingfield

9.30am Morning Prayer, Shalford

11.00am Sung Eucharist, Wethersfield

Sunday 28th January

(The Fourth Sunday of Epiphany)

8.00am Holy Communion, Shalford

9.30am Sung Eucharist, Cornish Hall End

4.00pm Children's Christingle Service, Wethersfield

If you would like a lift to any of the services in the benefice, or

wish to receive Holy Communion at home, please contact your local Churchwardens or Revd. Colin Wilson.

For details of the benefice Children’s Church, please contact

Mrs Sarah Pilgrim: 01371 850781.

From the Vicarage…

Here we are again, at the start of Advent, with Christmas galloping towards us. No doubt many people will have made a start on some of the planning for the Christmas season, perhaps buying some wine and extra bits of food each week, writing Christmas cards, buying presents, planning visits to relatives, friends and so on. As we approach one of the great festivals of the Christian year, Christians are caught between the religious festival and the secular celebration. Trying to juggle the two can be quite a challenge. If we are not careful, all the practical tasks and anxieties can overwhelm us, leaving no room for any spiritual preparation, so that our Christmas worship is added to our "to do" list and we find that it takes us almost by surprise – organised on the outside, but unprepared on the inside.

Should we go for the ascetic, puritan approach and reject the secular festivities altogether, opt out of shopping and partying, and focus only on the coming (adventus) of Jesus Christ? That may be the right way for some – for those called to a dedicated religious life, such as a monk or nun. But for most of us I believe it would be neither practical, nor what Jesus expects of us. The puritan life is not appropriate for most of us because we don't live in isolation – we have families, friends and colleagues, many of whom are not "religious". We can't just cut them off, ignore their needs and wishes. And theologically, separating ourselves from the world would be a strange way to celebrate the mystery of the Incarnation -God coming into our world, born in a stable in Bethlehem. The Jesus who celebrated at the wedding at Cana, who would dine with anyone, would surely not want that!

In the best tradition of Anglican compromise I believe that somehow we need to hold together both sides of Advent, the spiritual and secular, the preparation and the celebration. But to do that successfully, we need to work on creating the right balance. In its secular version, we need to worry less about trying to have the perfect Christmas that the advertisers say we must strive to achieve, and remember the really important thing about Christmas is sharing our time with family and friends. In its spiritual version, we should consciously, deliberately, make a bit more time for ourselves and for God in the next few weeks. Maybe make the effort to get to church every Sunday during Advent, however long our "to do" lists might be. And alongside our caring for family and friends, among our prayers, we should be looking outwards and not just inwards. Remembering the needs of the world around us, the world Jesus Christ came to share in and to die for, caring for others through our prayers, actions and gifts. Then we really will be prepared to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ.

With my best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

Colin Wilson (Revd.)

Churchwardens’ Notes

From Ben:

November saw positive progress and momentum regarding the urgent repairs needed to both spire and roof. Following the faculty application going in last month, we received the go-ahead from the DAC to proceed with the repairs to the spire. Builders are now providing quotes and work planned to start hopefully in April. Also our architect spent a day inspecting the roof timbers from inside the nave and was heartened that there was no sign of rot.

We plan on repairing a hatchment (coat of arms) and getting this back on the walls next year.

You will note the carol service is at the earlier time of 4pm on the 17th Dec, do please try make it also stay for a drink afterwards at Wethersfield Hall.

Lastly I'm keen to have willing members of the congregation to read a lesson at our regular services. if you're interested do please let us know.

Ben Walmsley Tel 07939 030 833

And from Eve:

As yet another year draws to a close it gives us a chance to take stock what has been happening at St Mary's.

We have had our usual pattern of Services and celebrated the special events of Easter, Harvest and Remembrance Sunday. It was also our turn to host the World Women’s Day of Prayer in March. We had visits from Braintree Synod and U3A Hadleigh.

Social activities included the Annual Rummage Sale in February, the very successful Village Fête in June, once again kindly hosted by Ben and Leonora Walmsley, which raised nearly £2000 for Church funds. The Chamber concerts again proved very successful, drawing inbigger audiences.

We gave the Flower Festival a miss this year because it would have clashed with the Village Fête,so instead we are doing somethingdifferent for Christmas. We have been able to obtain some small Christmas Trees to use as decoration in the Church and have invitedvarious clubs and organisations to decorate a tree, and they have all agreed to join in the fun!So on Saturday 16th we are having:-






Please pop in to have a look at the Trees and to support the young musicians and share a cup of tea and mince pie with us.

Finally thanks to everyone who gives of their time and talents to look after the Church. This year we have been blessed with new members of the PCC: Ben Walmsley asChurch Warden - it is great to have a partner in crime! - Angie Pannell who plays the organ, Liz Townrowand Barbara McKenzie whohavetaken over the responsibilities of the "domestics" of the Church. Not forgetting all the "Old Faithfuls" A Happy and Blessed Christmas to you All


Wethersfield Childrens’ Church

Invites YOU to join us

to act out the Christmas story at the Wethersfield Village tree lighting on Saturday 2nd December.

Meet on Wethersfield green at 5.30pm

Come ready dressed as an angel, shepherd or wise man and just join in !!

Further details from Sarah Pilgrim. Tel: 01371 850781



For 3-11 year olds

Sunday 3rd December

11.00am – 12.30pm

In Wethersfield Parish Church

No charge – bring a coin for the collection

Enquiries to: Sarah Pilgrim. Tel: 07788411360




Sunday 10th December at 11.00am

A short service for all the family.

Please bring donations of toys or gifts for 0-18 year olds.

After the service you can stay to enjoy some refreshments and help decorate the church Christmas tree.


Further details from Sarah Pilgrim. Tel: 01371 850781

Tuesday 12thDecember

Wethersfield Village Sings Carols.

We meet on the Green at 5.45 pm ready to set off around the village at 6pm, following our lit Christmas tree and spreading good will.

We shall be collecting for UNICEF and end our outing at Wethersfield Clubat about 7pm, for free refreshments.

Please come along with us, it should be good fun.

We need carol singers, obviously, but, if you would prefer not to sing, we will also need people to knock on doors and rattle their tins!

If you have a high viz jacket or arm bands please wear them and, oh yes, don't forget the torch!

Wethersfield Parish Church

Annual Service of Nine Lessons and Carols

Sunday 17th December at 6pm

Have you a favourite Christmas carol?

Let us know your choice and we will try to include it in the service.

Let me know the carols you would like by

Sunday 10th December

Then come along and sing them on the 17th!

Sarah Pilgrim. Tel: 01371 850781. Mobile: 07788411360



St. John's Church, Finchingfield

Christmas Eve at 3.00pm

Turn up & take part!

This year both adults and children are warmly invited to dress up and

come along in costume: be a Shepherd, Mary, Joseph, Angel, King,

Sheep, Herod etc., and help tell the Christmas story.

It will be a lively celebration of Christmas for all the family!

Further information from Revd. Colin Wilson (01371 810309)

Carols in the Cowshed

Sunday 31st December,

At2.30 pm

Boydells Farm

(As featured in December edition

of“Country Living” magazine,.)

Live band, live animals, lively singing.

Collection in aid of FARM Africa.


FOSTAC held the Annual St Andrew’s Night Supper (although early!) with Magic and a Supper with delicious desserts.

Many supported this event and the evening was as great success – the Magicians went from table to table giving amazing demonstrations of their magic skills – you really could not fathom out how they did each trick.

They were a very friendly group of Magicians and laughter could be heard all around the village hall. Their tricks were unfathomable and their jokes laughable – so everyone enjoyed the whole evening.

The supper was a choice of fish or chicken and chips which arrived from Henleys in Braintree piping hot! These were followed by a selection of apple-based desserts, crumble, pie, tart – all home-made.

The next event FOSTAC has planned is on Saturday 9th December presenting our Annual Christmas Concert where again we have local musicians and readers taking part, including local school children from Shalford Primary School

Tickets are on sale at Shalford Village Stores priced at £5 – or on the door on the evening. The concert begins at 7.00pm and will have the usual FOSTAC drinks and nibbles – this time with a Christmassy flavour!

Thank you for your support and look forward to seeing you on the 9th

Sylvia Lester

Committee Member


History Group

The next meeting of will be on

Thursday 14th December.

This will be our Christmas meeting

when we will have the usual

mixture of stories of Wethersfield,

drawn from the archives, a quiz, film clips

and amusing anecdotes,

all accompanied by seasonal refreshments.

As usual, the meeting will be held in the

Pavilion, Hedingham Road, at 8.00pm.

£2 at the door, to include refreshments

and all are welcome.

News from the Village Hall

2017 will forever be etched on my mind. It was the year that I was appointed Chairman of Wethersfield Village Hall CIO and the year during which the Trustees and I embarked on our journey of change in the Village Hall. We are now two thirds of the way there and hopefully by the end of summer 2018 the journey will be complete and our job will be done.

There are still jobs to be done, each one small in comparison to what has happened already but they mount up and it would be easy to lose momentum if they were not there to keep us going. However, after Christmas we will slow down a little, take a deep breath and just chip away at those awkward little corners – all of them as important as the big spaces in their own way.

Before the end of the year we have some major events taking place in and around the Hall. Saturday 2nd December sees the “Big Switch On”! Christmas lights will flood The Green, Bardfield Brass Band will lead our Christmas carol singing and Father Christmas will be handing out a sackful of goodies to our children and grandchildren. It has become tradition for the oldest and youngest children at Wethersfield School to switch on the lights and this year will be no different. In fact this year the school children will be joining in a competition to paint or draw their interpretation of “Christmas in Wethersfield”. The pictures will be displayed in the Hall and will be judged on the day by Mr John Barker, Chairman of our Parish Council. There will be a sizzling BBQ, delicious mulled wine as well as a bar and Howard's turkey rolls to keep you warm and sustained. The hall will be filled with cakes, crafts and curiosities along with Eve's mince pies and teas. A wonderful evening is promised so do please come along and join in the fun.

On the 16th December Wethersfield Village Hall presents “A Christmas Cracker”, an evening of music and comedy, live music provided by the local band “The Last Drops” and both music and comedy provided by members of our committee. There will be festive nibbles included in the price of your tickets and there will be a bar. The audience is invited to join in the singing and also to dance along to the band. Tickets will cost £5.00 only and are now available from the Post Office or phone Mair on 01371 850620. A bargain price at a time of year when we are probably all spending a little more than usual! Look forward to seeing you there.

It's good to be able to report that we are well on the way to achieving the funding required to complete the project but for now we must continue our fundraising. Look out for our quiz evening in February and then in April another big music event! Watch this space! By November the work on the Hall should be finished. This year sees the centenary of the end of the First World War and on 10th November 2018 we are planning a dinner and dance entitled “Wethersfield Remembers” a commemoration marking the end of the Great war and remembering the great sacrifice made by the young men of our country. There will be more details available in the New Year.

I, for one, am looking forward to spending some time with my wonderful family and friends as I am sure you all are. Once again I thank you for your magnificent support this year and on behalf of the Trustees of Wethersfield Village Hall wish all of Wethersfield a happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

Mair F Godley


Wethersfield Village Hall CIO



Thank you to all those who made up boxes for this year’s appeal and a special thank you to Mrs. Collins for co-ordinating the appeal throughout our benefice.

At the special Shoebox service on 19th November there were 200 boxes gathered ready to travel to children across the world – we will know where our boxes went to in the New Year.

If you have internet access you can follow the journeys of the shoeboxes and read stories of the children who have received boxes at