Evaluation: Goals and Objectives Guide
Professional Demeanor:
Goal: To become a more productive team member
Objective: Discuss issues with co-worker in order to resolve issues prior to them becoming problems
Objective: Discuss concerns with a supervisor early before the concern becomes a problem
Objective: Increase positive responses to work requests
Objective: Demonstrates professional expertise
Objective: Quality of work reflects professional standards
Objective: Maintain a high standard of ethics
Objective: Develop enduring professional relationships
Objective: Make a positive impression
Objective: Project a positive professional image
Objective: Writes letters, reports __________ that reflect professional expertise.
Goal: To engage participants in a manner that increases participant retention
Objective: Establish rapport with participants and their significant others
Objective: Learn motivational interviewing techniques
Objective: Role Play relevant scenarios
Objective: Review relevant materials
Objective: Establish a strong working rapport with others
Objective: Develop a positive working relationship with the participant/family.
Objective: Build mutual trust that promotes relationships of respect
Objective: Work effectively with others
Objective: Establish creditability with participants/family and others
Objective: Display unconditional positive regard
Objective: Place a high priority on retaining participants
Goal: To continue being a healthy team member
Goal: Effectively balances the demands of job with private life.
Objective: Take approved time off
Objective: Utilize sick leave when sick
Objective: Practice stress management techniques
Objective: Successfully cope with demand from supervisors, subordinates and peers.
Objective: Successfully manage multiple demands from multiple sources
Objective: Perform effectively despite sudden deadlines or changing priorities.
Objective: Cope effectively with stressful situations, pressures and tensions, anxiety.
Objective: Handle crisis and emergencies with a calm demeanor
Objective: Maintain a calm and cool presence despite annoyances
Objective: Work well in high-pressure situations, turbulent environment, staff reductions, or crisis situations.
Objective: Remain calm in high-pressure situations, turbulent environment, staff reductions, and crisis situations.
Objective: Cope effectively with risk and uncertainty
Objective: Handle the unexpected with coolness, calm, coping skills
Objective: Capably handle potential volatile situations.
Objective: Make effective use of humor to ease tensions
Objective: Recognize stress-related problems
Objective: Recognize the impact of stress and burnout on themselves/organizational effectiveness.
Objective: Know when to seek help.
Goal: To improve customer service response and professional image
Objective: Provide a friendly greeting that lets the customer know you want to help
Objective: Utilize a person-centered approach when responding to customers
Objective: Be cooperative and open-minded in working with others.
Objective: Effectively turn defensive situations into supportive relationships
Objective: Handle situations in a calm, objective manner
Objective: Handle sensitive situations with confidence
Objective: Effectively resolves misunderstandings
Objective: Be tactful in conflict situations
Objective: Accept constructive criticism
Objective: Follow proper protocols
Objective: Be polite in all situations
Goal: To be more helpful to people contacting CDS about services and opportunities
Objective: Increase knowledge about CDS programs and resources
Objective: Increase knowledge about community resources
Objective: Provide appropriate referrals
Objective: Be polite in all situations
Objective: Seek assistance from supervisor
Objective: Project a positive corporate image
Objective: Make an excellent impression
Objective: Handle sensitive situations with confidence
Objective: Demonstrate self-reliance and resourcefulness
Objective: Effectively use all information sources.
Objective: Excel in obtaining new participants.
Objective: Focus on participant needs
Objective: Understand participant needs and wants
Objective: Be effective in handling participants inquires
Objective: Recognize the vital role of customer services both internal and external.
Objective: Place a high priority on retaining participants
Planning, Organization and Quality of Work:
Goal: Maintain consistent productivity levels
Objective: Meet billable service unit requirements
Objective: Maintain participant files in compliance with audit standards
Objective: Quantity/quality of work is consistently high/low
Objective: Produce above normal expectations
Objective: Exceed minimal expectations
Objective: Display strong work ethics and values
Objective: Display persistent attention to details
Objective: Demonstrate credibility, trust and confidence
Objective Display a positive approach
Objective: Respond quickly to feedback
Objective: Prevent personnel conflicts from reducing productivity.
Objective: Propose plans of action, which are timely, realistic and positive
Objective: Keep comfortably ahead of work schedule/productivity
Objective: Translate planning into reality
Objective: Establish task priorities
Objective: Plans for emergency/crisis situations
Objective: Make a plan to avoid future problems
Objective Recognize when circumstances have changed
Goal: To improve the quality of progress notes
Objective: Utilize the BIRP format for all progress notes
Objective: Connect progress notes to the participants Individual Plan
Objective: Progress notes should be signed, dated, and credentialed appropriately
Objective: Progress notes should be competed and submitted in accordance with the data management policy (see attached policy)
Objective: Eliminate overlapping time frames on service tracking forms
Objective: Proof read your work
Goal: To improve clinical documentation (screening, assessment, individual plan, progress notes, letters, reports, record…)
Objective: Utilize CDS forms for all documents, identify with supervisor areas needing improvement
Objective: Recognize areas of strengths and that need improvement
Objective: Excel in self-supervision and self-improvement
Objective: Make suggestions for self-improvement
Objective: Show a willingness to discuss weakness and make improvements
Objective: Use constructive criticism to improve performance
Objective: Develop future goals of self-improvement
Objective: Monitor improvement progress
Objective: Seek consultation from peers or supervisors on ways to grow and improve
Safety and Security:
Goal: Participate in CDS emergency plans and safety drills
Objective: Review the emergency plans and participate in safety drills practices, training and provide feedback regarding ways to improve.
Objective: Consult with supervisor or peers regarding safety and security of participant care when needed
Objective: Take responsibility for personal safety
Objective: Identify unsafe or security risks to supervisor
Objective: Report other employee’s unsafe or risky behavior
Objective: Complete incident reports in accordance to CDS policies and procedures
Objective: Implement emergency plans during appropriate situations
Objective: Implement behavioral interventions during volatile situations
Objective: Anticipate potentially violent or disruptive behavior and redirect it before it becomes problematic.
Goal: Maintain appropriate professional boundaries
Objective: Review appropriate sections of the Employee Handbook and Code of Ethics
Objective: Consult with Supervisor prior to engaging participants on difficult issues
Objective: Refrain from social contacts with participants
Objective: Practice empowerment techniques with participants
Objective: Review information on co-dependency
Knowledge of Job:
Goal: Demonstrate knowledge of a particular policy or procedure
Objective: Review the policy or procedure
Objective: Ask questions about the policy or procedure
Objective: Practice the procedure
Objective: Seek feedback from supervisor regarding appropriate implementation
Goal: Demonstrate knowledge of job description
Objective: Possess the knowledge to handle caseload
Objective: Display knowledge of job responsibilities
Objective: Understand the requirement of the position
Objective: Has excellent experiences
Objective: Possess practical hands on experience
Objective: Demonstrate strong operational knowledge
Objective: Share knowledge for the benefit of other employees
Objective: Stay current to new trends in the counseling field
Objective: Develop a strong and lasting professional network
Objective: Keep supervisors advised on patterns and changes in the field
Goal: Improve participant outcomes
Objective: Facilitate the accomplishment of participant determined goals
Objective: Utilize a person-centered approach with participants
Objective: Avoid power struggles with participants
Goal: Maintain an active caseload
Objective: Close inactive cases with 30 days of last contact
Objective: Schedule intake appointments within xxx days of receiving the referral
Objective: Meet with referral sources 1x per month/ quarter/ year
Objective: Follow up to referral sources regarding referrals in a timely manner
Objective: Offer flexible appointment times
Goal: Complete Intakes, Assessments, and Other Agency forms properly
Objective: Complete all blanks
Objective: Sign, credential and date where indicated
Objective: Consistently have the participant to sign and dated forms
Objective: Finish sentences and complete thoughts in the narrative
Objective: document in a manner that an uninformed reader would understand the issues
Objective: Proof read your work for legibility, accuracy, and completeness
Goal: Improve performance regarding (note performance issue)
Objective: Self identify ways you will address the performance issue
Objective: Set a time frame to achieve improvement
Objective: Be a self starter
Objective: Carry out assignments without supervisor direction
Objective: Initiate problem solving and makes practical suggestions for change
Objective: Effectively apply new counseling concepts and techniques
Objective: Plan and organize with little or no assistances
Objective: Takes action without undue haste or delays
Objective: Do things without being told
Objective: Take action in the absence of detailed instructions
Objective: Require minimum supervision
Goal: Be on time and prepared for work
Objective: Be 10 minutes early for all scheduled appointments
Objective: Reduce contacts from outside individuals during work time
Objective: Be consistent, dependable and accurate in carrying out responsibilities
Objective: Be reliable in meeting schedules and deadlines
Objective: Achieve priorities set out by the agency/program
Objective: Display self-discipline
Objective: Be consistently punctual
Objective: Is in regular attendance
Objective: Effectively follow-up on assignments
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