September 3, 2013
Call to Order/Opening Comments
The 2014 Annual Meeting of the Sterling Playmakers was called to order at 7:33 PM by Angela Hepola, Chairman. She welcomed everyone to the meeting. She told the membership that the requirement to have an annual meeting every year in September is stated in the official Playmakers bylaws. She reminded attendees to sign in at the desk so they will be able to vote and get a raffle ticket. Angela asked if there were any adjustments to the agenda. No adjustments were made to the agenda.
Board Members Present:
Maria Bissex
/Angela Hepola
Kathy Bleutge
/Mark Humphrey
Joe Campanella
/Don O’Brien
Rick Dulik
/Annie Scanlan
Barbara Gillen
/Steve Schrader
Chris Gray
Board Member Absent:
Bill Fry
Kim Fry
Members Present:Mary Abbott / Helen Gernhardt
Tim Albertz / Ashley Kinney
Lora Buckman / Sue O’Brien
Mary Crowe / Burgan Pugh
Amanda Carter / Emilie Pugh
Terry DiMurro / Scott Ruegg
Anna Dulik / Dee Dee Schrader
Annual Meeting Minutes
The meeting minutes from the 2013 Annual Meeting Minutes were presented.
Treasurer’s Annual Report (see handouts)
Kim Fry was not at the meeting. Angela presented the Treasurer’s Annual report to the membership for Kim covering fiscal year 2013-2014, July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014. This is different from the season, which is September 1, 2013-August 30, 2014. The Treasurer’s Annual Report distributed at the meeting stated that the ending balance in the checking account was $33,531.24. This broke out to $23,441.66 in the checking account and $10,086.58 in the building account. The Box Office made a profit of $56,475.93 for the 2013-2014 season. Donations totaled $18,380.23.
Recognition of Current Board of Directors
Angela recognized the current Board members Maria Bissex, Kathy Bleutge, Joe Campanella, Rick Dulik, Bill Fry, Kim Fry, Barbara Gillen, Chris Gray, Angela Hepola, Mark Humphrey, Don O’Brien, Annie Scanlan, and Steve Schrader. The Board members worked a total of 7,301.75 volunteer hours during the 2013-2014 season. She thanked the Board and the committees for all their hard work
Ten Minute One Acts (September 27-29, 2013) Director: Terry DiMurro/Producer: Lora Buckman
The Ten Minute One Acts had nine shows. The shows gave more opportunity for directing. The event was successful.
Into the Woods (November 15-17, 22-24, 2013) Director: Corinne Fox/Producer: April Bridgeman
Chris said the show was a success. MT Pit was used for the music. This is going to be used more in the future for music. Attendance at the show was twice as budgeted. Gold Star was used for the first time to purchase discount tickets to the show. This was the first time Corinne Fox directed for the Playmakers.
Rapunzel (February 21-23, 2014) Director: Joe Campanella/Producer: Lora Buckman
An original script was used for the show. The show made a profit of $7,796. The show was successful.
Treasure Island (March 28-30, April 4-6, 2014) Director: Meredith Solano/Producer: Mark Humphrey
Mark said that the show was well attended. There were24 in the cast. Everyone who tried out was cast. The show made a profit of $3,200. The show had low expenses. This was the first time Meredith Solano directed for the Playmakers.
Children’s Summer Day Camp (June 16-July 13, 2014) Director: Kathy Bleutge/Producer: Lora Buckman
Kathy said the camp was well attended. There were 65 kids in the camp. Kathy said she had a lot of help during the camp. The camp lasted 3 ½ weeks. There was no down time during the camp. The kids were doing something the entire time they were at camp. The cost of the camp was $150 per kid. The camp and show made a profit of approximately $8,000.
Anything Goes (July 25-27, August 1-3, 8-10, 2014) Director: Ashley Kinney/Producers: Lora Buckman/Kim Fry
Ashley said there were 40 in the cast and 40 in the crew. It was a successful show. Audience members said the show was very professional. This was the first time Ashley Kinney directed for the Playmakers.
Sterling Swordplayers Director: Steve Schrader
Steve reported that the 2013-2014 season was a rebuilding year. They performed 26 shows for 800 to 900 people. They did demonstrations. They were positive representatives of the Playmakers/Swordplayers. Steve said they purchased some new weapons. The Swordplayers made a profit of $760.
Raffle #1 Winners: Burgan Pugh and Annie Scalan
Introduction of Candidates for Board/Balloting
Angela acknowledged the contributions of Kim Fry, Steve Schrader, Annie Scanlon and Mark Humphrey whose terms on the Board had expired. She introduced the candidates running for the five available positions on the Board of Directors. The candidates were Kim Fry, Steve Schrader, Annie Scanlon, Mark Humphrey and Terry DiMurro. Each was given a chance to address the membership and express their desire to serve on the Board.
Sterling Community Center Report
Playmakers is in partnership with the Sterling Community Center and Parks and Rec. Playmakers helps the Community Center and they help us. This partnership allows the Playmakers to use the Sterling Community Center for free and the use of the schools for the cost of the custodians during rehearsals and shows. Nick Wilt thanked the Playmakers for the help though out the year.
SterlingFest will be held on October 11. The Playmakers is in partnership with Parks and Rec and the Sterling Community Center. The Foundation gets half of the proceeds from the event. The Playmakers and the Community Center each get a fourth of the proceeds from the event. This is a big money maker for the Playmakers. Kathy books all the entertainment for the event. Terry is the liaison between the Playmakers and the Sterling Foundation. Terry said they need help setting up the stage and chairs at 7:00 Friday night. The day of the event people are needed to walk around during the event dressed as characters, as barkers to draw people into the gym for performances, sound tech for the stage and breaking down the stage after the event. Joe said that they also need people to walk in the parade. Barbara will man the Playmakers table the day of the event. Anyone interested in helping with the Playmakers table is asked to put their name on the signup sheet. It is an opportunity to tell the public about the Playmakers. Terry asked anyone interested in helping with the event to sign on the sign-up sheets.
Alice in Wonderland, Jr.
The Playmakers helped the Sterling Middle School with their musical show, Alice in Wonderland, Jr. These shows expose the students to theatre. Kathy said that a lot of the Playmakers helped with the production. The middle school has not been charging the Playmakers for use of the school because of the Playmakers help with the show. The school appreciates all the work and assistance of the Playmakers.
Raffle #2 Winners:
2013-2014 Committees
Angela said the Board puts in a lot of time working on committees, but the Board members cannot do it alone. She encouraged the membership to fill out the 2014-2015 Committee Interest form with what committee they would like to work on.
Joe said the membership committee tracks the membership, writes the newsletter, manages the Donor Program and plans social events. There are currently 206 household members in the Playmakers. The donor program received a little over $12,000.
Information Technology
The Information Technology Committee maintains the website. Steve said they are working on upgrading the website. The new website will have a blog for Directors and Producers to use. They work with Constant Contact for distributing information about the Playmakers and things going on with shows and events. IT also maintains the Playmakers Facebook page.
Rick said the Technical committee deals with all of the equipment. They are acquiring new equipment because there is a limited number of mics and all the outlets on the board are being used. Chris has been helping with the lighting. A computer has been used to support the lighting control. Rick said acquisition of more equipment is needed to support the use of MT Pit for performance music. Technical is also responsible for set pieces, props, costumes and the Playmakers warehouse. Bill Fry has put in a lot of work in the repair and maintenance of everything in the warehouse.
Season Development
Kathy told the membership that the Season Development committee is responsible for sending out the survey to the membership for recommendations for the season. They take this information and make recommendations of shows to the Board for the upcoming season. They gather the Director Applications for the Board. The Season Development committee is the Historian and Librarian for the group, organizes the Music and Play Readings. Kathy coordinates reservation of schools for the shows.
Angela reported that the Publicity Committee is responsible for Advertising, Program Ad management, Bulk Mail, Public Relations, and the Telephone Hotline.
Barbara reported that the Outreach Committee introduces the Playmakers to the community. The committee includes the Chamber of Commerce, Community Relations, SterlingFest, the Sterling Community Center, the Swordplayers and On That Note. On That Note is a traveling group that does musical performances at various venues.
Ways & Means
Chris told the members that the Ways & Means committee is the money side of the organization. It manages the Donor program, grant applications and Fundraising. They are looking for anyone interested in writing grants applications. They made an application to the County for Property Tax relief. The Playmakers held a Gala Fundraising in May. It was successful and will be done in the future.
**Raffle package #2 Winners – Amanda Carter and Anna Dulik
Once Upon a Mattress (November 14-16, 21-23, 2014) Director: Kathy Bleutge/Producer: Emilie Pugh
The show will be directed by Kathy Bleutge. Kathy said it is a funny show. It will be fun to do.
Holiday Happening 2014 (December 5-7, 2014) Director: Joe Campanella
The show will be directed by Joe Campanela. The Holiday Happening 2014 will be a collection of funny skits. It will be a variety show. It will be performed in December.
The Bad Girls of Western Lit (February 27-28, March 1, 2015) Director: John Geddie
The show will be directed by John Geddie. The show will consist of snippets from literature with strong female roles. The show will have opportunities for women to play these strong characters.
Noises Off (April 10-12, 17-19, 2015) Director: Terry DiMurro
The show will be directed by Terry DiMurro. The play is a farcical show. It has of cast of 5 men and 4 females. It is a play within a play. It will have a complicated set. There will be a lot of comic timing. There will be a long rehearsal time to allow enough time in case of snow and because of time lost for spring break. Audition will be held in January.
The Music Man (July 24-26 & 31, August 1-2, 7-9, 2015) Director: Kathy Bleutge
Kathy Bleutge will be the Director. It is a family show. It will have a large cast. It was the number one suggested show from the survey of the membership.
Sterling Swordplayers Director: Steve Schrader
Steve Schrader will be the Director. They have four new members. The Swordplayers will perform at SterlingFest, Radford and Richmond. Steve is researching two new venues for next season.
On That Note
Chris said that On That Note is a traveling cabaret group. Amy Little is the Director and Lora Buckman is the Producer. This past season they performed at the Fundraising Gala and performed at three local retirement homes. They are moving forward with the group. They are auditioning for more members. They want to double up with roles so that there are backups for roles and cast members can be rotated.
Report on Election Results
Angela reported on the results of the elections. The following people were elected to the Board:
1. Kim Fry
2. Steve Schrader
3. Annie Scanlon
4. Mark Humphrey
The next regular Board meeting will be held on September 10, 2013 at the Sterling Community Center.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Next Board meeting, Tuesday, September 9, 2014, at 7:30 p.m., Sterling Community Center
Annual Meeting--Minutes - 1 - September 2, 2014