Physical Education Syllabus – Grades 6-8

Teachers / John Brodeur, Kerrie Carpenter / Phone / 333-6306
Room / Gym / E-mail /



Course Description:

The core expectation of the physical education program is that students will be physically active and full participants during class. Students will be given the opportunity to explore a wide variety of sports, games, and leisure time activities throughout the program. As a result of these experiences, students will gain the necessary knowledge and skills to remain physically active throughout their life as part of a healthy lifestyle. In addition, an appreciation for the lifelong benefits and potential enjoyment of physical activity will be facilitated. Physical Education meets grades 6-8 for two trimesters a year.

Main Goals:

Students will gain the knowledge and skills to remain physically active throughout their life.

Students will gain an understanding of how physical activity contributes to a healthy lifestyle.

Students will gain an appreciation for the lifelong benefits and potential enjoyment of physical activity.

Grade Span Expectations/Common Core Standards:

National Standards:

A physically educated person:

Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.

Standard 3: Participates regularly in physical activity.

Standard 4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.

Standard 6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.

Rhode Island Standards:

Standard 1: Students will demonstrate competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms.

Standard 2: Students will apply movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor skills.

Standard 3: Students will understand the implications of and the benefits derived from involvement in physical activity.

Standard 4: Students will apply physical activity-related skills and concepts to maintain a physically active lifestyle and a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

Standard 5: Students will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.

Standard 6: Students will understand that internal and external environments influence physical activity.


Students are required to wear sneakers when participating in Physical Education class.

There are many units that students are required to participate in throughout the year. These include sports (basketball, volleyball, floor hockey, soccer, football, lacrosse), large group games (capture the flag, ultimate frisbee, pinball, double matball, ultimate pinball, beanbag tag), and fitness activities (circuit training). Also, many warm-up activities (tag games, use of the nature trail) are utilized.

In grade 6, the units involving sports are primarily composed of the teaching and practice of basic skills, along with some modified game play.

In grade 7, the units involving sports are primarily composed of the teaching and practice of advanced skills, along with some game play.

In grade 8, the units involving sports may include a review of skills, but are primarily composed of game play.


American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) -

Rhode Island Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (RIAHPERD) -

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) -


Grades are determined based on a “total points” system. The total points a student earns is divided by the total points possible for that student to earn.

The majority of points possible for a student are based in the Daily Performance Rubric (attached).

Other points possible are based on a variety of other assessments (see below).

Major Assessments:

A variety of formative assessments are used throughout the trimester. These include open-ended written responses, journal entries, exit slips, and tests/quizzes.


To celebrate life, learning, and to pursue excellence;

To encourage and inspire respect;

To embrace diversity; and

To value the accomplishments of all members of the NCMS community.


Successful students understand their role in learning and put forth their best effort to exceed their expectations. Students that are motivated and inspired to continuously improve academically and personally are successful. Successful students are respectful and responsible school citizens who contribute to a positive learning environment.

North Cumberland Middle School community members are:

Respectful, Responsible and Ready to Learn!

Team or Individual Class Policies/Procedures:

Students are required to wear sneakers when participating in Physical Education class, in order to best protect the safety of each student. In addition, skirts and/or dresses are not permitted while participating in class.

While students are not required to change their clothes to participate in PE class, it is strongly encouraged as we attempt to promote good personal hygiene habits. Locks are available for students, at no cost, to securely keep personal belongings in the locker room. Suggested items to be locked up include an old pair of sneakers, old t-shirts and shorts, and deodorant.