Canyon High School
9th Grade Honors English
Mrs. Hanks
Objectives for the Fall 2016 Semester:
This class is aligned with the Common Core State Standards (you may view these standards at: There is a strong emphasis on educational research and proven learning techniques, such as differentiated instruction, thinking maps, cooperative learning, and Socratic teaching. David Coleman, author of “Cultivating Wonder” on The College Board accurately depicts the foundation of The Common Core State Standards declaring that they “challenge students to read like a detective and write like an investigative reporter. Cultivating these capacities will require investing in the craft of good questions. Excellence arises from the regular practice of work worth doing, reading things worth reading and asking questions worth answering.”
We will read a novel, short stories, and non-fiction. We will spend time discussing the literature we read as a class while working on assignments related to the reading. As everyone in our class is individual, so are our interpretations. You will learn how to express your ideas and present them in a cohesive fashion all the while respecting the ideas of others.
Honors students spend a large amount of time on writing; our class will learn about different types of essays and master the basic essay structure and MLA guidelines. You will complete more reading, writing and assignments than you would in a college prep English class, and all students need to be prepared for the workload.
Materials You Are Responsible For:
Every day you will use your binder, paper, book, pen and highlighter. Please do not come to class unprepared. If you do not have your materials every day, you will not be provided with any other materials for class. All work in this class must be done in blue or black ink. You must keep all of your completed work in the English class section of your binder behind the appropriate divider tab. By keeping your graded work, you will be able to keep track of your grade in the class and successfully prepare for essays, performance tasks and assessments.
We will not be using the ninth grade text book, so there is no need to check one out. On the rare occasion we use it, we have a class set available. The novel we will use is (will be provided for you):
1. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
You will also need the following materials for class by:______
1. Four Divider tabs (for this class only)
1) AOWs (Articles of the Week)
2) Unit 1: Obstacles
3) Unit 2: Justice
4) Writing
2. Notebook paper—college ruled
3. Colored pens: red, blue, black and green (work must be done in blue/black ink, pencil is not accepted)
4. Highlighter
5. An SSR book
1) You must bring a book to class every day
- The book you bring Monday needs to be the same book you read for the entire week unless you finish the book entirely.
Classroom Rules:
Every student deserves the right to learn in our classroom, and the teacher deserves the right to be able to teach the students. At no time will a student take away these rights from the teacher or the students. Students will respect the opinions of peers and of the teacher while in the classroom and no obscene language will be allowed. At no time will destruction and/or disrespect of student, teacher or school property be tolerated. While in the classroom, students may not:
· Eat
· Chew gum
· Drink anything other than water
Homework/Absences/ Make-up work:
Homework will be assigned daily and is generally due the following day unless otherwise stated by the teacher. You are responsible for copying homework assignments from the board as soon as the class begins each day—even if the teacher does not verbally announce the homework, the student is responsible for completing what is recorded on the board.
If you are absent, you are responsible for all of the work you missed due to your absence. Upon returning to school, you must identify what work you missed, and turn in all make-up work; you have as many days as you were absent up to three (3) days per the district policy. After the allotted time frame, all missing assignments are recorded as a ‘zero’ and cannot be made up.
School Attendance Policy:
Your attendance is important and is directly related to your success in this class. The school tardy and district attendance policy will be in effect in this class. Keep in mind that absences affect your status in the honors program and excessive absences will result in being dropped from the program.
Late Work Policy:
If you fail to turn in your assignment when it is due, you may turn in the assignment the next day for a maximum 70% credit. You are only allowed to turn in 5 (five) assignments late for the entire semester. You must submit these to the teacher personally and attach a late homework sheet to it (some assignments subject to mandatory intervention for late submission). All essays/projects will be subject to a drop of one letter grade for every day late.
Grading System:
100 - 93 = A
92 - 90 = A-
89 - 87 = B+
86 - 83 = B
82 - 80 = B-
79 - 77 = C+
76 - 73 = C
72 - 70 = C-
69 - 60 = D
59 - 0 = F
**Notice: A “D” or lower makes students non-compliant with A-G requirements.
Please remember to use the Infinite Campus Student/Parent Portal to check grades and missing
assignments. It is your responsibility to ensure accuracy.
Academic Integrity:
Please keep in mind that if you choose to cheat on assignments or exams in any class, you will be subject to disciplinary action. Do not attempt to cheat from another student for the purposes of completing assignments for another class on campus. In addition to receiving a “0” on your assignment, your papers will be confiscated and disciplinary actions will be addressed. This includes copying homework from this class or any of your other classes. We will be using to verify essay integrity.
How to Contact the Teacher:
I am available by email or phone message at any time during the school day. My prep period is 7th period from 2:00 to 3:00. For the quickest response, please use my email address: . The phone number at school is (661) 252-6110 ext. 347. We will also be utilizing the web page system through the school’s website, àteachersàHanks, and Infinite Campus where grades and attendance records can be accessed. I always make myself available for students and parents, so if you need to contact me, or meet with me, we will arrange a convenient time to do so. Thank you!
Canyon High School
“The Future Begins Here”
I.Critical thinkers whoask essential questions, analyze multiple sources, and weigh critical evidence.
II.Effective communicators whowrite using precise claims, cohesive structure, and clear points of view.
III.Creative problem solvers whoapproach challenges with perseverance and collaborative mindsets.
IV.Diligent workers who strategically plan and research in order to solve problems conceptually byusing models, constructing explanations, and designing solutions.
V.Academically competent individuals who—whether arguing claims from evidence or constructing solutions to problems—obtain, evaluate, and communicate information efficiently and effectively.
VI.Technologically proficient students who ethically useresources to organize, analyze, and present data.
VII.Life-long learners preparedfor a variety of post-secondary learning and working environments.
Student Name______Class Period_____
Parents/Guardians and Students please sign and return this portion of the syllabus to Mrs. Hanks
by ______
“I have read the class syllabus and have discussed it with my parent(s)/guardian(s). By signing this I accept the responsibilities that are required of me during the fall semester. I know that if I have any questions or concerns about this class or any assignments that I will ask Mrs. Hanks either during class or outside of class. I also know that I can contact Mrs. Hanks through email.”
Student Signature Email address Date
“I have read and discussed this class syllabus with my student. I know that there are certain expectations and responsibilities involved in 9th grade Honors English. I know that I may contact Mrs. Hanks by phone, email if I have questions or concerns regarding my student.”
Parent Signature ***Email address Date
Additional Email:______
Over the course of the semester, we will watch movie/show/YouTube clips which are school-appropriate, in an effort to enhance the learning experience, and utilize technology. Students are not required to participate, and can receive alternate assignments. Please mark the following option for your student, and feel free to email with any concerns regarding this issue.
_____ YES, my student can watch the “school appropriate” clips in addition to the prescribed list from the district for the duration of the semester
_____ NO, my student may not watch the movie/show clip other than the district mandated list
SSR Selection Acknowledgement:
I understand that it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to monitor what reading selection my student is reading for SSR. There are some books available at the school library, as well as in the teacher’s classroom, but it is up to the parent/guardian to approve the selection.
Please note any specialized information that would help me with your student: ______
Canyon High School English Department
Honors English 9A/B Contract
Your Commitment:
I, the undersigned, agree to abide by the terms of the contract cited below. I understand that the nature of this honors class necessitates a major effort on my part, both in the amount of time I will expend and the scope of aid I will give others in the class. Furthermore, I understand that because the class is student-oriented, teamwork is essential. It is obvious, therefore, that regular attendance is crucial and that study group meeting outside of class are necessary.
I Will:
- Make a consistent effort to complete every assignment. Not all assignments will be collected (i.e. reading assignments and study group work), but you are expected to do your best on each assignment within the time-frame it is assigned.
- Attend class regularly (miss no more than 10 classes per semester), arrive on time, and give attention to the activities, regardless of the demands of other classes and/or school activities.
- Perform at a high level of academic excellence by completing and submitting higher quality work than that expected by an average high school student. Receiving less than a C (2.0) for a single semester or less than a B (3.0) average in the class for two consecutive semesters is unacceptable and will result in removal from the class at the appropriate semester break.
- Participate actively in class discussions, group work and various projects that may require meeting not only during class but at lunch and/or outside of school.
5. Promise that all work submitted is original. I understand that work borrowed, stolen or purchased from another source and submitted as mine is plagiarism and illegal. Students who plagiarize will receive a fail in the class and be suspended from the honors/advanced placement program for at least four semesters.
Failure to comply with any part of the contract will result in a transfer to a CP (college prep) English class.
Student’s Name (Printed): ______
Student’s Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ______