proc print data = temp (firstobs = 1 obs = 10);

var id Score_M_2009 Score_M_2008 score_m_2007;

title 'original data file';

* Select the variables to be used in the school level file;

DATA temp_mc5 (keep=mathcohort Samp_Check_c5_09

id School_SD_2009 math_avail

Pl2b_Math_08 Pl2b_Math_09 Pl2b_Math_07

Female_09_N Male_09_N SWD_09

Score_M_2008 Score_M_2009 Score_M_2007


mastid MathSimpleGain0908 MathSimpleGain0907 MathSimpleGain0807

FRL_09 LEPD_09 Black_09 AmInd_09 Asian_09 Hisp_09 White_09 NDC_09







SET temp;


*above code gives us missing data statement;

*look at a small number of obs;

*calculatied and new id variables for first row of data appear in second row of data;

proc print data = temp_mc5 (firstobs = 1 obs = 10);

var id mastid mathsimplegain0908 mathsimplegain0907 mathsimplegain0807

Score_M_2009 Score_M_2008 score_m_2007;

title 'first 10 cases with combined code';


*separate out existing variables from

created variables in keep statement;

DATA temp_mc5_3 (keep=mathcohort Samp_Check_c5_09

id School_SD_2009 math_avail

Pl2b_Math_08 Pl2b_Math_09 Pl2b_Math_07

Female_09_N Male_09_N SWD_09

Score_M_2008 Score_M_2009 Score_M_2007

FRL_09 LEPD_09 Black_09 AmInd_09 Asian_09 Hisp_09 White_09 NDC_09


SET temp;


proc print data = temp_mc5_3 (firstobs = 1 obs = 10);

var id Score_M_2009 Score_M_2008 score_m_2007;

title 'keep statement separated';


data temp_mc5_4;

set temp_mc5_3;







proc print data = temp_mc5_4 (firstobs = 1 obs = 10);

var id mastid mathsimplegain0908 mathsimplegain0907 mathsimplegain0807

Score_M_2009 Score_M_2008 score_m_2007;

title 'new variables created in separate program';




322 proc print data = temp (firstobs = 1 obs = 10);

323 var id Score_M_2009 Score_M_2008 score_m_2007;

324 title 'original data file';




328 * Select the variables to be used in the school level file;

NOTE: There were 10 observations read from the data set WORK.TEMP.

NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time):

real time 0.00 seconds

cpu time 0.00 seconds

329 DATA temp_mc5 (keep=mathcohort Samp_Check_c5_09

330 id School_SD_2009 math_avail

331 Pl2b_Math_08 Pl2b_Math_09 Pl2b_Math_07

332 Female_09_N Male_09_N SWD_09

333 Score_M_2008 Score_M_2009 Score_M_2007

334 MathSimpleGain09

335 mastid MathSimpleGain0908 MathSimpleGain0907

335! MathSimpleGain0807

336 FRL_09 LEPD_09 Black_09 AmInd_09 Asian_09 Hisp_09

336! White_09 NDC_09

337 );

338 MathSimpleGain09=Score_M_2009-Score_M_2008;

339 MathSimpleGain0908=Score_M_2009-Score_M_2008;

340 MathSimpleGain0907=Score_M_2009-Score_M_2007;

341 MathSimpleGain0807=Score_M_2008-Score_M_2007;

342 mastid=id;

343 SET temp;

344 run;

NOTE: Missing values were generated as a result of performing an operation

on missing values.

Each place is given by: (Number of times) at (Line):(Column).

1 at 338:30 1 at 339:32 1 at 340:32 1 at 341:32

NOTE: There were 69949 observations read from the data set WORK.TEMP.

NOTE: The data set WORK.TEMP_MC5 has 69949 observations and 27 variables.

NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):

real time 0.09 seconds

cpu time 0.07 seconds

345 *above code gives us missing data statement;


347 *look at a small number of obs;

348 *calculatied and new id variables for first row of data appear in second

348! row of data;

349 proc print data = temp_mc5 (firstobs = 1 obs = 10);

350 var id mastid mathsimplegain0908 mathsimplegain0907 mathsimplegain0807

351 Score_M_2009 Score_M_2008 score_m_2007;

352 title 'first 10 cases with combined code';

353 run;

NOTE: There were 10 observations read from the data set WORK.TEMP_MC5.

NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time):

real time 0.00 seconds

cpu time 0.00 seconds



356 *separate out existing variables from

357 created variables in keep statement;


359 DATA temp_mc5_3 (keep=mathcohort Samp_Check_c5_09

360 id School_SD_2009 math_avail

361 Pl2b_Math_08 Pl2b_Math_09 Pl2b_Math_07

362 Female_09_N Male_09_N SWD_09

363 Score_M_2008 Score_M_2009 Score_M_2007



366 FRL_09 LEPD_09 Black_09 AmInd_09 Asian_09 Hisp_09

366! White_09 NDC_09

367 );


369 SET temp;

370 run;

NOTE: There were 69949 observations read from the data set WORK.TEMP.

NOTE: The data set WORK.TEMP_MC5_3 has 69949 observations and 22 variables.

NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):

real time 0.07 seconds

cpu time 0.07 seconds


372 proc print data = temp_mc5_3 (firstobs = 1 obs = 10);

373 var id Score_M_2009 Score_M_2008 score_m_2007;

374 title 'keep statement separated';

375 run;

NOTE: There were 10 observations read from the data set WORK.TEMP_MC5_3.

NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time):

real time 0.00 seconds

cpu time 0.00 seconds


377 data temp_mc5_4;

378 set temp_mc5_3;

379 MathSimpleGain09=Score_M_2009-Score_M_2008;

380 MathSimpleGain0908=Score_M_2009-Score_M_2008;

381 MathSimpleGain0907=Score_M_2009-Score_M_2007;

382 MathSimpleGain0807=Score_M_2008-Score_M_2007;

383 mastid=id;

384 run;

NOTE: There were 69949 observations read from the data set WORK.TEMP_MC5_3.

NOTE: The data set WORK.TEMP_MC5_4 has 69949 observations and 27 variables.

NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):

real time 0.03 seconds

cpu time 0.03 seconds


386 proc print data = temp_mc5_4 (firstobs = 1 obs = 10);

387 var id mastid mathsimplegain0908 mathsimplegain0907 mathsimplegain0807

388 Score_M_2009 Score_M_2008 score_m_2007;

389 title 'new variables created in separate program';

390 run;

NOTE: There were 10 observations read from the data set WORK.TEMP_MC5_4.

NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time):

real time 0.00 seconds

cpu time 0.00 seconds

original data file 14

18:01 Saturday, August 20, 2016

Obs ID Score_M_2009 Score_M_2008 Score_M_2007

1 79634824 594 502 479

2 74054401 457 443 415

3 74053183 428 480 430

4 69954901 503 512 471

5 65549092 454 452 399

6 65533144 513 480 439

7 65400466 484 492 439

8 65400445 517 462 459

9 65400424 437 398 418

10 65392366 496 469 421

first 10 cases with combined code 15

18:01 Saturday, August 20, 2016

Math Math Math

Simple Simple Simple

Obs id mastid Gain0908 Gain0907 Gain0807

1 79634824 . . . .

2 74054401 79634824 92 115 23

3 74053183 74054401 14 42 28

4 69954901 74053183 -52 -2 50

5 65549092 69954901 -9 32 41

6 65533144 65549092 2 55 53

7 65400466 65533144 33 74 41

8 65400445 65400466 -8 45 53

9 65400424 65400445 55 58 3

10 65392366 65400424 39 19 -20

Obs Score_M_2009 Score_M_2008 Score_M_2007

1 594 502 479

2 457 443 415

3 428 480 430

4 503 512 471

5 454 452 399

6 513 480 439

7 484 492 439

8 517 462 459

9 437 398 418

10 496 469 421

keep statement separated 16

18:01 Saturday, August 20, 2016

Obs ID Score_M_2009 Score_M_2008 Score_M_2007

1 79634824 594 502 479

2 74054401 457 443 415

3 74053183 428 480 430

4 69954901 503 512 471

5 65549092 454 452 399

6 65533144 513 480 439

7 65400466 484 492 439

8 65400445 517 462 459

9 65400424 437 398 418

10 65392366 496 469 421

new variables created in separate program 17

18:01 Saturday, August 20, 2016

Math Math Math

Simple Simple Simple

Obs ID mastid Gain0908 Gain0907 Gain0807

1 79634824 79634824 92 115 23

2 74054401 74054401 14 42 28

3 74053183 74053183 -52 -2 50

4 69954901 69954901 -9 32 41

5 65549092 65549092 2 55 53

6 65533144 65533144 33 74 41

7 65400466 65400466 -8 45 53

8 65400445 65400445 55 58 3

9 65400424 65400424 39 19 -20

10 65392366 65392366 27 75 48

Obs Score_M_2009 Score_M_2008 Score_M_2007

1 594 502 479

2 457 443 415

3 428 480 430

4 503 512 471

5 454 452 399

6 513 480 439

7 484 492 439

8 517 462 459

9 437 398 418

10 496 469 421