Read and complete what you can. We will discuss in class.
Security Resources you can use
§ Norton AntiVirus Response Center Web Page
§ Test the vulnerability of your computer:
– Gibson Research Corporation : see Freeware at the top & ShieldsUp under Services
– Windows updates for your computer
Computer security vulnerability points (How are we vulnerable?)
Cybercrimes are criminal acts conducted through the use of computers by cybercriminals
Types of Viruses:
Hackers – Anyone who breaks into a computer system (Black hat, Grey Hat, Script kiddies, White hat)
______- break into systems to expose vulnerabilities or those that are hired by a company to break into their own systems
______- use their knowledge to destroy information or for illegal gain
______- amateur hackers
______- break into systems illegally to flaunt or sell their expertise
· Wireless Networks – the range does not stop at the property line
· To secure a wireless network, you should take the following additional precautions:
1. Change Your Network Name (SSID)
2. Disable SSID Broadcast
3. Change the Default Password on Your Router
4. Turn on Security Protocols
5. Implement Media Access Control (MAC)
6. Apply Firmware Upgrades
Definitions from the puzzle
Network Security Threats (identify examples)
· Human errors and mistakes
· Malicious human activity
· Natural events and disasters
Network Security
· Authentication – verify the person is who s/he claims to be on a computer
· Access privileges - Based on requirements
· Physical protection measures: locked rooms, magnetic card readers
Fault Tolerance – designed to ______even if important components fail
Backup -
Types: (Full, Incremental & Selective)
______the user identifies certain file to back up
______all files are backed up
______all files since the last full backup are backed up
Software Protection:
Perform software ______regularly
Verify e-mail notifications ______. Why?
How to protect against viruses:
Be cautious of email attachments.
Scan for viruses
Keep Software Updated
Limit where you surf
Biometric Identification Systems – Fingerprint, Palm print, Iris scan, Face recognition technology, and Voice patterns
Guidelines for good Password - Compare your passwords to the guidelines
Encryption – A process of translating data into a secret code
Plain or clear text - text that is not encrypted.
Complete ASCII table
Using Exclusive OR, XOR, Å
00111000 Cleartext (The character 8)
Å 01010001 Key
Encrypted text