Mayport Coastal Sciences Elective Request
6th Grade
Please return this form to your 5th grade teacher no later than May 1.
Student’s Name: ______
Student ID #: ______Current School Attending (5th Grade): ______
Parent’s Signature: ______Phone #: ______
***While we do our best to place students in the classes they choose, this form is not a guarantee of the classes you will receive on your schedule. Enrichment and core classes are based on district middle school scheduling guidelines. Changes to a student’s schedule is based on administration’s approval.
Indicate what your 1st choice through 4th choice
are by writing the numbers 1-4 in the boxes below.
Coastal Science- Agriscience / Band*Coastal Science- TV Production / Music
Coastal Science- Robotics / Creative Writing
Computer / Drama
Art* / Speech and Debate
*A fee may be assessed for this course.
Upcoming Events for 6th Graders
Family Science Night- May 22 (6:00 PM-8:00 PM)
Shark Bites Camp- August 4-8 (8:30 AM-4:30 PM) Information may be found on our website.
6th Grade Parent Orientation- August 8 (8:30 AM-12:30 PM)
Are you interested in being a part of our PTA? Circle One Yes No
Are you interested in being a part of our SAC? Circle One Yes No
Don’t Forget to Visit our Website!
Elective Course Descriptions
Coastal Science- Agriscience-This class has 4 main units; each unit covers agriscience standards with a coastal twist. During the terrestrial unit we study plants and have two focuses: gardening and a sea oats restoration project. In the aquatic unit, students learn how to take care of our mini-fish tanks, and we study wetlands. The agriculture unit is focused on Florida’s coastal agricultural products. In the career unit, the students will prepare for their future with interest surveys, research, resume writing, and interview skills.
In Fundamentals of Arts and A/V students are exposed to a variety of technological concepts. Members of the class are given the opportunity to use TV Production skills to produce both a daily morning broadcast program in our TV studio Lab and other assorted projects. Our projects include an informational video on estuaries, a persuasive video on conservation, segments for our morning broadcast and many more! By the end of this course, students will be able to write scripts, design storyboards and edit video using iMovie on iPad tablets.
Coastal Science- Exploration of Production/Transportation Technology is an action-based discipline devoted to the application of human ingenuity and innovation. The class uses knowledge of math, science, engineering, and technology to design, create, operate, manage, and enhance technology for the benefit of our community. Mayport Coastal Sciences Middle School is invested in giving back to our military community and maritime industry, so our main focus is in studying, building, and testing prototypes of underwater ROVs, which were initially produced for military and maritime applications and can solve some of the major maritime security issues today: Seaport / Port Security and Surveillance; Ship Inspections; Barge Inspections; Tanker Security and Inspections. For this class, emphasis is placed on the hands-on solution of problem-solving challenges as a principal delivery method and a broad range of assessment strategies (design portfolios, project work, individual and group work, presentations, performance testing, etc.) are utilized in the student evaluation process.
Computer-This course introduces concepts associated with computer technology, including web and graphic design, programming and computer applications. Students will have hands-on opportunities to explore exciting and innovative software and applications, including mobile app development.
Art- Students explore media and techniques used to create a variety of 2-D artworks through developing skills in drawing, painting, printmaking, and collage. Students practice, sketch, and manipulate the structural elements of art. Investigation of artworks from Western and non-Western cultures provide a means for students to expand their understanding and appreciation of the role of art in global culture. Student artists use an art criticism process to evaluate, explain, and measure artistic growth in personal or group works. This course incorporates hands-on activities and consumption of art materials.
Band- Students will learn to read music and play an instrument; instrument choice will be made with assistance of the Band Director.
Music- Students will become familiar with various genres.
In Creative Writing 6th graders will be transitioning from the elementary standards of writing into middle school standards of writing. Students will be introduced to various writing techniques such as; thesis statements, topic sentences, organizational structure, etc. After completion of this course students will be prepared for the rigorous writing expected in middle school.
Drama elective exposes students to a variety of Broadway shows, musicals, as well as dramatic plays. Students will learn the basic movements and skills needed to build confidence and be successful on stage. By the end of this course, students will have a basic understanding of stage directions, stage movements, speaking skills, as well as an introduction to music and singing.
Speech and Debate aims to develop students’ skills and confidence in the areas of public speaking, research, debate, and creative performance. The course will cover logic and argumentation as well as the fundamentals of effective public speaking: preparation, pace, tone, facial and vocal expressiveness, and anxiety management. Students will participate in in-class debates, performances, and other activities.
Mayport Coastal Sciences Elective Request
7th Grade
Please return this form to your 6th grade social studies teacher no later than Thursday, May 1.
Student’s Name: ______
Student ID #: ______
Parent’s Signature: ______Phone #: ______
***While we do our best to place students in the classes they choose, this form is not a guarantee of the classes you will receive on your schedule.Enrichment and core classes are based on district middle school scheduling guidelines.
Indicate what your 1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd choice, and 4th choice
are by writing the numbers 1-4 in the boxes below.
Coastal Science- TV Production / Beginning SpanishCoastal Science- Robotics / Band*
Coastal Science- Agriscience / Music
Coastal Science- Peer Counseling / AVID
Computer / Journalism/Yearbook
*A fee may be assessed for this course.
Upcoming Events for 7th Graders
Family Science Night- May 22 (6:00 PM-8:00 PM)
7th Grade Orientation- August 15 (9:00 AM-12:00 PM)
Are you interested in being a part of our PTA? Circle One Yes No
Are you interested in being a part of our SAC? Circle One Yes No
Don’t Forget to Visit our Website!
Elective Course Descriptions
In Fundamentals of Arts and A/V students are exposed to a variety of technological concepts. Members of the class are given the opportunity to use TV Production skills to produce both a daily morning broadcast program in our TV studio Lab and other assorted projects. Our projects include an informational video on estuaries, a persuasive video on conservation, segments for our morning broadcast and many more! By the end of this course, students will be able to write scripts, design storyboards and edit video using iMovie on iPad tablets.
Coastal Science- Exploration of Production/Transportation Technology is an action-based discipline devoted to the application of human ingenuity and innovation. The class uses knowledge of math, science, engineering, and technology to design, create, operate, manage, and enhance technology for the benefit of our community. Mayport Coastal Sciences Middle School is invested in giving back to our military community and maritime industry, so our main focus is in studying, building, and testing prototypes of underwater ROVs, which were initially produced for military and maritime applications and can solve some of the major maritime security issues today: Seaport / Port Security and Surveillance; Ship Inspections; Barge Inspections; Tanker Security and Inspections. For this class, emphasis is placed on the hands-on solution of problem-solving challenges as a principal delivery method and a broad range of assessment strategies (design portfolios, project work, individual and group work, presentations, performance testing, etc.) are utilized in the student evaluation process.
Coastal Science- Agriscience- This course offers an introduction to Coastal Sciences with respect to ecology, biology, and conservation. Students have the opportunity to survey coastal invertebrate/vertebrate animal diversity and functional biology in the class and laboratory. Animal phyla are examined with respect to anatomy, classification, ecology, and methods of collecting/identifying local coastal invertebrates/vertebrates. Discussion/practice of conservation and management of coastal wildlife and their habitats will take place throughout the year.
Coastal Science- Peer Counseling- The purpose of this course is to provide opportunities to study concepts of various types maps, map-making, tracking, orienteering, GPS and GIS systems, as well as basic concepts of the legal system of the United States, focusing specifically on a handful of laws that deal with the coast and marine sciences. Throughout this course, students will have opportunities to work with maps, compasses, and GPS devices throughout the course. They will also become trained as Peer Mediators and serve to resolve disputes among their fellow students. The course will also provide an opportunity to participate in a mock trial, playing all of the roles of the participants of the legal system.
Computer-This course introduces concepts associated with computer technology, including web and graphic design, programming and computer applications. Students will have hands-on opportunities to explore exciting and innovative software and applications, including mobile app development.
Art- Students refine techniques used to create a variety of two-dimensional (2-D) artworks through developing skills in drawing, painting, printmaking, and collage. Students manipulate the structural elements of art to promote creative rist-taking in 2-D artwork. Investigation of artworks from Western and non-Western cultures provides a means for students to expand their understanding and appreciation of the role of art in global culture. Student artists use an art criticism process to evaluate, explain, and measure artistic growth in personal or group works. This course incorporates hand-on activities and consumption of art materials.
The Beginning Spanish course is intended to give training in the basic patterns and structures of reading, writing and speaking Spanish. The student will also be introduced to the customs and cultures of the Spanish speaking peoples of the world. The first half of the Realidades textbook will be covered. Classroom work will be supplemented by computer based assessments.
Band-Students will learn to read music and play an instrument; instrument choice will be made with assistance of the Band Director.
Music- Students will become familiar with various genres.
AVID, Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a college readiness system for elementary through higher education that is designed to increase school-wide learning and performance. The AVID College Readiness System (ACRS) accelerates student learning, uses research based methods of effective instruction, provides meaningful and motivational professional learning, and acts as a catalyst for systemic reform and change.
Journalism/Yearbook- The course is primarily focused on creating the yearbook for the school. An online design program, made specifically for middle and high school yearbook classes, is used. Students also assist with preparation of several school-wide picture days. In creating the yearbook, emphasis is placed on writing skills, mastering the online program and following directions.
Mayport Coastal Sciences Elective Request
8th Grade
Please return this form to your 7th grade teacher social studies teacher no later than Thursday, May 1.
Student’s Name: ______
Student ID #: ______
Parent’s Signature: ______Phone #: ______
***While we do our best to place students in the classes they choose, this form is not a guarantee of the classes you will receive on your schedule.Enrichment and core classes are based on district middle school scheduling guidelines.
Indicate what your 1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd choice, and 4th choice
are by writing the numbers 1-4 in the boxes below.
Coastal Science- Fund. of Agriscience / Art*Coastal Science- Agriscience** (tentative) / AVID
Coastal Science- TV Production / Band*
Coastal Science- Robotics / Music
Coastal Science- Peer Counseling / Journalism/Yearbook
Computer / Spanish I**
*A fee may be assessed for this course.
**High school credit course. Grade in this course will affect high school GPA.
Upcoming Events for 8th Graders
Family Science Night- May 22 (6:00 PM-8:00 PM)
8th Grade Orientation- August 15 (1:00 PM-4:00 PM)
Are you interested in being a part of our PTA? Circle One Yes No
Are you interested in being a part of our SAC? Circle One Yes No
Don’t Forget to Visit our Website!
Elective Course Descriptions
Coastal Science- Agriscience- The purpose of this course is to provide students with a meaningful aquaculture career developing experience to assist students in making informed decisions regarding their future academic and occupational goals. Students enrolled in the course will work collaboratively as entrepreneaurs creating a fish farm company. Students will operate 400 gallon fish farms and develop business and marketing plans for their aquaculture product. All enrolled in MCSMS agriculture courses are eligible to join the FFA (Future Farmers of America). The FFA’s mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.
In Coastal Science-Fundamentals of Arts and A/V students are exposed to a variety of technological concepts. Members of the class are given the opportunity to use TV Production skills to produce both a daily morning broadcast program in our TV studio Lab and other assorted projects. Our projects include an informational video on estuaries, a persuasive video on conservation, segments for our morning broadcast and many more! By the end of this course, students will be able to write scripts, design storyboards and edit video using iMovie on iPad tablets.
Coastal Science- Exploration of Production/Transportation Technology is an action-based discipline devoted to the application of human ingenuity and innovation. The class uses knowledge of math, science, engineering, and technology to design, create, operate, manage, and enhance technology for the benefit of our community. Mayport Coastal Sciences Middle School is invested in giving back to our military community and maritime industry, so our main focus is in studying, building, and testing prototypes of underwater ROVs, which were initially produced for military and maritime applications and can solve some of the major maritime security issues today: Seaport / Port Security and Surveillance; Ship Inspections; Barge Inspections; Tanker Security and Inspections. For this class, emphasis is placed on the hands-on solution of problem-solving challenges as a principal delivery method and a broad range of assessment strategies (design portfolios, project work, individual and group work, presentations, performance testing, etc.) are utilized in the student evaluation process.
Coastal Science- Peer Counseling- The purpose of this course is to provide opportunities to study concepts of various types maps, map-making, tracking, orienteering, GPS and GIS systems, as well as basic concepts of the legal system of the United States, focusing specifically on a handful of laws that deal with the coast and marine sciences. Throughout this course, students will have opportunities to work with maps, compasses, and GPS devices throughout the course. They will also become trained as Peer Mediators and serve to resolve disputes among their fellow students. The course will also provide an opportunity to participate in a mock trial, playing all of the roles of the participants of the legal system.
Computer-This course introduces concepts associated with computer technology, including web and graphic design, programming and computer applications. Students will have hands-on opportunities to explore exciting and innovative software and applications, including mobile app development.
Art- Students extend to an advanced level techniques used to create a variety of 2-D artworks through developing skills in drawing, painting, printmaking, and collage. Students proficiently manipulate the structural elements of art with increasing independence to promote creative risk-taking in 2-D artwork. Investigation of artworks from Western and non-Western cultures provides a means for students to expand their understanding and appreciation of the role of art in global culture. Student artists use an art criticism process to evaluate, explain, and measure artistic growth in personal or group works. This course incorporates hands-on activities and consumption of art materials.
AVID, Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a college readiness system for elementary through higher education that is designed to increase school-wide learning and performance. The AVID College Readiness System (ACRS) accelerates student learning, uses research based methods of effective instruction, provides meaningful and motivational professional learning, and acts as a catalyst for systemic reform and change.
Band-Students will learn to read music and play an instrument; instrument choice will be made with assistance of the Band Director.
Music- Students will become familiar with various genres.
Journalism/Yearbook- The course is primarily focused on creating the yearbook for the school. An online design program, made specifically for middle and high school yearbook classes, is used. Students also assist with preparation of several school-wide picture days. In creating the yearbook, emphasis is placed on writing skills, mastering the online program and following directions.
The Spanish I course is intended to give training in the basic and complex forms of Spanish grammar. The student will also start to speak, read and write Spanish at a more advanced level. Special attention will be given to the similarities and differences between Spanish and English speakers. The second half of the Realidades textbook will be covered. Classroom work will be supplemented by computer based assessments.