The TYRO LEAGUE organization is to instruct and provide guidance to 7 and 8-year-old participants in good softball concepts and fundamentals. Learning and fun are stressed, not winning. The following rules will take precedence as local rules. ASA U8 rules will apply with the listed exceptions.
- Section 1 - Play of the game
- Section 2 - Game limits
- Section 3 - Equipment/Gear
- Section 4 - Field
- Section 5 - Predetermined Borrowing of Players
- Section 6 - Managers and Coaches
- Section 7 - Umpires
- Section 8 - Standings
Section 1 - Play of the game
- Bunting is not allowed.
- Stealing is not allowed. In addition, the runner cannot leave the base before the ball is hit. A runner may not advance on a caught fly ball.
- The ASA Infield Fly Rule does not apply.
- Dropped 3rd strike does not apply.
- A batter hit by a pitch shall not be awarded 1st base.
- No overthrows! A base runner may only advance to the base they are approaching! In the outfield there can be more than one overthrow and the runner can continue advancing. However, once the ball gets to the infield, whether it is caught or not, the play is over and the runner only can get the base he/she is approaching. A runner may only advance one base on an infield hit.
- Contact between base runner and fielder must be avoided at all times.
- If a player is injured while playing, the umpire will call time and play stops. A runner may advance to the next base only if that runner was advancing prior to the umpire’s call of time out. The dead ball rule applies.
- A consecutive batting order shall be used. All available roster players are to bat.
- A team may field at most 10 (standard 9, plus a "short center") defensive players.
- Each player must play a minimum offour (4) innings in the field. Players must play a minimum of three (3) innings in the infield per game. Catcher, pitcher and short center positions are considered infield positions. Courtesy runners: the player who made the last out with two outs, should substitute as a base runner for the catcher [of record next ½ inning].
- An injured player may be returned to her original spot in the batting order. The opposing Manager and scorekeeper should be notified of the change before the player bats or returns to the field.
- Balls will be called but no walks will be allowed. If a batter is delaying the game, the umpire will ask the manager to encourage his/her batter to swing. A batter is limited to 7 pitches or 5 strikes. The batter will either hit the ball or be called out after 7 pitches. A batter will not be called out on a foul ball or foul tip and will be awarded an 8th (or more) pitch the foul occurred on the 7thpitch (or subsequent) pitch.
- A batter throwing a bat will be called out. The 2nd time the same batter throws a bat in the game, that player will be ejected from the game.
- An adult manager or coach will pitch to their players. Only underhand pitching is allowed. Fast pitching is prohibited.
- The adult pitcher must wear a suitable glove. The defensive player at the pitcher position must stand to the glove side and behind the adult pitcher. It is the adult pitcher’s duty to catch a line drive to protect the player. Should this happen, it will be ruled a single and all base runners will advance one base.
Section 2 - Game limits
- A game shall consist of [at most] six (6) innings. There will be a five (5) run limit per inning, except for the "last" inning. The "last" inning can go beyond the 5 run rule, but no batter can come to bat more than one time in the last inning. It is possible to score as many runs as you have batters coming to bat in the last inning.
- No inning other than the "last" inning may begin after the 1:50 hour mark of the game (1:20 mark if a game follows). If this time limit is reached and full innings are still remaining, the next inning will be the "last" inning.The "last" inning is the 6th unless the time limit causes it to be earlier. A complete game is 3 innings.
- A game may not be forfeited for lack of players. A team with a player shortage at game time may temporarily borrow players for defense from the opposing team. The opposing team selects such players and may substitute as necessary.
- The 1st sign of lightning automatically terminates the game!
Section 3 - Equipment/Gear
- Team uniforms should be properly worn by all. Players are encouraged to participate with shirts tucked into pants. Obligations to league sponsors require all players to properly wear team caps.
- ASA Rules prohibit players from wearing any type of jewelry. This will be strictly enforced. EXCLUSION: Medical alert bracelets worn as a medical warning to emergency technicians.
- Catchers must wear all protective equipment properly. This includes a suitable mitt, shoes, helmet, mask with throat guard, chest protector and shin guards.
- Metal or molded spikes are not allowed; only tennis shoes are allowed.
- An 11" Incrediball ball will be used. The home team will supply the game ball.
- A batter must wear a batting helmet when batting or when on the bases as a runner.
Section 4 - Field
- The playing field will have 45 foot bases.
- The pitching area shall be 20-28 feet from home plate.
- The team listed as the home team shall occupy the 3rd base dugout.
Section 5 – Predetermined Borrowing of Players
- In order to field a full team for a specific game, a team may "borrow" LZBSA players from another team:
- A 7-year-old from your assigned "Tyro Girls Sister Team" may be asked to play. All 7-year-olds from your assigned team should have the opportunity to play before a specific player can play again or another Tyro team is approached. Exception: opponent is your Sister team.
- All Managers who need borrowed players must notify the LZBSA "Player Agent" and League President, and he/she will verify the need and coordinate the "call up".
- All borrowed players must be communicated to the opposing team, play at least 3 innings in the field but no more than any regular player, and bat at the bottom of the batting order.
Section 6 - Managers and Coaches
- When their team is in the field, coaches may be on the field beyond the base path to coach their outfielders. If desired, a coach can stand behind the catcher. When their team is batting, only three (3) coaches may be on the field – one coach at 1st base, one at 3rd base and 1 pitching. Smoking is prohibited on or near the field.
- Each team must clean up their dugout after their game. This is the Manager’s responsibility.
- The home team is responsible for returning the bases to the concession stand or lock box behind home plate after the last game of the day on that field. If the lock box is locked or otherwise unavailable, the Manager must inform the LZBSA "Property Manager" as soon as reasonably possible.
- Managers are asked to (1) have their players clear the bats from the home plate area, and (2) remind their players to stay out of the baseline and not block the base. This is to prevent injury.
Section 7 - Umpires
- Umpires are not required at games.
- With the exception of these stated Local Rules, standard ASA rules are in effect.
Section 8 - Standings
- No official standings will be recorded.