609 Cambridge Avenue
Dayton, Ohio45402
937-369-9012 (cell)
937-275-5393 (home)
Major: Biology
Minor: Chemistry
Major: Counseling
(advanced studies; degree pending program completion)
- Skilled in using financial aid, admissions and registration modules in Banner and in a variety of information systems: Banner, MicroFaids (forerunner to PowerFaids), CMD
- Proficient in writing queries to generate financial aid reports for Banner and in using a variety of programs and packages in both PC and client server platforms
Summary of Experiences
Over twenty years of executive experience in the administration of student financial aid programs in both public and private institutions.
Patricia A. Copely
2004 - Present Student Financial Aid Consultant, FiskUniversity, Nashville, Tennessee
- Acted as a troubleshooter for Banner related financial aid issues. Advised students and parents on financial aid opportunities at FiskUniversity.
- Awarded and disbursed financial aid.
- Developed a Supervisor’s and Student Employee Handbooks, made Federal Work Study assignments, and gathered students’ timesheets for processing by the Payroll Office.
- Acted as a liaison in coordinating scholarships awarded by the Office of Alumni and Annual Giving.
- Coordinated scholarships received by students with their other aid to make sure the University was in compliance and not over awarding.
- Assisted with resolving past compliance issues with the federal government.
- Worked with Enrollment Services to ensure the University’s compliance with federal regulations.
- Fielded questions about Banner and provided one-on-one training.
1985 - 2003 Director of Financial Aid, WilberforceUniversity, Wilberforce, OH
- Vested with overall administrative, operational, fiscal responsibility for the student financial aid programs, including Federal Work Study Program for traditional students on the main campus and the adult learners in five instructional sites.
- Provided leadership and administrative oversight for the interpretation and dissemination of information about federal and state regulations and UNCF and foundation guidelines governing financial aid and scholarship programs.
- Maintained and reconciled fiscal records of awards and expenditures; monitored related functions and audited processes to ensure full compliance with extant regulations and policies; and compiled necessary reports for all federal, state, and institutional financial aid programs.
- Prepared statistical reports and developed policies and procedures relative to student financial aid.
- Conducted workshops for students, parents, school advisors, and agency personnel concerning financial aid assistance and steps to be followed in obtaining program funds.
- Worked collaboratively with the enrollment management in packing student financial aid to ensure the retention and academic success of students and served on the Enrollment Management Committee.
- Followed a strategic process to ensure and maintain a low student loan default rate by working with local banks, loan recipients, and potential defaulters in the preparation of hardship petitions and applying for deferments.
- Fostered a student-centered environment throughout the office and worked closely with the vice president for academic and student affairs to ensure a seamless process.
- Made presentations at faculty and staff meetings and other venues served as principal trainer for professional and support staff in the use of Banner and other information systems as well as keeping staff au courant with federal and state regulations.
- Developed office procedural and training manuals for the staff.
- Promoted direct lending and brought it online without any challenges.
- Maintained an excellent relationship with Region VI federal financial aid staff and the State of Ohio Board of Regents staff overseeing the Ohio Instructional Grant (OIG).
1978 – 1985 Co-Director of Financial Aid, WilberforceUniversity, Wilberforce, OH
- Assisted director in managing all aspects of the student financial aid program.
- Responsible for training professional and support staff in using emerging information systems and upgrading office technology. Served as the point person in migrating from CMD to MicroFaids.
- Supervised in packaging, directing the financial aid authorization and the disbursement of funds to the Business Office and prepared financials reports to donors.
1977 – 1978 Associate Director of Financial Aid, WilberforceUniversity, Wilberforce, OH
- Oversaw documentation tracking for financial aid records and worked closely with auditors and external reviewers to ensure the accuracy and the integrity of the operations.
- Coordinated financial aid posting to student accounts and the general ledger.
- Provided leadership on maintaining all scholarship programs including endowed scholarships and worked closely with UNCF.
- Prepared reports, including FISAPS, correspondence and other required reports for the president, vice president for fiscal affairs, the vice president for development, the Ohio Board of Regents, Board of Trustees and the federal government.
- Determined student eligibility and monitored enrollment and academic progress working closely with the vice president for academic and student affairs and the registrar.
1975 – 1977 Student Loan Specialist, CentralStateUniversity, Wilberforce, Ohio
- Performed need calculations, packaged students’ awards and certified student loan applications.
- Counseled, guided, and assisted students and parents in applying for financial assistance.
1972 – 1975 Counselor, Metro Atlanta Talent Search Program, National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students (NSSFNS)/Southeastern Regional Office
- Counseled and advised Talent Search students regarding their educational and career
- Coordinated high school visits for college recruiters in the Metro Atlanta area.
- Prepared the annual fiscal and statistical reports for the Talent Search Program.
1971 – 1972 Ford Foundation’s Leadership Development Program, Atlanta, Georgia
- Assigned to several internships from Washington, D.C.; Durham, North Carolina; Atlanta, Georgia; East Palo Alto, California; and Tuskegee and Montgomery, Alabama to observe operations and leaders of action and learn various trends with the purpose of reentering my community to be an effective change-agent.
1970 – 1971 Science Teacher, CarrollCounty Board of Education, Carrollton, Georgia
- Provided instruction and supervision of seventh grade science at BowdonHigh School.
REFERENCES Available upon request