15 OCTOBER 2013
Thank you Mr Programme Director, my colleagues in the leadership of the Municipality, representatives of the media, ladies and gentlemen.
I wish to thank you wholeheartedly for your presence here today at this vital presentation. I am encouraged by the turnout and that our major media houses are present to listen to the important message regarding our current water situation and the looming water shortage that we wish to disseminate today. This morning, I wish to make a direct appeal to our media representatives to give full and broad publicity to the facts presented to you around the dire prospect of a water crisis facing the city by 2015.
The Municipality has a broad spectrum of communication platforms with which it communicates with local communities, and we will certainly use it to the fullest extent to secure the cooperation of our communities in our water conversation efforts. But we cannot deny that we also need access to local media and the considerable power you sway in disseminating information and shaping and influencing people’s minds and perspectives.
Please work together with us to spread the message that we need to save water, to the benefit of our great city and all our communities, not only today and tomorrow, but also in the weeks and months ahead. This is a battle that will be won only over the longer term, so we need to keep the need for water conservation fresh in our residents’ minds. For that, we also rely on you as our media partners.
I also wish to make a direct appeal to our residents and communities for their cooperation in saving water now, so that we can divert a water shortage crisis later. We need to see the same wonderful spirit that was evident during the drought in the region in 2011, when residents gave their full cooperation, and succeeded in reducing their water consumption to acceptable levels, given the situation that prevailed.
I have no doubt that the residents of NelsonMandelaBay will once again rise to the occasion so that, together, we will prevent the very real prospect of a water shortage crises that is facing us in 2015. But to succeed, we need to start decreasing our water consumption right now.
I thank our residents for the wonderful response that I know will be forthcoming and also the media for joining with us in promoting this vital campaign.
Thank you.
Use it, enjoy it, but respect it and conserve it. Every drop counts!