Premises: Romna Gate,
14 The Broadway ,Southgate, N14 6PJ
Date of Inspection: 23rd September 2013
Food Business Operator:
Type of Premises: Indian Restaurant
Type of Food Activities: Chilled, Frozen & Ambient Foods, Storage, Preparation, Defrosting, Cooking, Cooling
No. of Customers/per day 30-35 per day
I refer to my food hygiene inspection of your premises. Please find attached a copy of my inspection report. The report lists matters, which are legal requirements (matters which must be done by law), and matters which are recommendations, (which are good practice).
The attached inspection report is an Informal Notice of the findings of the inspection, and I advise that you comply with the matters listed as legal requirements as soon as possible and certainly by the next inspection. Carrying out matters listed as recommendations will enhance your management of food safety.
If the matters listed as legal requirements are still outstanding at the time of the next visit, it may be necessary to serve Formal Notices and/or consider prosecution.
Confidence in management/ Control procedures
Food Safety Management System
The food safety management system in use was Safer Food Better Business (SFBB).
1) Some Safe methods not completed –: Separating foods, Pest control, Maintenance, Cleaning chemicals, Reheating, Hot Holding, Chilled Foods, Chilling down, Defrosting, Freezing, Cooking, Foods that need extra care, Ready to eat foods, cleaning schedule
2) Diary pages not completed. Last completed 24th September 2012
3) Sign and print name on each diary page
4) Some 4 x weekly checks not done
Legal Requirements
Your food safety management system must include all the hazards, controls and monitoring as well as relevant documentation for these processes. Complete Safe methods as discussed. Once your Food Safety Management Procedure is in place, it is important for you to regularly review your control measures and take any necessary steps to take account of future changes in your operations. The 4x weekly review is not being carried out as required. Ensure that ensure that the 4x weekly review is completed as required in the SFBB folder. Complete diary pages daily.
Staff Instruction/Training
At the time of the inspection there was no evidence of food hygiene training for 1 food handler
Legal Requirements
(Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Annex II Chapter XII para 1)
You must ensure that all food handlers engaged in your food business are supervised, instructed and/or trained in food hygiene matters as necessary, bearing in mind the type of work which they do. All food handlers must be trained in food hygiene. Provide training for Mathir Rahman
Compliance with Structural requirements
Flies seen on the premises and rear door left open
Legal Requirements
Evidence of flies was found in the food preparation area. These pests carry food poisoning bacteria and can contaminate food and food surfaces that they land on. The rear door to the premises was left open and provided easy access for these pests. The rear door must either be kept closed and an alternative means of ventilation provided, or must be fitted with insect-proof screens which can easily be removed for cleaning.
Structure and Equipment
Seal on walk in chiller which is damaged
Cracked floor tiles in kitchen
Food debris behind fridge/ clean wall next to freezer
Door to kitchen flaking
Legal Requirements
All defective equipment should be discarded and or repaired/replaced. The seal around the door of the walk in chiller must be repaired/replaced prevent accumulation of dirt and bacteria and allow adequate cleaning. I would also recommend that you check equipment on a regular basis to ensure any defective equipment is removed.
The cracked tiles in floor covering in the food preparation area/kitchen, and food storage area means the floor cannot be adequately cleaned. Renew or repair the floor covering and leave in a sound easy to clean condition.
The floor covering behind the fridge and next to the freezer was dirty especially at floor/wall junctions behind the equipment. Thoroughly clean the floor and maintain in a clean condition.
The paint to the door leading to the kitchen is dirty and flaking. Remove any loose paint to a sound base and redecorate ensuring the finished surface will prevent the accumulation of dirt and reduce condensation, and flaking paint.
Compliance with Food Hygiene and Safety Procedures
Ready to eat food stored in shopping bag
Cooked mutton stored next to raw meat stored
Food (meat) is being defrosted at room temperature
Legal Requirements
Raw food, i.e meat was stored next to ready to eat foods, i.e. cooked mutton in the refrigerator. This may result in cross contamination. Use separate refrigerators for raw and cooked/ready to eat foods. If this is not possible, ensure cooked/ready to eat foods are stored separately and above raw foods within the refrigerator.
You are advised not to store food in plastic shopping bags as the plastic may react with the food and cause contamination. I recommend you store food in suitable (food grade) plastic containers.
Meat was left to defrost at room temperature. This practice encourages the growth of food poisoning bacteria. I recommend you thaw food in covered containers in the refrigerator.
Temperature Control
Cooked food not monitored regularly
No evidence of calibration checks
High risk food being cooled for too long
Some foods not dated in freezer
Legal Requirements
It is good practice to check the core temperature of cooked/ reheated foods, to ensure that it reaches 75C using a probe thermometer. This can be helpful in addition to visual checks of the food to determine whether it is properly cooked. These checks should be recorded. Purchase new probe wipes or alternatively use a suitable antibacterial spray for cleaning the probe thermometer.
High risk foods are left to cool at room temperature for too long ie more than 90 minutes at room temperature. This slows down the cooling process and presents ideal conditions for food poisoning bacteria to grow. Hot food which is to be cooled before storage or sale must be cooled as quickly as possible before being placed in the refrigerator. Cool food for no longer than 90 minutes.
Please note that probe thermometers should be checked regularly for accuracy. As a helpful reference in doing your own checks; pure water and ice mixture should measure between –1C to +1C, and pure boiling water should measure between 99C and 101C. If your thermometer appears not to be working correctly it should be replaced or sent for service. For further advice refer to the manufacturers instructions.
Stock rotation
No date on foods stored in freezer
There was no evidence of a stock control system for food prepared on the premises, in particular food stored in the freezer (and fridge). Cover food stored in fridge and freezer. I recommend you introduce a system of date coding for high-risk foods to ensure stock is rotated and is not used beyond its shelf-life.
Current Department of Health advice is that food handlers suffering from diarrhoea and/or vomiting should be excluded from food handling for 48 hours after their symptoms have stopped. This is a reminder as no one was ill at the time of the visit.