27 June 2014 www.maphistory.info/LoCompassoDebanne.doc
For the full, geographically arranged, list of the Debanne transcriptions see the Excel table:
The following listing includes all the names along the continuous mainland coast between southern Portugal (Cape St Vincent) and west Morocco, including the Black Sea, where they could be located (even if not readily identified today). The categories involved are:
· all names in the Excel database, i.e. already presented on another portolano or chart as if part of the mainland sequence, even if inland or off the coast
· entries that have been merged in the Debanne index
· entries omitted from that index
· places noted as unidentified, most of which can be supplied with their Excel number (this applies particularly to the Black Sea). It is evident that Debanne did not have access to a geographically-ordered list of portolan chart toponyms
· 'sobborgo' (suburbs) of Istanbul which were described in the text as capes
Omitted are names of mountains (apart from those close to the sea that might perhaps have appeared on the charts) and buildings, e.g. churches and fortifications. secche (shallows) and scoglie (rocks and reefs - though there are many terms for such hazards described in Debanne's Glossary), if apparently found uniquely on 'Lo compasso', have also been omitted.
Some names proved to be islands or on islands (though not indicated as such in the Debanne index), and have not been considered unless already present in the Excel listing.
Modern identifications that appear to be incorrect or unconvincing have not been noted, since that task will fall within the remit of the 'Pelagios 3' project.
Debanne's orthography has been followed, e.g. turning Motzo's 'z' into 'ç'; however words starting thus are indexed by Excel under C rather than at the end of the alphabet (as a Z) as they are in Debanne's index.
So as to conform to the alphabetical order of Debanne's index, her word order of composite place-names has been respected, except where the first element is an integral part of the accepted toponym rather than just being descriptive.
NB. The entries in the Debanne index closely follow those in Gautier Dalché's version (1995, pp.239-53) but with some introduced errors
Geog.sort / My Excel no. / Modern
identification / Region according to Debanne / 'Lo compasso' name / Name type / D E B A
orig. folio / N N E
lines / 'Non ident-
ificato' / Peleio
only / Comment
1 / 275 / Spain / ermendina / 1v / 5-9 / = elmendina
2 / 275 / Spain / elmendina / 1r / 14-15 / = ermendina
3 / 275a / Punta Picacho ? / Spain / peccato / secca / 1r / 18
4 / 275b / Secca di Zahara / Spain / çiçar / secca / 1r / 19
5 / 275c / Spain (Atl.) / cantara (2) / secca / 1r / 21 / ü
6 / 314 / C de Gata / Spain / gata / 3v / 11-15 +5r 10-11
7 / 314 / Spain / gira / 63r / 8-11 / ü / Listed plausibly by Debanne under Gata No.314. 'peleio de lo capo de Gira' to Oran & tenese (Algeria)
8 / 325 / C.Cope / capo / 4r / 9-10 / added / Omitted by Debanne
9 / [390a] / Monte Monseny / Spain / monseno / mountain / 6r / 8 + 6v 12 / ü / Not added
10 / [396] / S. Maria di Monserrat / Spain / monte serrato / mountain / 6v / 11 / Not added
11 / [400] / Spain / montanao / mountain / 6v / 20 / ü / Not added
12 / 416 / France / pi[n]eta / 7v / 6-7 / ü
13 / 417d / Pointe de l'Espignette / France, S. / espigueta / 7v / 5-6 / ü
14 / [425] / Marseille Veyre / France (Med.) / marsellia veira / mountain ? / 10r / 12 / Not added
15 / [425] / Canoubier / France / canoiero / secca / 8r / 7-9 / Not added
16 / [426] / Mountain Sainte Baume / France / dente d'albagna / mountain / 9r / 5-6 +10r 10 / Not added
17 / 426a / France / canalla / mountain / 9r / 15 / ü
18 / 426c / France / porto milo / 10r / 10 / ü
19 / [426c] / France (Med.) / balma / mountain / 10r / 11 / ü / Not added
20 / 428 / [La Ciotat] / France / carsadina / scogli / 9r / 17 / Rock. Not added
21 / [431] / Les Frères / France / due frati / scogli / 9v / 13 / 2 rocks. Not added
22 / 431c / C. Aguilette ? / France / manega / 9v / 18
23 / [432] / France (Toulon) / cadaon / mountain / 10r / 7 / ü / Not added
24 / [432] / [Toulon] / France, S. / siblasso / mountain / 10r / 8 / ü / Not added
25 / [435?] / France / miliana / 10v / 14-15 / ü / Can't locate - omit
26 / [446] / [Agay] / France / vela / scoglio / 11r / 14 / Not added
27 / [453] / France / figareto / cape / 11v / 20 / ü / 'to E. of C. Ferrat'. Can't locate - omit
28 / 456a / Roquebrune-Cap Martin / France / s.martino (1) / 12r / 18 +12v 5
29 / --- / primara mela / 12v / 10-11 / Treated as place-name but referring to 2 mela, e.g. Servo and Andola
30 / [481] / Faro, capo / Italy, Lig. / s. benegno / chiesa / 13r / 17-18 / Not added
31 / [481] / Genoa's mount. / Italy, Lig. / peraldo / mountain / 13r / 21 + 13v 1 / Not added
32 / [481] / Monte Due Frati / Italy, Lig. / due frati / mountain / 13v / 1 / Not added
33 / [481] / Monte Fascia / Italy, Lig. / faxa / mountain / 13v / 2 / Not added
34 / [481] / Monte Beigua / Italy, Lig. / caval morto / mountain / 13v / 4 / Not added
35 / [481] / [Genoa] / Italy, Lig. / s.georço / chiesa / 13v / 13 / Not added
36 / [492] / Italy, Lig. / goam / mountain / 14r / 11 / ü / Not added
37 / [492] / Monte Muzzerone / Italy, Lig. / mugeru / mountain / 14r / 13 / Not added
38 / --- / Monte Cristo, formiche of / Italy, Tusc. / formigue / island / 15r / 14 +81v 3 / Island - omit
39 / [516] / Italy, Tusc. / formiche / scogli / 15v / 14-15 / ü / Between Piombino & Argentario - ignore
40 / 523 / Montalto di Casto / Italy, central / monte alto / mountain / 15v / 6-7 / ü
41 / 531 / Rome (beach) / Italy / placça romano, capo / 15v / 17 / Omitted by Debanne
42 / --- / Scoglio di S. Martino / Italy, Lazio / s.martino (2) / island / 16r / 8, 14 / Island - omit
43 / 625a / Italy, Puglia / penna de ferm / 19r / 19 / ü
44 / 629 / S.Maria di Leuca / Italy, Puglia / s.maria (4) / chiesa / 19r / 8, 20 / Place rather than a church (though same name)
45 / 636 / ponta cavallo / Duplicated under Cavallo
46 / 637 / Scotli Pedagne / Italy, Puglia / pedangne / secche / 20v / 13 / isolecta and secche
47 / [638] / Lipani, / Italy, Puglia / lo travo / secca / 20r / 19 / Not added
48 / [649] / Monte di Bari / Italy, Puglia / s.maria (6) / mountain / 21r / 11 / Not added
49 / [706] / [Ancona] / Italy, Marche / s. clemento / chiesa / 21v / 20 / Not added
50 / 712 / Italy, March / Em.Rom. / fugara / 22r / 13-14 / ü
51 / 731 / Loreto / Italy, Ven. / laoreto / 22r / 19-20 / ü
52 / 765? / istria, capo de / 22v / 14 / Omitted by Debanne, cf. 765 but that is the wrong place
53 / -- / Greece / bissara / isolecta / 24r / 19 / ü / Island - omit
54 / {879 ?} / Greece/Turkey? / cimarra / 94v / 5 / ü / ü / In context of malea mactapane (no.950). Couldn't confirm that this is No.879
55 / [925a] / Greece / quarentana / 25v / 21 / ü / itself not identified, but near gulf of Patera & Assillo - place of quarentine?
56 / 954 / Greece / nasipo / naxipo / 28r / 19-20 +28v 1-2, 17 / ü
57 / 957a / Greece / martimcaravo / 29v / 2-5 / ü
58 / 959 / Greece / s.paulo, porto / 29v / 7-10 / ü
59 / 960 / Greece (Pelop.) / bocte / 29v / 12
60 / 967 / Greece (Pelop.) / mala, porto de / 30r / 10-12 +30v 1-7 / In addition to I. di Spathi
61 / 976a / Marmara, Sea / fata / port / 31v / 1-2 / ü / cf fate - unidentified island in Marmara
62 / --- / Greece / malatro / isolecta / 32r / 14 / ü / Island - omit
63 / 998 / Akra Almirou / Greece, E. / armiro } / Combined with 1274
64 / 1014a / Greece / sidron / sedron, capo / 34v / 3-5 / SE of Salonica
65 / 1020 / Greece (Salonica) / castro andrea / 34v / 5-6 / ü
66 / --- / Greece/Turkey ? / elli / isola / 92v / 6 / ü / Island - omit
67 / --- / Greece/Turkey? / facquia / fachea / faquia / 92v / 11-14 / ü / Presume this is Crete - the several references are to capes on Crete
68 / 1054 / Cardak / Turkey, Dard. / carto } / Combined with 1573
69 / 1060 / Turkey, Marmora / rosto, porto / 35r / 14-16 / ü
70 / 1067 / Turkey (Eur.) / fanario } / Combined with 1147
70 / BLACK SEA / see separate / Table / below
71 / 1147 / Black Sea / fanario } / Combined with 1067
72 / 1274 / Black Sea / larmiro } / Combined with 998. Under 'Armiro'
73 / [1320?] / Ersek Bay / Turkey, Marmora / casale } / building / 37r / 9-12 / ü / Combined with 1575 . Couldn't identify
74 / 1331b / Turkey, Marmora / pigrano / 37r / 5-10 / ü
75 / 1342 / Turkey, Marmara / lipai / 35r / 17 / ü
76 / --- / Turkey, Dard. / mauree } / secca / 36r / 7-8 / ü / Same as Mandrea? Not added
77 / 1359 / Turkey, Dard. / dardanello / 36r / 18-19 / ü
78 / 1359a / Turkey, Dard. / mandrea / mauree } / 36r / 17-18 / ü / Same?
79 / 1360 / Erenköy / armini, torre / (ü)
80 / 1409 / Datca / Turkey / standea / 45r / 21 +45v 1-2 / Omitted by Debanne. Merged into I. di Dia (Crete)
81 / 1418 or 1420? / Marmaris ? / Turkey, Med. / marmora / 45r / 17-20 +45v 2-3
82 / 1425 / Turkey, Med. / pentale / pontale / 45v / 16-17 / ü
83 / 1429 / Turkey, Med. / sette capi / 45v / 20 / ü
84 / 1462a / Turkey, Med. / camarlese / 47r / 19-20 / ü
85 / [1467] / Turkey, Med. / ponta / 47v / 2 / ü / Debanne treats two instances as a place-name for a ponta = cape. Between Saleffo & Curco
86 / 1511 / Lebanon, Beirut / cane / water-course, i.e. river / 100v / 16
87 / 1515 / [Sidon (near)] / E. Med. / forche de saecto / mountain / 48v / 20 / Already got saecto for Sidon
88 / [1519] / [Acre (near)] / E. Med. / caçalimberto / building / 49r / 15-16 / Not added
89 / [1519] / [Acre] / E. Med. / s. andrea / chiesa / 49v / 5-6 / Not added
90 / 1525 / E. Med. / iaffa / çaffa / Two entries; NB çaffa form is at end of her index
91 / 1560 / Egypt / torre, golfo / 51r / 15 / Omitted by Debanne
92 / 1562 / C el Daba / Egypt / carobiero / 51r / 11
93 / 1563 / Ripe albe
94 / 1565 / {Black Sea} / raçoli / 100r / 17 / ü / ü / = Rasori / Raxeto (No.1565) - listed separately. Not in the Black Sea
95 / 1573 / [island] / Egypt / carto } / ü / Combined with 1054
96 / 1575 / Libya / casale } / 51v / 12-13 / ü / Combined with [1320?]
97 / 1577 / Rameda, ptd de / Egypt / lameda / rameda / 51v / 17-21 + / ü
98 / 1625 / Libya / tino / teno, gulf / 53r / 16 etc / ü
99 / 1641 / Lasueca / Libya / suecha / various / ü
100 / [1651] / Djebel Garian / Libya / carena / mountain / 53r / 20 + 53v 5 / Not added
101 / --- / Secche di Capo el Zur / trabel / secche / 53v / 8 / Island - omit
102 / 1653a / Libya / gaphisales / caphisale / 53v / 12-13, 20 / ü
103 / --- / Scogli di Skerki / Tunisia / quilbo / chilbo / scogli / Lots of pages / Well off coast - omit
104 / 1660a / Bordj Castil / Tunisia / gerbicaçale / 54r / 4-5
105 / 1660d / Tunisia / casale ricço / building / 54r / 5-6 / ü
106 / 1666 / Tunisia / casale romore / building / 54r / 13 +55v 14 / ü
107 / 1671 / Tunisia / caser pin[gn]ataro / building / 55v / 19 / ü
108 / 1671a / Tunisia / casar saieta / building / 55v / 19-21 / ü
109 / 1671b / Tunisia / palmieri / 56r / 3 / ü
110 / 1672 / s. patriarca } / secco / several / cf capulia / See Capulia
111 / 1672 / [secche] / Tunisia / capulia } / secco / several / cf s. patriarca / Debanne conflates the secche de capulia near Kerkennah I (also referred to as s. patriarca) with the nearby (?) secche de sca Patriarca [cf. Patriarcha I., No.1587]
112 / 1694 / Tunisia / rassamuçal / 58v / 9-12 / ü
113 / 1709 / Algeria / preta dall'arabo / 70r / 1-2 / ü
114 / 1725 / Monte di Béjaya / Algeria / guardia de bocçea / mountain / 59v / 18 / cf boccea
115 / 1750 / Algeria / colombi / island / 60v / 18-20 +63r 3 / ü / (ü)
116 / 1773 / Algeria / tegone / 61r / 15-16 / ü
117 / [1798] / [Seuta] / Morocco / bolonessi / mountain / 61v / 10-12 / ü / Not added
Note that the description for the Black Sea, added at the very end, is arranged in two sequences: (a) clockwise from the Bosphorus, (1067) fanario to (1128) elexe, then (b) anti-clockwise from (1317) giro to (1142) saline, including Crimea
Geog.sort / My Excel no. / Modern ID / Region according to Debanne / 'Lo compasso' name / Name type / DEBA
orig. p. / NN E
lines / 'Non ident-
ificato' / Peleio
only / Comment
1 / 1070 / Black Sea, S. / filea / 101r / 8-10 / ü
2 / 1071 / Black Sea, S. / malatra / 101r / 11-13 / ü
3 / 1074a / Black Sea, W. / viopoli / 101r / 17-18 / ü / Combined with 1307a
4 / [1104] / Black Sea, S. / perese / secca / 102v / 11 / ü / Not added
5 / 1104a / Black Sea, W. / filoxia / island / 102v / 9 / ü / Combined with 1312
6 / 1106? / Quirsona? / Black Sea, W. (Dan.) / saline (4) / 102r / 19-21 +102v 5-7
7 / 1106? / Black Sea / quirsona / 102v / 5 / ü / = Saline (4)
8 / 1142 / Black Sea, N. / saline (-) / 106v / 9 / Omitted by Debanne
9 / 1145 / Black Sea, S / cursona / 106v / 8 / ü
10 / 1148 / Black Sea, SW / cembali / 106v / 6-7 / ü
11 / 1150 / Black Sea / saia / 106v / 5 / ü
12 / 1152 / Black Sea / s.todero / 106v / 4-5 / ü
13 / 1159 / Crimea / callita / 106v / 1 / ü
14 / 1160 / Black Sea, E. / fip[ip]idimma / 106r / 23 +106v 1 / ü
15 / 1163 / Black Sea / çavida / 106r / 21-2 / ü
16 / 1166 / Black Sea, N. / cavalarii / 106r / 20 / ü
17 / 1176 / Black Sea, E. / s.georço (1) / 106r / 16 / Included in the entry for the Milos instance
18 / 1178b / Black Sea / tario / 106r / 9-17 / ü