Upcoming Email Migration Update
***Final Notice***
We are executing the cut over to our new Exchange 2013 Email server on Monday August 8th at 12:00 noon. Messages prior to the end of July have already been migrated to the new server, and the most recent messages will be migrated in the days after August 8th.
What’s happening?
We are in the process of migrating mail data from to Staff that are being migrated as per the earlier memos have a new account on WAN 2 with the same username & password as their old email account. Messages, calendar items, and contacts have been copied from the old mail account to the new one. On our cut-over date of August 8th, the old server will stop receiving incoming mail, and new messages will only be available by logging into the new mail server at
Does the old server still work?
After August 8th, the existing webmail at will still be usable in “read only” mode, but any new messages will only be available on the new server. Nothing has been deleted from the old server, and your old messages will be accessible for up to one year. If there was an issue with the migration on your account, a manual re-sync can be performed at any point.
Can I use the new server now?
The new mail server is operational via webmail at As the data is synchronized between the servers, you should see all mail/calendar items from the date of the last sync. Prior to the cut over, you should be using the old server for all mail activity. You can login to the new server to confirm that your mail migration succeeded. After the cut over date, another sync will be performed to migrate messages from the last week.
What if I’m over quota?
Users that are over their quota of 1 GB for school staff, and 2GB for admin staff will only have the most recent 6 months of data migrated. Once the data on the old server has been reduced to under their quota, you can contact helpdesk, and have the email account re-synced, and the new server will have the remaining data transferred over.
Will there be email downtime?
We do not anticipate any downtime as both servers are currently live, and 95% of messages have already been synchronized. After August 8th, new mail will come in only on the new server. Your mailbox should contain all messages prior to August, and mail from the end of July to August 8th will be synchronized over the week of August 8th. If your mailbox is missing some messages, you can still view them by logging into the old mail server. If you are missing messages from prior to the end of July, please contact the Helpdesk so we can investigate.
Will messages to still work?
Your new account will still receive any messages addressed to your @frontiersd.mb.ca address, but when you send new messages, it will appear as @fsdnet.ca.
How do I access my email after August 8th?
On August 8th, we will be changing the existing link for Staff Webmail, and School Webmail to be: Legacy Webmail and a new link will be created for Exchange 2013 Webmail. There will no longer be a separate location for Admin/Staff/Students.
Can I still use MS Outlook software?
All new messages after August 8th will only be accessible via the Exchange 2013 Webmail link. Admin staff using the MS Outlook program will only be able to view their old messages. Using the MS Outlook software will be an option again once your location has been migrated to WAN2 and your office suite is upgraded to MS Office 2016.
Can I use my smartphone to access the new mail server?
Smartphones that support MS Exchange Activesync can be used to connect to the new mail server. Please contact the helpdesk for assistance in configuring your smartphone to connect to the new server.
I have additional questions and concerns:
Please contact the helpdesk at 204-258-2716.
Bradley Hampson GDM-IT, MBA
Assistant Superintendent, Technology & Library Services
Frontier School Division