PFSA AGM Meeting Minutes: 27th March 2017

Attendees: SKP, CG, JJ, AS, LL, KW, KN, AA, CA, CP

Apologies: MB, HO, JN, CG, DH

Account Status:

There have been discrepancies as to how much money the PFSA has historically committed with regards to covering St Jo's spending. A recent unexpected benches invoice has been paid.

KW queried a remaining provision in the accounts for £2k towards books. SKP to investigate whether this is still required.

ACTION: SKP to speak to Paul Merton.

In future, all expenditure requests must be made at PFSA meetings and approved by the committee. Any requests made outside this procedure will be rejected.

Disco Feedback:

Generally speaking, the disco was a big success. There was great participation from the children and plenty of volunteers.

In future, getting the children to and from the hall would be easier if teachers wouldn’t mind being involved. Also, it might be easier to dismiss all children from their own classrooms as nearly 90 children from one class was a lot!

Koosa Kids need to be given wristbands as they didn’t know if they were coming or going.

Lots of people bought their tickets last minute and therefore this needs to be planned for in terms of refreshments etc. Some even bought their tickets on the gate.

Ordering the lists more sensibly would also help speed up signing in/out.

Initial figures show a profit of about £850.

Front Gate:

The work is scheduled for over the Easter holidays.

The wider cladding was chosen to look more robust.

Playground Equipment:

Andrea has done a lot of work on this. She has had a number of companies in to provide quotes and create plans/proposals.

ESP is a company specialising in educational play equipment. They do interchangeable ropes for their designs so that they can be reconfigured/repaired easily. Their quote is competitive so they have made the final shortlist along with Fawnes.

Both companies are quoting between £15k and £15.2k for a trim trail, pagoda and free flow area for KS2.

A stage and a 2 shooters are being quoted at about £5k for KS1 (although one shooter will go in KS2).

It was decided that the Galleon should be removed at a Ground Force day, as should the pergoda. The wood can be donated to the allotment folks.

The train is going to stay for a while as the children love it.

ACTION: AA to get more quotes including a raised stage without blackboards.

ACTION: AS to follow up with Miss B and parents to find someone to convert the flowers from the children into a mural for the current pagoda at the bottom of the Reception playground.

PFSA Shed:

The shed has been cleared thanks to some helpful parents!

There is a lot of second hand uniform to be cleared, so a textile recycling need to be arranged.

ACTION: CP to sort out Phil The Bag for week commencing 1st May.

After that it would be good to get some more storage for in there to make better use of the area and to help keep things tidier and more protected.

ACTION: KW to allocate some budget for this.

There are quite a few books in there and some stuff to take to charity

ACTION: AS to see if Miss Moore/Miss B want to the books and to find helpers to take other stuff to charity.

Facebook Page:

There is some confusion over the page as it is assumed by many that it is run by the PFSA/school, but actually, none of the current PFSA members have any control over it. It has been asked that the actual owners remove the school logo.

ACTION: CP to speak to Helen/Teri to clarify rules and regulations.

Summer Fair:

Set for 24th June.

There is good interest amongst external stall holders (19 of them)

Going to sort it so that each year group is responsible for a stall.

There will be music and performances

There will be slight rejig to the locations if the stall

There will be a café

Would be nice to have ice cream and churros and slush

Stay and Play

Arranged for Friday 12th May after SATS week!!

Science Week:

22nd May

Want to leave a legacy

Want to set up a Science Garden with the help of a Ground Force day

ACTION: AS to promote event: 6th/7th May and 13th/14th May.

Miss G has asked for £500 for a weather station and £150 for associated software.

Committee approved £700.

ACTION: CA to ask for plant for the science garden

Date for next meeting:

Wed 24th May, 7:30. Hall.