Exercise Science and Sports Medicine
Unit 2
Name ______Period ______
Unit 2
2. distal aspect of limb forced away from the midline
4. blue skin from lack of oxygen
6. the cause of an injury or disease
8. stretching or tearing of muscle or tendon
11. fluid filled sac at a joint
12. a bruise to a bone or muscle
13. treatment by use of water
14. fainting due to lack of oxygen
16. tearing or pulling away of part of a structure
17. a jagged cut or tear in the skin
18. agent for producing insensibility to pain
19. to supply with nerves
20. method or apparatus used for healing an injury
22. wound in which the skin's surface is scrapped away
24. examination by touch
26. pulling apart of a generally non-moveable joint
28. lack or loss of memory
29. high blood pressure
- distal aspect of limb forced toward the midline
3. incomplete or partial dislocation of a joint
5. tissue that connects bone to bone
7. crackling sound or feeling
9. to advise the use of
10. complete displacement of a bone from its normal position in a joint
15. gristle like padding lying on or between bones
16. of sudden onset
21. stretching or tearing of ligaments
23. wasting away of an organ or tissue
25. prediction of the course and end of a disease
27. tissue that connects muscle to bone
Unit 2KEY
2. distal aspect of limb forced away from the midline (VALGUS)
4. blue skin from lack of oxygen (CYANOSIS)
6. the cause of an injury or disease (ETIOLOGY)
8. stretching or tearing of muscle or tendon (STRAIN)
11. fluid filled sac at a joint (BURSA)
12. a bruise to a bone or muscle (CONTUSION)
13. treatment by use of water (HYDROTHERAPY)
14. fainting due to lack of oxygen (SYNCOPE)
16. tearing or pulling away of part of a structure (AVULSION)
17. a jagged cut or tear in the skin (LACERATION)
18. agent for producing insensibility to pain (ANALGESIC)
19. to supply with nerves (INNERVATE)
20. method or apparatus used for healing an injury (MODALITY)
22. wound in which the skin's surface is scrapped away (ABRASION)
24. examination by touch (PALPATION)
26. pulling apart of a generally non-moveable joint (SEPARATION)
28. lack or loss of memory (AMNESIA)
29. high blood pressure (HYPERTENSION)
- distal aspect of limb forced toward the midline (VARUS)
3. incomplete or partial dislocation of a joint (SUBLUXATION)
5. tissue that connects bone to bone (LIGAMENT)
7. crackling sound or feeling (CREPITUS)
9. to advise the use of (INDICATE)
10. complete displacement of a bone from its normal position in a joint (DISLOCATION)
15. gristle like padding lying on or between bones (CARTILAGE)
16. of sudden onset (ACUTE)
21. stretching or tearing of ligaments (SPRAIN)
23. wasting away of an organ or tissue (ATROPHY)
25. prediction of the course and end of a disease (PROGNOSIS)
27. tissue that connects muscle to bone (TENDON)
Unit 2– Medical Terminology1draft copy