Biophotonics and Coherent Systems
Fore wordIX
Introductory remarks: Towards a Biology of Life
R. Van WijkXI
- Field Concepts and the Emergence of a Holistic Biophysics
M. Bischof1
- The Holistic Quality in Biology in View of the Gurwitschian Field Principle: Oncology. Epistemology and Causation
M. Lipkind27
- Macroscopic Fluctuatuins of Space-Time as a Possible Source of Non-randomness of Similarity of Distributions of Synchronous Measurement Results for Processes of Different Nature
S.E.Shnoll, T.A.Zenchenko, E.V.Pozharski, K.I.Zenchenko, V.A.Kolembet, A.A.Konradov, A.N.Zaikin, B.M.Kuzhevsky, V.N.Rudenko, T.I.Baurov, Y.G.Sobolev, V.F.Kushniruk 43
- Spatial Unfoldings of Cell Morphogenetic Movements: a New Version of the Gurwitsch Morphogenetic Field
V.G.Cherdantsev, Yu.A.Kraus, V.A.Scobeyeva53
- Golden Section in Structure-Functional Organization of Plants
- Non-Equilibrium and Coherent Properties of Whole Blood as Revealed by Analysis of its Sedimentation Behavior.
V.L.Voeikow, Yu.S.Bulargina, E.V.Buravleva and S.E.Kondakov75
- Electrical Charge of a Native Cell Nucleus is a Source of a Cellular Field
and of a Biological Non-Equilibricity
8Structure Selforganization of Isolated Associations of Mitochondria
A.V.Temmov, V.I.Popov, T.V.Sirota, I.R.Saakyan, I.G.Stavrovstaya, N.I.Fedotcheva, M.N.Kondrashova 101
10. Implications of Biophotons and Their Coherent Nature
R.P.Bajpai 135
11. Delayed Luminescence and Structure of Simple Biological Systems
F.Musumeci, A.Scordino, A.Triglia141
12. Light Localization in Fractal Systems
13. On the Physical Nature of "Biological Fields"
14. Dark Paramagnetic Biopolymers-the Emitters or Traps of Photons?
15. Processes Involving Reactive Species are the Major Source
of Structured Energy for Organizational Biophotonic Field Pumping
16. Oscillations of Photon Emission Accompanying the Oxidative
Process in Aqueous Solutions of Glycin with Ribose or Glucose
V.V.Koldunov, D.S.Kononov and V.L.Voeikov229
17. The Role of the Naturel Radiation Background in Triggering Cell
18. Some Characteristics of secondary Biogenic Radiation(SBR)
of Living Systems Exposed to Gamma-Irradiation at Low Doses
G.N.Surkenova and A.M.Kuzin249
19. Autoregulation of the Total Cell Number in Cultures of Unicellular
20. Distant Interaction in the Bacterium Pseudomonas Fluorescens
as aFactor of Adhesion Regulation
21. Biocommunication and Bioluminescence of Lampyridae
Jiin-Ju Chang, Ying Liu, Yan Wang and F.-A Popp267
22. Ultraweak Luminescence from Domestic Animals Spermatozoa
M.Godlewski, T.Kwiecinska, D.Wierzuchowska, J.Slawinski,
A.Laszezka, B.Szezesniak-Fabianczyk281
23. Distant Physical Interactions Between the Developing Fish
24. Biophoton Emission from Eggs and Embryos of a Fish,
Misgurnus fossilus L: Developmental Dynamics, Frequency
Patterns and Non-Additive Interactions
L.V.Beloussov, A.B.Burlakov, A.A.Konradov305
25. Enhancement of Chemiluminescence in Non-Diluted Human Blood
with Back Reflected Photons or Carbon Monoxide Reveals red and
White Cells Interactions
C.N.Novikov, R.Asfaramov, N.D.Vilenskaya, Yu S.Bulgarina and
26. The Possible Role Played by Biophotons in the Long-Range
Interaction Between Neutrophil Leukocytes
Xun Shen, Ling Bei, Tian-Hui Hu and Binil Aryal335
27. Mechanoemission of Blood and Oncogenesis
V.E.Orel, N.N.Dzatkovskay347
28. Regulation of the Oxidative Burst in Mouse Peritoneal Neutrophils
by Application of Weak Magnetic Fields
V.V.Lednev, N.A.Belova, M.M.Potselueva, I.S.Yurkov365
29. Ultraweak Photon Emission in Human Skin Cells: Is UV-Induced
DNA Damage Involved in Intra-and Extra-Cellular Photobiostimulation?
L.A.Applegate, C.Scaletta and H.J.Niggli367
30. Variability of Spectra of Laser-Induced Fluorescence of Colonic Mucosa:
Its Significance for Fluorescence Detection of Colonic Neoplasia
B.W.Chwirot, M.Kowalska, Z.Michniewicz, M.Piwinski,
H.Rasielewska, A.Dabrowska and N.Sypniewska 381
31. Measurement of Low Level Emissions: Investigations on Human
Hands, Wrist and Lower Arms
K.Bieske, D.Gall, J.Fisch397
32. Whole Body Measurement of Biophoton Emission
33. Biophoton Emission as a method of Controlling the Quality of Yeast
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
34. Germination capacity of tomato seeds and ultra-weak photon-induced
delayed luminescence
J.E.M.Souren, E.Boon-Niermeyer and R.Van Wijk419
35. Biophoton Emission and Germination Capacity of Barley Seeds
Yu Yan431
36. The Influence of Growth Stage and Stress on Kinetics of Delayed
Ultraweak Bioluminescence of Picea abies seedlings
L.Drinovec, I.Jerman, G.Lahajnar439