Report to Presbytery February 28, 2013
Presbytery-Wide Discernment Events
On January 17, 2013, 250 people participated in the first of four presbytery-wide discernment events. These events are designed to equip church leaders to engage their sessions and congregations regarding issues of missional vision, theological clarity, and denominational alignment. All resources from the event have been posted on the Presbytery website at Content from the Small Group Discussions will be reviewed by the SCT in February and be used to plan future discernment events.
The next three discernment events are scheduled for the following times:
- Thursday, February 28, Gathering of Presbytery, Open Space
- Saturday, April 27, Open Space Meeting in the Morning (9:00 AM-Noon)
- Thursday, May 23, Gathering of Presbytery, Open Space
Please see “Headline News” at for all documents and resources related to the season of discernment.
Motions having Financial Impact
Electronic Vote:
1. To approve payment of retreat deposit of $536 for Hispanic Leaders Retreat from
SOCP Leadership Development Fund.
2. To fund a request for a Leadership Development Grant in the amount of
$2,000to provide partial financial support of Hispanic-Latino Leadership Retreatto be funded from SOCP Leadership Development Fund.
3. To approve funds for the pulpit and program supply services of Juan Sarmientofor Divine Savior Presbyterian Church from September 21-October 31, 2012 in the amount of $1,300 from SOCP, Church Development Funds.
4. To fund a request for support of members of Vietnamese Presbyterian Church
of Garden Grove to participate in the National VietnameseCouncil Training trip
in the amount of $1,500, to be funded from SOCP Leadership Development Fund.
5. To approve purchase of Vacation Bible School 2013 examination kits to be
used by educators in the Presbytery for their review for $950, to be funded by SCT
budget funds.
- Motion to fund New Hope, Hope Alive Concert, $3,000, from SOCP Church Development funds.
- Motion to fund Bridging Borders Mexicoministry, $10,000, from SOCP Church Development funds.
- Motion to fund New Hope, IMPACT Worship Mission Project, $13,000, from SOCP Church Development funds.
- Motion to fund Irvine Presbyterian Church, Fresh Expressions worshipping group establishment, $25,000, from SOCP Church Development funds. These funds will help fund the pastoral support.
- Motion to fundGood Shepherd Los Alamitos, Scholar in Residence Program, $6,000,from SOCP Church Development Fund and Partnership budget split.
- Motion to expand the contract of Consultant for Hispanic Ministriesto include all racial-ethnic ministries, and, specifically to renew and expand the contract with Rv Alfredo Delgado to $39,900 annual including expenses, for the calendar year 2013. Funding from Missional Opportunities Fund.
- Funding Request passed to fund to Tom Dykhuizen the additional $413 from original funding for Berean Safari not vouchered as spent for extra video work done while in Africa for Presbytery.
9. Motion to approve the Congregation Development Grant ($12,000)
and Loan ($8,000) proposal from Divine Savior Presbyterian Church (Los
Angeles) in order to sustain the congregation during a time of difficult
pastoral transition, funding to come from SOCP Church Development fund.
The loan of $8,000.00 will be paid back to the Presbytery beginning on January 1,
2014 in monthly installments of $ 400.00.
10. Motion to pay an honorarium to Rubens Muzio of $2,000 for his
Presentations, funded through SOCP Leadership Development Funds.
Other Motions:
- Kenya (Amazing Grace)/KUMG Fellowship – Motion to accept this group as a
worshipping fellowship and recommend to COM that this ministry is
appropriate for a Validated Ministry for Dr. Kimuhu./Passed
2. Moved/s/Pto elect Lydia Sarandan as Moderator and Steve
Wright as Vice Moderator for a term of one year.
3. Motion to approve as first reading the merger between the Community
Presbyterian Church of Long Beach and the Christ Presbyterian Church of
Lakewood according to the written plan submitted to the SCT.Merger between
Christ Lakewood and Community Long Beach was referred to Keith Geckeler and
other leadership bodies/s/P
4. Motion to authorize Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church be given status as a
"worshipping fellowship" status for one year/s/P
5. Motion to combine three SCT 2012 budget accounts currently called
“Building Healthy Congregations,” “SCT Partnerships,” and “Leadership
Development,” into one account called “SCT Budget” for 2013/s/P
6. Downey First deferred maintenance loan, SCT M/s/P to notify Trustees that SCT
affirms Downey First as a vibrant and sustainable congregation and authorizes
Trustees to proceed with investigation toward the possibility of funding the loan for
maintenance of their physical plant.