Public Works Committee Meeting

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Red Bud City Hall

Council Chambers (2nd floor)

Committee Members Present: Clarence Nail, Kyle Donjon, Clem Esker, Bill Hanebutt, Glenn Linnertz

Committee Members Absent:

Council Members Present: David Friess, Don Thompson

Council Members Absent: Mike Reed

Others Present: Mayor Tim Lowry; City Attorney, Paul Ray, City Superintendent, Josh Eckart; City Code Administrator, Jeff Mueller; Police Chief, John Brittingham; Administrative Assistant, Pam Poetker; City Clerk, Joanne Cowell

Committee Chairman Nail called the meeting to order at 7:49 p.m.

Old Business

I. Power Plant

Superintendent Eckart reported that IMEA have finished the urge testing for the generating capacity.

II. Water Replacement Project Report


III. Locust Street Project Report

Ongoing. Eckart reported that a preconstruction meeting was held last week and they should be starting next week. There were no problems with the schedule or meeting the deadlines. The paving will probably take four days plus concrete work and patching. Locust Street will remain open all through construction.

IV. Tap Fees

Eckart should have next month.

New Business

I.  Approval of Prior Month’s Meeting Minutes

Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Nail, seconded by Committee Member Donjon to approve the minutes from the May 26, 2015 meeting. Carried

II.  Training Requests – Jeff Koester & Chris Remick

Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Nail, seconded by Committee Member Linnertz to approve, retroactively, Jeff Koester and Chris Remick attending the Hands-on Locate Training Seminar for Underground Facility Locators on June 16, 2015 in Shiloh, IL, with a fee of $25 each. Carried

III.  Gas Pipeline Safety Briefing Conference – Mayor and Council Members

Recommendation made by Committee Member Nail, seconded by Committee Member Linnertz to approve sending any interested council member to the Illinois Commerce Commission Pipeline Safety Program on September 22, 2015 at Rend Lake Resort. Carried

Anyone interested, please let Pam know before August 21st.

IV. Public Comments/Anything for the Good of the City

Eckart said that residents had asked about the City putting out signage indicating the depth of water on the streets, along with the barricades. General consensus, barricades are sufficient.

Nail said he had received information about water issues on resident’s property. He asked that if anyone else gets any complaints, please get all the information to see if the city has any responsibility. Nail suggested possibly putting a letter in the paper regarding not putting things (grass, mulch, etc.) in the streets and into the storm sewers. He also said that he had many compliments for the hard work the city employees did during the storms.

Thompson asked about the cost of the storm damage to the City. Eckart said he did not have that at hand, but could probably find out. There were three days of overtime involved.

Nail, Eckart, Rodney Nevois and a LINC representative went to the pool to check ADA improvements. Possible improvements were discussed.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne G. Cowell, City Clerk

Red Bud, Illinois