Eighty Fifth Annual Report

2011 / 2012 Season


PO Box 46 020

Lower Hutt

Phone (04) 567 1372

To all members

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the eightyfifthAnnual General Meeting will be held in the Club Rooms, 107A Taita Drive (Entrance off Avalon Park) Lower Hutt on Monday 30thJuly 2012commencing at 7.30pm.


  1. Election of Chairman
  1. Apologies
  1. Confirmation of the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
  1. Adoption of the Annual Report and Balance Sheet for the year ended 30 April 2012
  1. Election of Officers and Management Committee:

(a) Patron(g) Hon Treasurer

(b) President(h) Midweek Captain

(c) Vice Presidents(i) Management Committee

(d) Club Captain(j) Hon Solicitor

(e) Vice Club Captain(k) Hon Auditor

(f) Hon Secretary


Current subscriptions (including affiliation fees) are:



Senior$196.00Non Players$ 20.00

  1. Affiliation to Hutt Valley Tennis Inc.

Clause 3 of the constitution requires members to decide upon affiliation to Hutt Valley Tennis Inc. at the Annual General Meeting.

  1. General Business


(Affiliated to Hutt Valley Tennis Inc.)



Mr F Finley


Mrs L Boyd, Mrs J Field, Mr & Mrs B Mulvey, Mr B Carter, Mr B Davies and Mr R Thompson


Mesdames J Thompson and A McDonald

Mr G Roselli


Mr R MassamMrs B Hood


Mr RStapaMr JBeilby


Mr G WellsNo appointment


Mrs RTurnerNo appointment


Mr B Bishop, Mr G Boyd, Mr R Janaszkiewicz, Mrs M Morris & Mr B Surridge

To all Club Members: The Management Committee has much pleasure in

presenting this Report on the activities of the Club for the past season.


Hi Everyone

What a very pleasant task it is this year to present to you my report, the year has been filled with success stories for Avalon Tennis Club and its’ members.

Starting with the annual trip to Waipawa Vets Tournament, again we fielded a large group of competitors (about 26), all wearing our new light blue tennis shirts.

This year marked the 90th jubilee of Avalon Tennis Club commencing as the Taita Tennis Club on Eastern Hutt road, then to Mabey Road and finally to our present site. In 1960 we became The Avalon Tennis Club. Gary Roselli and Nola Callaghan organised a tournament which featured many of the club's past members which together with a full page spread of our club's history in the Hutt News made for a great day with lots of memories being recalled.

We also featured prominently as co-hosts of the National SeniorsTeams Event at Easter weekend along with Mitchell Park and Lower Hutt Club. A very special thanks must go to all the members that helped out and a special thanks to Brenda Hood acting as the co-ordinator for Avalon Club and to her family for their great effort in making it a successful weekend.

We now have as you have all noticed a great new timber deck outside the club house which has removed the fall hazard that previously existed. Thanks to Brian Surridge for building it and Melissa (Liss) Morris for securing a great deal of the funds to finance it. We are now fund raising money to bring the upstairs deck up to current safety standards.

We have two ladies that deserve a special mention this year. The first is Ngaire Robinson who has been selected to represent New Zealand in the ITF Super-Seniors World Championships in Croatia in September. Good luck Ngaire. The second is Brenda Hood who was nominated by the club as the club volunteer of the year for Tennis New Zealand, she went to Auckland to a gala dinner and very deservedly won the award. She was also nominated independently for the Hutt City Sports award in the volunteer/administrator grouping. Well done Brenda and thanks from your fellow committee members for the work you do.

I would also like to thank all of our management committee members for the hard work they have put in this year and of course a very special thank you to all of you guys and gals that work so hard behind the scenes to make Avalon Tennis Club the success it is.

What a year this has been. Thanks everyone.

Fred Finley


The 2011/2012 season proved to be another successful one for the Avalon Tennis Club.


Commencing October 2011 Avalon fielded six teams for the Pre-Xmas Interclub competition, this was one less than last season, here are the results.

Wellington Mens Premier 3
(Captain – Brendon Smith) / 6th / 1st
Premier 4
Wellington Womens Premier 2
(Captain – Jo Downes) / 5th / 5th
Premier 3
Hutt Valley Mens Division 1
(Captain – Richard Massam) / 4th / 3rd
Hutt Valley Mens Division 2
(Captain – Barry Bishop) / 4th / 4th
Hutt Valley Mens Division 2
(Captain – John Beilby) / 5th / 2nd
Hutt Valley Womens Division 1
(Captain – Sandra Howat) / 8th / 6th

While the Pre-Xmas results showed all teams struggling to finish in the top half of their respective grades a number of teams lacked a settled line up on a regular basis.

A pleasing aspect of the team selections this season was the even spread of younger players through all of the teams and the ongoing development they are showing.

This was certainly noticeable in the Post-Xmas round, where there were some improved results across all grades, congratulations to the Men’s Premier team for coming out on top in a very close competition.

The emphasis for next season will be to retain players and build on the base we have been developing.

Overall Interclub ran without too many major worries, thanks to all the team captains for doing a great job in running their teams over the season.


This season the club champs draw was out and we were determined to get through and avoid the last minute rush to get completed as has happened in the past.

Unfortunately a new season but the same outcome, despite numerous reminders, injuries , members being out of town and work commitments it seemed just about every match was a struggle to get completed.

A big thank you to Brenda Hood for her endeavours in trying to make this happen, if anyone has any suggestions on how we can achieve the desired outcome in a shorter time frame then we would welcome your input for next season.

Our aim is to get the honours boards updated to reflect the past completed results and include this season's.

2011 – 2012 Club Champs Results

Womens Singles Champion: Laura Hood

Womens Singles Runner Up: Mona Hawkins

Mens Singles Champion: Final still to be played, Serge Ritossa v Brendon Smith

Mens Singles Runner Up: as above

Womens Doubles Champions: Laura Hood and Brenda Hood

Womens Doubles Runners Up: Mona Hawkins and Katrina Hoffman

Mens Doubles Champions: Final still to be played, Serge and Vinny Ritossa v

Brendon Smith and Jason Canning

Mens Doubles Runners Up: as above

Mixed Doubles Champions: Robyn Turner and Lee Turner

Mixed Doubles Runners Up: Christine Cook and Paul Smith

Congratulations to all the above, and to those members who entered and were unsuccessful, you have another opportunity next season.


This year Hutt Valley Tennis played host to this annual tournament on the tennis calendar, Avalon Tennis Club took up the opportunity to co host this event for 3 days over Easter.

The feedback received from players who attended from around the country, certainly was very positive, I spoke with many who commented on the excellent organisation and catering provided.

Another positive comment was the fact we have a wonderful relaxing environment in which to play tennis with excellent facilities.

Sometimes I think we take this for granted, when in fact a lot of hard work goes on behind the scenes to maintain our club at this level, thank you to all those that make this happen.

Without club volunteers these events would not take place, thanks to the Avalon members involved in making this such a success. A special thank you to Brenda Hood, the Tournament Controller at Avalon, for giving up her long weekend in order to make this possible.

In conclusion, I must thank our Club Captain Rick Stapa who left us midway through the season for all his effort and contribution over the years. We wish him well for the future.

We look forward to seeing you all back in the new season.



I’d like to start by thanking all our new junior members. I hope you enjoyed your first season with us and look forward to seeing you again next season.


Sunday morning coaching was well attended, with over 40 juniors attending most weeks.

Thanks to our coaches Jason, Jason, Jimmy, Sara, Harrison, Wayne, Bryan, Len, and John.


The junior interclub season started on 29th October 2011 and finished on 31st March 2012.

This season we finished with nine teams, one more than last year. We had six boys teams and three girls teams

A big thank you to all the team managers. To those parents who come along most Saturday mornings to watch, if you are asked to manage a team next season please give it some thought.

Interclub Results

The interclub season is split into separate pre and post-Christmas competitions.

In the pre-Christmas competition although our top three teams found the going a bit tough, our up and coming teams were well placed with all five teams finishing 4th or higher

Pre-Christmas results

  • Boys Premier A – 6th
  • Boys Premier B – 6th
  • Boys Division 2 – 2nd and were promoted to Division 1
  • Boys Division 4 – two teams finished 4th and 2nd and were promoted to Division 3
  • Girls Premier B – 7th and were relegated to Division 1
  • Girls Division 2 – 3rd
  • Girls Division 3 – 3rd

Post-Christmas results

  • Boys Premier A – 7th
  • Boys Premier B – 7th
  • Boys Division 1 – 7th
  • Boys Division 3 – 4th
  • Boys Division 4 (team Matai) – 6th
  • Boys Division 4 (team Totara) – WON the division
  • Girls Division 1 – 4th
  • Girls Division 2 – WON the division
  • Girls Division 3 – WON the division

Superior Team Performance - Avalon Pohutukawa (Girls Division 2)

Superior Individual Performance

  • Te Aukaha Raimona
  • Toby Massam
  • Daniel Kenny
  • Eric Zhou
  • Rose Boalford
  • Hayley Plumb
  • Seema Singh
  • Anna Cherry

Interclub Player of the Year - Kayla Howard

Most Improved

  • Boy - Toby Massam
  • Girl – Rose Boalford


Three separate singles competitions were completed before the end of March

Mixed 12 Years and Under

  • Winner – Wiremu Wells
  • Runner up - Mitchel Tan

Girls Singles

  • Winner - Selena Chhika
  • Runner up - Becca McHugh

Boys Singles

  • Winner – George Boyd
  • Runner up – Wiremu Wells

Thanks to all the players - I hope you all enjoyed your tennis this season.

Thanks to the parents who put up their hands to manage a team. Hopefully next year some more parents will be willing to do the same.

I’d also like to thank our committee for keeping the club running, keeping our subs down, and working hard to get grants for our coaches, balls, paint, and our wonderful new deck.

I look forward to seeing you all next season.

Glen Wells

Thank you to all sponsors for their ongoing support of Avalon Tennis