George Washington Carver
Elementary School Supply List 2013-2014
2 boxes of tissues1 box of large sized crayons
2 packages of primary pencils (Jumbo)8 glue sticks
2 boxes of Ziploc bags: 1 quart and 1 gallon size2 packages unscented baby wipes
1 box of 24 crayons1 large bottle of waterless hand sanitizer
1 large book bag without wheels
3 boxes of tissues
2 boxes of 24 count crayons
8 glue sticks
2 packs of pencils
1 book bag without wheels
4 packages unscented baby wipes
2 boxes of Ziploc bags: 1 quart and 1 sandwich size
1 plastic school pencil box
Grade 1*
2 rectangular pencil erasers
2 boxes of tissues
2 boxes of 24 count crayons
2 packs of pencils
16 glue sticks
1 large waterless hand sanitizer
1 packet of dry eraser markers
2 boxes of unscented antibacterial wipes
2 boxes of Ziploc bags: 1 sandwich and 1 gallon size
1 book bag without wheels
1 pencil or school box
2 marble composition books
1 bottle of white glue
Grade 2*
2 rectangular pencil erasers
3 boxes of tissues
2 boxes of Crayola crayons – box of 24
3 packs of #2 pencils
4 glue sticks
1 pack of Post-its
1 book bag without wheels
2 boxes of unscented disinfecting wipes (Clorox or Lysol)
1 1” 3 ring binder
1 school box
3 marble composition books
George Washington Carver
Elementary School Supply List
Grade 3*
2 rectangular pencil erasers
2 boxes of tissues
1 box of 24 count Crayons
5 packs of #2 pencils
4 glue sticks
1 school box
1 yellow highlighters
1 pack of Post-its
1 packet of dry erase markers
6 marble composition books
1 large bottle of unscented hand sanitizer
2 boxes of Ziploc bags: 1 quart and 1 gallon size
1 book bag without wheels
1 pack of colored pencils
2 packs of wide ruled loose leaf paper
Grade 4*
1 pack of pencil top erasers
1 1” 3 ring pocket binder
6 pocket folders (one red, blue, yellow, green, purple, and one of your choice)
3 boxes of tissues
1 box of 24 Crayons
3 packs of pencils
4 glue sticks
1 school box or pouch
2 packs of Post-its
6 marble composition books
2 boxes of unscented antibacterial wipes/Clorox wipes
1 book bag without wheels
1 pack of colored pencils
1 packet of dry erase markers
2 packs of wide ruled loose leaf paper
1 bottle of unscented antibacterial hand sanitizer
1 highlighter
1 deck of playing cards
Grade 5*
1 pack of pencil top erasers
3 boxes of tissues
1 box of 24 count crayons
2 packs of pencils
1 pencil box or pouch
1 pair of Fiskar scissors
2 black and 2 red pens
1 packet of dry erase markers
2 boxes of unscented antibacterial wipes
1 box of Ziploc bags: 1 quart and 1 gallon size
1 book bag without wheels
2 packs of wide ruled loose leaf paper
4 glue sticks
1 pack of colored pencils
* Supplies may need to be replenished as the year progresses. Special area teachers in Art, Physical Education, Music, and Media may have additional requests at the individual school sites.