Your Name: ______
Due on ______
Chapter 1: Roots and Reform Chapter CheckpointRubric
Note: If you want to use a Delay of Gratification pass for this assignment, you must use TWO, staple or paper clip them to this rubric and turn in.
All chapter readings from the Roots and Reform textbook must be handwritten and taken in a spiral notebook. You will turn in your spiral on due dates for a grade check with this paper rubric, and then the spiral will be returned to you usually on the same day, but no later than the following day. You MUST follow this format to earn the points below. Deductions of 10 points for each day unless you have an excused absence. No late work accepted after 3 days. It is HIGHLY recommended you also review the “Test Yourself” multiple choice questions at the end of each chapter. You are likely to see these in the form of in class quizzes.
You should plan on 1 and a half to 2 hours to complete each chapter, assuming you have no other distractions while working.
Directions must be followed exactly to earn full credit
- _____Write the Chapter number and Chapter Title at the top of a new page.
- _____Highlight the chapter title.
- _____Write and highlight a subheading called “SECTION 1: Vocabulary (1 pt each vocab term)
How to do this: In your own words, for graded points, you must define in your own words each vocabulary terms found in the outside columns of each chapter. (example: page 4 would have government, page 6 monarchy, totalitarianism, etc.)Highlight each of these vocabulary terms as you come across them. Check the rubric below to make sure you caught all of them!
- ______After your complete SECTION 1 Vocabulary, write and highlight a new subheading called “SECTION 2: Critical Thinking” (1pt each)
How to Do This: Anytime you see a box with Critical Thinking Questions, read and answer these questions using a complete sentence. In the margins, write the page number of the Critical Thinking questions you are answering. (example: page 5 has two question under The Living Constitution, page 13 has three questions and so on)
- ______SECTION 3: After your complete SECTION 2, write and highlight a new subheading called “SECTION 3: My Outline Notes
How to Do This: For this section, you will need to go back and read the chapter thoroughly, taking your own notes in any way you believe you will most successful. (outline, Cornell, etc) DO NOT tell me “I don’t need to take notes”. There is far too much and too complex information in this course for you to NOT take notes. See below for the grading rubric.
To be completed by teacher only:
Section 1: Vocabulary Completed ______out of 24 pts
Section 2: Critical Thinking Complete ______out of 8 points
Section 3: My Outline Notes ______out of10 points
Total Points ______out of 42points (-10 points for each day late without an excused absence. -10 if directions above were not followed exactly. No Chapter Checkpoints accepted after 3 days if absences are not excused)