HPC Advisory Committees (delegated powers where indicated). Approved 8 August 2016
Name of Committee / Overview (marked * where regular dedicated time will be required)Planning – has delegated powers. / Approx 40 applications p.a. Regular e-mails, possible site visits and attendance at Dev Control Committee if relevant. Procedures outlined in Standing Orders.
(4 Cllrs required for decision) / Stephen Ford
Paul Gardner
Laura Sykes
Ben Darling
Malcolm Stedman-Jones
George Lawrence
Finance. / Budget setting, precept, annual return, audit, monthly payments, review of financial regulations (advisory). / Clerk RFO
Colin Sykes
Jean Canham
Steve Ames
Malcolm Stedman-Jones
Village News / Collating monthly articles, design, advertising, publishing, distribution, deadline.
Advertising sales. / Clerk
Risk Assessment. / Public events assessment. Annual review of main risk assessment document. Implementation of changes. / Stephen Ford
Julian Canham
Recreation Ground inc. maintenance, security and football teams. / Checking pavilion building and recreation ground. GYBS inspects play equipment. / Stephen Ford
John Tonks
Paul Gardner
George Lawrence
Ben Darling
Dog pooh bags Rec Ground. / Checking and re-filling ad hoc. / Stephen Ford
Ben Darling (back up)
George Lawrence (back up)
Staffing. / Annual performance and salary reviews, holidays, sickness, job description, other. / Stephen Ford
Paul Gardner
Jean Canham
Colin Sykes
St. Margaret’s Ruins Steering Group (GYPT partnership). / Meetings to progress Ruins Project. Liaising with HPC and GYPT.
Organisation of Opening Ceremony. / Clerk
Stephen Ford
Paul Gardner
Jean Canham
Malcolm Stedman-Jones
Graham Mills (Ruins volunteer)
Neighbourhood Plan, Parish Plan, Housing Working Party, Allotment Steering Group. / To apply for grant funding, collating information, research, questionnaire, open days, producing Neighbourhood Plan. / Stephen Ford
Steve Ames
Jean Canham
Laura Sykes
Annual Summer Fete and Carnival (joint venture with GY Lions). / Attending meetings, EMP, Mayor, bins, adverts, programme, pavilion, stalls, carnival, arena acts. Litter pick day before. Cllrs help on the day. / Clerk Co-Chairing with Lyn/GY Lions
On the day:
Paul Gardner
John Tonks
Annual Over 60s Xmas Party. / Organisation, help on day. / Clerk
Paul Gardner
John Tonks
Annual Family Xmas Party. / Organisation, help on day. / Clerk
Paul Gardner
John Tonks
Standing Orders/Code of Conduct. / Adopted June 2012 and reviewed annually. / Stephen Ford
Colin Sykes
Fly Tipping, Street Cleansing, Grass Cutting, Highways, Dog Fouling, Police/Crime. / Ad hoc / All Cllrs.
Village Hall Management Trust / 2 x Nominated Representative Trustees (meeting first Wednesday each month 5.15pm) / Laura Sykes
John Tonks