Lossless, Reversible Transformations that Improve Text Compression Ratios

Robert Franceschini[1], Holger Kruse

Nan Zhang, Raja Iqbal, and

Amar Mukherjee

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

University of Central Florida

Orlando, Fl.32816

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Lossless compression researchers have developed highly sophisticated approaches, such as Huffman encoding, arithmetic encoding, the Lempel-Ziv family, Dynamic Markov Compression (DMC), Prediction by Partial Matching (PPM), and Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) based algorithms. However, none of these methods has been able to reach the theoretical best-case compression ratio consistently, which suggests that better algorithms may be possible. One approach for trying to attain better compression ratios is to develop different compression algorithms. An alternative approach, however, is to develop generic, reversible transformations that can be applied to a source text that improve an existing, or backend, algorithm’s ability to compress. This paper explores the latter strategy.

In this paper we make the following contributions. First, we propose four lossless, reversible transformations that can be applied to text: star-encoding (or *-encoding), length-preserving transform (LPT), reverse length-preserving transform (RLPT), and shortened-context length-preserving transform (SCLPT). We then provide experimental results using the Calgary and the Canterbury corpuses. The four new algorithms produce compression improvements uniformly over the corpuses. The algorithms show improvements of as high as 33% over Huffman and arithmetic algorithms, 10% over Unix compress, 19% over GNU-zip, 7.1% over Bzip2, and 3.8% over PPMD algorithms. We offer an explanation of why these transformations improve compression ratios, and why we should expect these results to apply more generally than our test corpus. The algorithms use a fixed initial storage overhead of 1 Mbyte in the form of a pair of shared dictionaries that can be downloaded from the Internet. When amortized over the frequent use of the algorithms, the cost of this storage overhead is negligibly small. Execution times and runtime memory usage are comparable to the backend compression algorithms. This leads us to recommend using Bzip2 as the preferred backend algorithm with our transformations.

Keywords: data compression, decompression, star encoding, dictionary methods, lossless transformation.

1. Introduction

Compression algorithms reduce the redundancy in data representation to decrease the storage required for that data. Data compression offers an attractive approach to reducing communication costs by using available bandwidth effectively. Over the last decade there has been an unprecedented explosion in the amount of digital data transmitted via the Internet, representing text, images, video, sound, computer programs, etc. With this trend expected to continue, it makes sense to pursue research on developing algorithms that can most effectively use available network bandwidth by maximally compressing data. This paper is focused on addressing this problem for lossless compression of text files. It is well known that there are theoretical predictions on how far a source file can be losslessly compressed [Shan51], but no existing compression approaches consistently attain these bounds over wide classes of text files.

One approach to tackling the problem of developing methods to improve compression is to develop better compression algorithms. However, given the sophistication of algorithms such as arithmetic coding [RiLa79, WNCl87], LZ algorithms [ZiLe77, Welc84, FiGr89], DMC [CoHo84, BeMo89], PPM [Moff90], and their variants such as PPMC, PPMD and PPMD+ and others [WMTi99], it seems unlikely that major new progress will be made in this area.

An alternate approach, which is taken in this paper, is to perform a lossless, reversible transformation to a source file prior to applying an existing compression algorithm. The transformation is designed to make it easier to compress the source file. Figure 1 illustrates the paradigm. The original text file is provided as input to the transformation, which outputs the transformed text. This output is provided to an existing, unmodified data compression algorithm (such as LZW), which compresses the transformed text. To decompress, one merely reverses this process, by first invoking the appropriate decompression algorithm, and then providing the resulting text to the inverse transform.

Figure 1. Text compression paradigm incorporating a lossless, reversible transformation.

There are several important observations about this paradigm. The transformation must be exactly reversible, so that the overall lossless text compression paradigm is not compromised. The data compression and decompression algorithms are unmodified, so they do not exploit information about the transformation while compressing. The intent is to use the paradigm to improve the overall compression ratio of the text in comparison with what could have been achieved by using only the compression algorithm. An analogous paradigm has been used to compress images and video using the Fourier transform, Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) or wavelet transforms [BGGu98]. In the image/video domains, however, the transforms are usually lossy, meaning that some data can be lost without compromising the interpretation of the image by a human.

One well-known example of the text compression paradigm outlined in Figure 1 is the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) [BuWh94]. BWT combines with ad-hoc compression techniques (run length encoding and move-to-front encoding [BSTW84, BSTW86]) and Huffman coding [Gall78, Huff52] to provide one of the best compression ratios available on a wide range of data.

The success of the BWT suggests that further work should be conducted in exploring alternate transforms for the lossless text compression paradigm. This paper proposes four such techniques, analyzes their performance experimentally, and provides a justification for their performance. We provide experimental results using the Calgary and the Canterbury corpuses that show improvements of as high as 33% over Huffman and arithmetic algorithms, about 10% over Unix compress and 9% to 19% over Gzip algorithms using *-encoding. We then propose three transformations (LPT, RLPT and SCLPT) that produce further improvement uniformly over the corpus giving an average improvement of about 5.3% over Bzip2 and 3% over PPMD ([Howa93], a variation of PPM). The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents our new transforms and provides experimental results for each algorithm. Section 3 provides a justification of why these results apply beyond the test corpus that we used for our experiments. Section 4 concludes the paper.

2. Lossless, Reversible Transformations

2.1 Star Encoding

The basic philosophy of our compression algorithm is to transform the text into some intermediate form, which can be compressed with better efficiency. The star encoding (or *-encoding) [FrMu96, KrMu97] is designed to exploit the natural redundancy of the language. It is possible to replace certain characters in a word by a special placeholder character and retain a few key characters so that the word is still retrievable. Consider the set of six letter words: {packet, parent, patent, peanut}. Denoting an arbitrary character by a special symbol ‘*’, the above set of words can be unambiguously spelled as {**c***, **r***, **t***, *e****}. An unambiguous representation of a word by a partial sequence of letters from the original sequence of letters in the word interposed by special characters ‘*’ as place holders will be called a signature of the word. Starting from an English dictionary D, we partition D into disjoint dictionaries Di, each containing words of length i, i = 1, 2, …, n. Then each dictionary Di was partially sorted according to the frequency of words in the English language. Then the following mapping is used to generate the encoding for all words in each dictionary Di, where (*w) denotes the encoding of word w, and Di[j] denotes the jth word in dictionary Di. The length of each encoding for dictionary Di is i. For example, *(Di[0]) = “****…*”, *(Di[1]) = “a***…*”, …, *(Di[26]) = “z***…*”, *(Di[27]) = “A***…*”, …, *(Di[52]) = “Z***…*”, *(Di[53]) = “*a**…*”,… The collection of English words in a dictionary in the form of a lexicographic listing of signatures will be called a *- encoded dictionary, *-D and an English text completely transformed using signatures from the *-encoded dictionary will be called a *-encoded text. It was never necessary to use more than two letters for any signature in the dictionary using this scheme. The predominant character in the transformed text is ‘*’ which occupies more than 50% of the space in the *-encoded text files. If the word is not in the dictionary (viz. a new word in the lexicon) it will be passed to the transformed text unaltered. The transformed text must also be able to handle special characters, punctuation marks and capitalization which results in about a 1.7% increase in size of the transformed text in typical practical text files from our corpus. The compressor and the decompressor need to share a dictionary. The English language dictionary we used has about 60,000 words and takes about 0.5 Mbytes and the *-encoded dictionary takes about the same space. Thus, the *-encoding has about 1 Mbytes of storage overhead in the form of a word dictionaries for the particular corpus of interest and must be shared by all the users. The dictionaries can be downloaded using caching and memory management techniques that have been developed for use in the context of the Internet technologies [MoMu00]. If the *-encoding algorithms are going to be used over and over again, which is true in all practical applications, the amortized storage overhead is negligibly small. The normal storage overhead is no more than the backend compression algorithm used after the transformation. If certain words in the input text do not appear in the dictionary, they are passed unaltered to the backend algorithm. Finally, special provisions are made to handle capitalization, punctuation marks and special characters which might contribute to a slight increase of the size of the input text in its transformed form (see Table 1).

Results and Analysis

Earlier results from [FrMu96, KrMu97] have shown significant gains from such backend algorithms as Huffman, LZW, Unix compress, etc. In Huffman and arithmetic encoding, the most frequently occurring character ‘*’ is compressed into only 1 bit. In the LZW algorithm, the long sequences of ‘*’ and spaces between words allow efficient encoding of large portions of preprocessed text files. We applied the *-encoding to our new corpus in Table 1 which is a combination of the text corpus in Calgary and Canterbury corpuses. Note the file sizes are slightly increased for LPT and RLPT and are decreased for the SCLPT transforms (see discussion later). The final compression performances are compared with the original file size. We obtained improvements of as high as 33% over Huffman and arithmetic algorithms, about 10% over Unix compress and 9% to 19% over GNU-zip algorithms. Figure 2 illustrates typical performance results. The compression ratios are expressed in terms of average BPC (bits per character). The average performance of the *-encoded compression algorithms in comparison to other algorithms are shown in Table 2. On average our compression results using *-encoding outperform all of the original backend algorithms.

The improvement over Bzip2 is 1.3% and is 2.2% over PPMD[2]. These two algorithms are known to perform the best compression so far in the literature [WMTi99]. The results of comparison with Bzip2 and PPMD are depicted in Figure 3 and Figure 4, respectively. An explanation of why the *-encoding did not produce a large improvement over Bzip2 can be given as follows. There are four steps in Bzip2: First, text files are processed by run-length encoding to remove the consecutive redundancy of characters. Second, BWT is applied and output the last column of the block-sorted matrix and the row number indicating the location of the original sequence in the matrix. Third, using move-to-front encoding to have a fast redistribution of symbols with a skewed frequency. Finally, entropy encoding is used to compress the data. We can see that the benefit from *-encoding is partially minimized by run-length encoding in the first step of Bzip2; thus less data redundancy is available for the remaining steps. In the

following sections we will propose transformations that will further improve the average compression ratios for both Bzip2 and PPM family of algorithms.

Figure 2. Comparison of BPC on plrabn12.txt (Paradise Lost) with original file and *-encoded file using different compression algorithms

Figure 3: BPC comparison between *-encoding Bzip2 and Original Bzip2

Figure 4: BPC comparison between *-encoding PPMD and Original PPMD

File Name / Original File Size (byte) / *-encoded, LPT, RLPT File Size (bytes) / SCLPT
File Size (bytes)
1musk10.txt / 1344739 / 1364224 / 1233370
alice29.txt / 152087 / 156306 / 145574
anne11.txt / 586960 / 596913 / 548145
asyoulik.txt / 125179 / 128396 / 120033
bib / 111261 / 116385 / 101184
book1 / 768771 / 779412 / 704022
book2 / 610856 / 621779 / 530459
crowd13 / 777028 / 788111 / 710396
dracula / 863326 / 878397 / 816352
franken / 427990 / 433616 / 377270
Ivanhoe / 1135308 / 1156240 / 1032828
lcet10.txt / 426754 / 432376 / 359783
mobydick / 987597 / 998453 / 892941
News / 377109 / 386662 / 356538
paper1 / 53161 / 54917 / 47743
paper2 / 82199 / 83752 / 72284
paper3 / 46526 / 47328 / 39388
paper4 / 13286 / 13498 / 11488
paper5 / 11954 / 12242 / 10683
paper6 / 38105 / 39372 / 35181
plrabn12 / 481861 / 495834 / 450149
Twocity / 760697 / 772165 / 694838
world95.txt / 2736128 / 2788189 / 2395549

Table 1. Files in the test corpus and their sizes in bytes

Original / *-encoded / Improve %
Huffman / 4.74 / 4.13 / 14.8
Arithmetic / 4.73 / 3.73 / 26.8
Compress / 3.50 / 3.10 / 12.9
Gzip / 3.00 / 2.80 / 7.1
Gzip-9 / 2.98 / 2.73 / 9.2
DMC / 2.52 / 2.31 / 9.1
Bzip2 / 2.38 / 2.35 / 1.3
PPMD / 2.32 / 2.27 / 2.2

Table 2. Average Performance of *-encoding over the corpus

2.2 Length-Preserving Transform (LPT)

As mentioned above, the *-encoding method does not work well with Bzip2 because the long “runs” of ‘*’ characters were removed in the first step of the Bzip2 algorithm. The Length-Preserving Transform (LPT) [KrMu97] is proposed to remedy this problem. It is defined as follows: words of length more than four are encoded starting with ‘*’, this allows Bzip2 to strongly predict the space character preceding a ‘*’ character. The last three characters form an encoding of the dictionary offset of the corresponding word in this manner: entry Di[0] is encoded as “zaA”. For entries Di[j] with j>0, the last character cycles through [A-Z], the second-to-last character cycles through [a-z], the third-to-last character cycles through [z-a], in this order. This allows for 17,576 words encoding for each word length, which is sufficient for each word length in English. It is easy to expand this for longer word lengths. For words of more than four characters, the characters between the initial ‘*’ and the final three-character-sequence in the word encoding are constructed using a suffix of the string ‘…nopqrstuvw’. For instance, the first word of length 10 would be encoded as ‘*rstuvwxyzaA’. This method provides a strong local context within each word encoding and its delimiters. These character sequences may seem unusual and ad-hoc ad first glance, but have been selected carefully to fulfill a number of requirements: