Please complete this side only as fully as possible
Personal DetailsFull Name: / Date of Birth:
Contact Telephone No: / Gender:
Your Itinerary and Purpose of Visit: (please indicate exact location or region)
Departure Date:
Return Date (or trip length):
Country(ies) to be visited
(and length of stay) / 1. / 2.
3. / 4.
Additional Travel Plans
Away from medical help at destination? If yes, how remote?
Please tick below as appropriate to best describe your trip:
1. / Type of Trip / Business / Pleasure / Other
2. / Holiday Type / Package / Self-Organised / Back-Packing
Camping / Cruise Ship / Trekking
3. / Accommodation / Hotel / Relatives’ Home / Other
4. / Travelling / Alone / With Family/Friend / In a Group
5. / Staying in area / Urban / Rural / Altitude
6. / Planned Activities / Safari / Adventure / Other
Personal Medical History (please use a separate sheet if necessary)
1. / Do you have any recent or past medical history of note (including diabetes, heart or lung conditions / Yes / No
2. / List any current or repeat medications (or bring list with you)
3. / Do you have any allergies? (eg, eggs, antibiotics, nuts) / Yes / No
4. / Have you ever had a serious reaction to a vaccine before? / Yes / No
5. / Does having an injection make you feel faint? / Yes / No
6. / Do you or any close family members have epilepsy? / Yes / No
7. / Do you have any history of mental illness, including depression or anxiety? / Yes / No
8. / Do you have any kidney or liver problems? / Yes / No
9. / Have you recently undergone radiotherapy, chemotherapy or steroid treatment? / Yes / No
10. / Women only: are you pregnant, planning a pregnancy or breastfeeding? / Yes / No
11. / Have you taken our travel insurance? If yes, and you have a medical condition, have you informed your Insurance Company about this? / Yes / No
12. / Please add any further information which may be relevant (eg, YES answers above)
Vaccination History
Have you ever had any of the following vaccinations/malaria tablets. If yes, please insert date.
Diphtheria / Influenza / Rabies / Tick Borne
Hepatitis A / Meningitis / Tetanus / Typhoid
Hepatitis B / Polio / Other / Other
Malaria Tablets / Jap B Enceph / Yellow Fever
For Surgery Use Only:
Patient Full Name:Travel Risk Assessment Performed: / Yes / No / OPAS PIN:
Travel Vaccines Recommended for this Trip:
Disease Protection / Yes / No / Further Information
BCG/Mantoux Test
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Japanese B Encephalitis
Measles, Mumps, Rubella
Meningitis ACWY
Seasonal Influenza
Tetanus, Diphtheria, Polio
Tick Borne Encephalitis
Yellow Fever
Travel Advice and Leaflets given as per Travel Protocol
Food, Water & Personal / / Travellers’ Diarrhoea / / Hepatitis B & HIV /
Insect Bite Prevention / / Animal Bites / / Accidents /
Insurance / / Air Travel / / Sun & Heat Protection /
Websites / / Travel Record Supplied / /
/ /
/ /
Malaria Prevention Advice & Malaria Chemoprophylaxis
Chloroquine & Proguanil / / Antaquone & Proguanil (Malarone) /
Chloroquine / / Mefloquine (Larium) /
Doxycycline / / Malaria Advice Leaflet given /
Further Information
Practitioner Name:Date:
I have no reason to think that I might be pregnant. I have received the information on the risks and benefits of the vaccines recommended and have had the opportunity to ask questions. I consent to the vaccines being given and the charges as outlined in the Travel Health Advice Leaflet which I have received.
Patient Signature:Date:
Patient Full Name: