Business Continuity Plan Template
{Insert Business Name}
{insert Date Last Update}
{insert Name of Person Responsible}

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Business Impact Analysis

Critical Business Activity / Description / Priority / Impact of loss
(describe losses in terms of financial, staffing, loss of reputation etc) / Resource Requirements / Recovery Time Objectives
(critical period before business losses occur)
[Name ie. Key Suppliers] / [Description of what you can't do without: people, suppliers, documents, systems or even procedures.] / [Describe the potential impact on your business if this critical area fails.] / [Describe the resources needed to recover following the event.]

Emergency Plan

Invoking the plan

This plan becomes effective when a disaster occurs. The senior management team, with input from the EMT, DRT and IT, is responsible for declaring a disaster and activating the various recovery teams as outlined in this plan.

Emergency Management Team (EMT) roles & responsibilities

Role / Responsibilities / Person responsible / Email / Phone/Mobile number
Emergency Management Supervisor / Detail responsibilities of the supervisor such as supervision of all key roles in emergency situation / [e.g. M. Smith] / [e.g. / [(Area code) Number]
Disaster Recovery Supervisor / Detail responsibilities of the supervisor such as supervision of all key roles in disaster recovery situation / [e.g. M. Smith] / [e.g. / [Mobile number]
IT / Detail responsibilities of the supervisor such as supervision of all key IT related activities in both emergency and disaster situation / [e.g. M. Smith] / [e.g. / [(Area code) Number]
First Aid Officer / [e.g.
  • Attend regular first aid training courses.
  • Administer first aid support in an emergency situation.
  • Contact ambulance services when necessary.]
/ [e.g. M. Smith] / [e.g. / [(Area code) Number]
[Mobile number]
Chief Fire Warden / [e.g.
  • Attend relevant training courses.
  • Communicate procedures to all staff.
  • Supervise and action emergency evacuation procedures (including contacting emergency services, accounting for staff).
  • Conduct regular drills.
  • Update procedures regularly.]
/ [e.g. S.Jones] / [e.g. / [(Area code) Number]
[Mobile number]
Fire Warden / [e.g.
  • Attend relevant training courses.
  • Assist in evacuating staff according to evacuation procedures (including collecting emergency kit and resilience and recovery documentation).
  • Assist with regular drills.
  • Assume Chief Fire Warden duties when required.]
/ [e.g. J. Silos] / [e.g. / [(Area code) Number]
[Mobile number]

Emergency contacts

[List your local emergency services numbers and any additional contacts you will need to phone in an emergency(e.g. Employee's next of kin).]

Organisation Name / Contact / Title / Phone/Mobile number
ALL / 000
State Emergency Services (SES)

Emergency procedures

[List your emergency/evacuation procedures. It may be useful to attach a copy of your detailed emergency procedures and floor plan with the location of emergency exits, emergency kit and safety equipment clearly marked. Your emergency procedures should also include a map of evacuation locations for all emergencies.]

Procedures / Brief outline of procedures / Evacuation point/ address / Reference to full procedure document / Supporting documentation
[e.g. Fire Evacuation Procedure] / [e.g. 1. Alarm raised and relevant emergency services authorities contacted.
2. Wait for evacuation signal.
3. Follow fire warden instructions.
4. Calmly evacuate the premises from nearest emergency exit.
5. Arrive at evacuation location.
6. Locate and account for all staff.] / [e.g. Corner of Safe Street and Sound Lane, City.] / [e.g. The Fire and emergency procedures.doc can be found on the shared drive under the 'Emergency' folder. A printed copy is also located in the main filing cabinet.] / [e.g. Office floor plan,
map of evacuation locations.]
[e.g. Fire Evacuation Procedure] / [e.g. 1. Alarm raised and relevant emergency services authorities contacted.
2. Wait for evacuation signal.
3. Follow fire warden instructions.
4. Calmly evacuate the premises from nearest emergency exit.
5. Arrive at evacuation location.
6. Locate and account for all staff.] / [e.g. Corner of Safe Street and Sound Lane, City.] / [e.g. The Fire and emergency procedures.doc can be found on the shared drive under the 'Emergency' folder. A printed copy is also located in the main filing cabinet.] / [e.g. Office floor plan,
map of evacuation locations.]

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Emergency kit


[Where is your emergency kit located/stored?]

Contents[List the contents of your emergency kit and the date each item was last checked/reviewed.]
Object / Checked/Reviewed Date / Person responsible
Emergency management & recovery plan / [Day/Month/Year] / [e.g. J. Smith]
Emergency and recovery contacts / [Day/Month/Year] / [e.g. J. Smith]
Critical Information List / [Day/Month/Year] / [e.g. J. Smith]
Insurance documents / [Day/Month/Year] / [e.g. J. Smith]
Financial documents / [Day/Month/Year] / [e.g. J. Smith]
Torch / [Day/Month/Year] / [e.g. J. Smith]
First-aid kit / [Day/Month/Year] / [e.g. J. Smith]
Portable radio / [Day/Month/Year] / [e.g. J. Smith]
Plastic bags / [Day/Month/Year] / [e.g. J. Smith]
Spare batteries / [Day/Month/Year] / [e.g. J. Smith]
Adhesive tape / [Day/Month/Year] / [e.g. J. Smith]
Pen/pencil and notepad / [Day/Month/Year] / [e.g. J. Smith]

Evacuation drill schedule[Use this table to schedule your emergency evacuation drills.]

Evacuation procedure type / Drill frequency / Position/person responsible / Next drill dates
[e.g. Fire, flood, cyclone] / [Monthly] / [e.g. S. Jones] / [Day/Month/Year]
[e.g. Fire, flood, cyclone] / [Monthly] / [e.g. S. Jones] / [Day/Month/Year]
[e.g. Fire, flood, cyclone] / [Monthly] / [e.g. S. Jones] / [Day/Month/Year]

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Recovery Plan

CPA Australia Disaster Recovery Toolkit

Complete the following checklists:

Initial Assessment

Damage Assessment

Reality check

State of business finances

Financial analysis

Evaluating your market

Evaluating your business

Developing a recovery plan

Action List to restart the business

Costs to reopen your business

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Recovery Plan Template

Critical Business Activities / Preventative/Recovery Actions / Resource Requirements/ Outcomes / Recovery Time Objective / Responsibility / Completed
Production Services - halted /
  • re-assess financial position of business including cash flows due to loss of revenue to meet minimal overheads
  • minimise overheads – review expenses and develop plan of action to reduce fixed and variable overheads include reduction of casual and permanent staff hours
  • negotiate with suppliers to prevent build-up of materials and reduce costs
  • source alternative production site
  • diversify product range and services offered e.g. repairs and restoration
  • put aside cash reserves to cover costs
  • reduce costs where able
  • research new products and services
  • identify alternative production site
/ 2 weeks / Business owner/ operator / 0/0/0

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Recovery contacts

Include all of the organisations/people that will be essential to the recovery of your business.

Contact Type / Organisation Name / Contact / Title / Phone/Mobile number
Insurance / XYZ Insurance / D Smith / Claims Advisor / 0400 000 000
Telephone/internet services provider
Bank/building society
Supplier (Main)
Supplier (Backup)
DEEDI Regional Development Officer

Insurance claims

What insurance policies have you claimed for?

Insurance company / Date / Details of claim / Follow-up actions
ABC Insurance / 00/00/00 / Enter details of claim and contact person. / Actions required by the insurer to process claim, eg photos, damage estimates

Market assessment

List any areas of you market that have changed due to the incident.

Market changes / Impact to business / Business options
What has changed in the market? / What impact will the market changes have on your business? / How can your business adapt to suit these new market conditions?

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