Backing Indigenous Arts – Performing Arts

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I identify a potential Indigenous Producer Placement?

Placements could be identified through previous project experiences, direct approaches and requests between producers and organisations, and recommendations through networks.
It is highly recommended that the early career producer and the company mentor have an established relationship and shared objectives prior to submitting an application for Producer Placement funding.

What are the obligations of a company mentor to the Producer Placement and to Arts Queensland?

The company mentor is required to provide a skills development plan for the producer over the period of the placement (either 12 or 24 months). The plan should detail learning opportunities that will be made available within the company mentor’s performing arts programming.

The company mentor will be required to submit a progress report at the half-way mark of the placement i.e. at six months from commencement for full-time (12 month placements) and at 12 months from commencement for part-time (24 month placements). The requirements of
a progress report and timeframes will be detailed in the Funding Agreement.

The Guidelines state projects cannot be funded if the project has already started.
Is this the case for the Producer Placement opportunity?

Projects and placements cannot be retrospectively funded. Producer Placement funding is for placements that have not commenced.

Can you provide some examples of specific ideas for potential Next Stage funding?

Next Stage provides core funding to grow Indigenous performing arts organisations from emerging to established businesses. Applicant organisations should be ambitious in their planning with a view to competing for core funding from other programs once their business
is sustainable and growing.

Strategies to increase business sustainability could include developing new partnerships, initiatives, personnel and products. See the Guidelines for examples and note that
$10,000 in all funding requests must be allocated to business planning and $10,000 must be allocated to strengthening governance.

What is the role of the Centre of Contemporary Arts Cairns (CoCA Cairns)?

CoCA Cairns supports the development and presentation of contemporary and Indigenous performing arts. Applicants to Next Stage are encouraged to discuss with Arts Queensland presentation of new work at CoCA Cairns.

When will New Commissions open?

New Commissions Round 1 opens for applications 24 January and closes 26 April 2018 and Round 2 opens 9 July and closes 4 October 2018.

The application form for New Commissions can be accessed at:

What are some other potential funding sources for Indigenous performing arts?

Please refer to the Funding page on the Arts Queensland website for information about a range of funds that are available to support Indigenous performing arts. Some of these include:

Queensland Arts Showcase Program (QASP) - supports vibrant and accessible arts and cultural experiences for Queensland by individuals, organisations and collectives, including Indigenous performing arts work.

Playing Queensland Fund - supports the delivery of performing arts that are ready to tour
and have demonstrated community interest and confirmed demand.

Individuals Fund - supports artists and cultural workers to reach their potential, develop
new skills and practice and explore new directions.

To explore options for philanthropic support and private sector partnerships, see the
Creative Partnerships Australia webpage and speak with the Queensland Manager.

Other sources of funding could include:

•Your local council’s arts and cultural funding programs

•Australia Council for the Arts – grants programs.