Depression Domain: Basic Safety Plan Example #1:
What Happens: / What To Do: / Who Will Do It? / By When:Passive
Feeling overwhelmed
Sleeps too much/too little
Thoughts of harming self
Thoughts of harming baby
Mood swings
Harming or attempting to harm self or baby / 1. Express empathy/sympathy regarding the feelings/ experience-continue the conversation
2. set up appointment with provider
3. call friend/family/support person
4. Find a babysitter/respite
5. Set up or participate in support group
6. Set up or participate in counseling options
7. Make contact with CMH
8. Call CPS
9. Call law enforcement / 1. partner/spouse/support person
2. Mom –spouse-partner-support person
3. Mom or spouse/partner etc
4. Mom/caregiver/partner
5. Mom or spouse/partner etc
6. Mom or partner/spouse etc
7. Mom or spouse/partner etc
8. partner/spouse/support person
9. spouse/partner/support person / 1. immediately
2. immediately if agreeable
3. immediately if agreeable
4. as needed
5. as needed
6. immediately or as needed
7. immediately or as warranted
8. immediately or as warranted
9. immediately or as warranted
Depression Domain: Safety Plan Example #2 – Personalized to strengths/interest/learning style of individual/family:
What Happens: / What To Do: / Who Will Do It? / By When:It is noted by dad that mom rarely holds the child and eventually mom admits that sometimes she thinks it would be easier if she just didn’t wake up in the morning and had a dream about putting her hand over the baby’s mouth. / 1. express support for the mom’s willingness to share her feelings and experience
2. call medical provider and make appointment
3. call friend/family/support person to help with baby
4. call and make counseling appointment / 1. dad, partner, support person
2. spouse/partner/support person or mom
3. spouse/partner/support person or mom
4. spouse/partner/support person or mom / 1. immediately
2. immediately
3. immediately
4. immediately
Safety Plan for Depression Domain:
What Happens: / What To Do: / Who will do it? / By When:Stress-Depression Domain Intervention – FINAL Revised 3/12/13 2