April 25 meeting minutes

Welcome & Treasurer report

*LES earned $1,579.00 from Square One Art

*Book Fair we netted $81.00 in dollar profit, but earned many scholastic dollars which can be used for many events next school year.

*PTO gave $100 donation to Running for Rachel for the Race. Giant Bonus Card totaled $5,017.99 from this school year.

*Upcoming expenses for rest of school year:

*End of year retirement teacher gifts

*Teacher appreciation week

*Teacher year books for classroom libraries

*May Fair

* 5th Grade Party

Principal report

*Special thank you to Kelly Fegley and helpers for a well-attended and appreciated Moms and Muffins event.

*May 12th Ram Readers coming from high school to read to students.

*May 15th Spring Concert. LES students will have a preview concert during school hours.

*Smart Board update: Boards should be installed in kindergarten classrooms May 18th.

*Went over the Car Riders dismissal policy. (currently being implemented)

Teacher report

*Mrs. Behney had nothing to report.

Guest Speaker rebecca robinson

*Rebecca spoke on the “Stem donation drive” and our districts efforts to move towards creativity and design thinking

*All District teachers will be attending training this summer to help have classroom opportunities/centers for kids to learn through STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)

*Items like: Legos, Knex, building blocks, fabric, felt, thread, all types of paper, art supplies, cardboard tubes, storage containers, screws, bolts, dominos, marbles, playing cards, pipe cleaners, puzzles, rubber bands, lunch bags etc. can be dropped off at LES front office or Center Dauphin High School by April 8th.

*There are also scholarships available for the Science Olympiad summer camp this summer. Please email for more information or questions.

wrap up report

Moms and Muffins:

*Kelly Fegley was pleased with Mom’s and Muffins event.

*Mrs. Fetterhoff suggested scheduling next year’s event before PSSAs occurs because the school hallways are so bare from students taking PSSAs.

*Discussion occurred with concerns of dates, weather, busy schedules. Mr. P and Danielle will relook idea while finalizing events scheduled for next year.

upcoming events report

*May Fair is low on volunteers to run stations/activities on event day. Anyone able to help please email Heather or Danielle ASAP. PTO will be asking for a 3rd person next year to help chair this event.

*There will be gift cards purchased at 5 Below for poster winners.

*Will be a dunk tank at May Fair this year

*5th grade party update

*t-Shirts ordered and printed

*Everything is on schedule for the party at the Friendship Center.

*Teacher Appreciation Week

*Everything on budget, scheduled and on time

MISC report

*High School Scholarships were finalized and selected.

*Awards will be announced and given May 17th @ CH High

*Had 5 total applicants

*We discussed and voted on selling both “Save Around” and “Kids Stuff” books again next year. Ericka Swinehart has agreed to run these sales again.

*LES netted $1,800 from “Save Around Books” and $2,300 from “Kid’s Stuff Books”

*Thank you, Ericka, for doing this again for LES!

*Discussion on Square One Art:

*Should students do every or every other year

*Would like to run program around timing for holiday/ gifts season

*Mr. P will discuss with art teacher and see her thoughts and we will discuss further at a future meeting

*Family Movie Night

*PTO will sponsor again next year

*Timing will be around early September with a rain date

*No food will be served this year (most people brought own stuff this past year)

open chair positons for 2017-2018 school year:

*American Education Week Coordinator (Can be done at home…just plugging volunteers in time slots)

*Additional 3rd Chair for May Fair

*November Conference Day Teacher Day Luncheon (Given budget of $400 and volunteer list)

*January Conference Day Teacher Day Luncheon (Given budget of $400 and volunteer list)

Board positions still seeking:

President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer

(due to the late time this report sent, election process has already occurred….HOWEVER new update current as of 5-10, due to the no nominations, the current President, Vice President and Secretary officers have agreed to stay on for the 2017-2018 term. Christine Cutuli’s children will be attending a different school next year, therefore, the Treasurer position will be open for the 2017-2018 school year).

PLEASE email or if you are interested in taking on thisposition….PTO MUST have a treasurer to run.